Detector System Requirements
Electron Ion Collider
Detector Systems Requirements
General, functional and performance requirements associated with the Detector Systems of the Electron Ion Collider.
- NameWBSDescriptionUpdatedStatusTBD
DET : Detector System Interface Requirements
- 6.1The EIC detector system shall be capable to detect all reaction products, related to the scattered electron, the scattered parton, and the remnant proton/ion, such that the impact of incomplete kinematic coverage on the respective science is minimized.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem shall be designed to operate continuously, independent of the state of the other detector subsystems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must provide a low detection threshold for pions and kaons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a low material budget: < 5% X0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must provide a minimum pT of 100 MeV π, 130 MeV K.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must provide high hermicity in exclusive and diffractive channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution < 5%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+0.5% in the rapidity region between -1 to 1.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide coverage in rapidity region between -3.5 to -1.0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+1.0% in the rapidity region between -2.5 to -1.0.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.10%⨯p+2.0% in the rapidity region between -3.5 to -2.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 20 μm in the rapidity region between -2.5 to -1.0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 40 μm in the rapidity region between -3.5 to -2.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide coverage in rapidity region between -1.0 to 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+1.0% in the rapidity region between 1.0 to 2.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 20 μm in the rapidity region between 1.0 to 2.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.10%⨯p+2.0% in the rapidity region between 2.5 to 3.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 40 μm in the rapidity region between 2.5 to 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall cleanly identify the electron-quark and electron-gluon scattering process to high efficiency by a combination of tracking, particle identification detectors and calorimeters.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall cover pseudo rapidity down to -3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Energy resolution shall be s(E)/E ~ (2-3)%/sqrt(E) + (1-2)%01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The electromagnetic calorimeter in the central detector shall be capable of providing a resolution of s(E)/E ~ 10%/sqrt(E) + (1-3)% in the barrel and forward region and s(E)/E ~ 2%/sqrt(E) + (1-3)% in the backward region.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central solenoid magnet combined with tracking detectors shall be capable of providing momentum resolution to a level of spT/pT (%) = 0.05pT + 0.5 in the barrel region and to 0.1pT + 1 in the forward and backward region.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall allow an electron-hadron separation with efficiency > 90% and a purity > 80%.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central solenoid magnet shall provide the means to momentum-analyze the charged particles associated with the hadrons produced in electron-quark / electron-gluon scattering process.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central solenoid magnet combined with tracking detectors shall be capable of providing momentum resolution to a level of spT/pT (%) = 0.05pT + 0.5 in the barrel region and to 0.1pT + 1 in the forward and backward region.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector system shall allow for particle identification of pions, kaons and protons over a wide range of momentum in the barrel, forward endcap and backward endcap regions.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall allow an electron-hadron separation with efficiency > 90% and a purity > 80%.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector system shall have the resolution of 3s separation for particle identification of pions, kaons and protons with momenta up to 10 GeV/c in the barrel region, up to 50 GeV/c in the forward endcap region, and up to 7 GeV/c in the backward endcap region.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall allow for heavy flavor and other long-living particle measurements through a vertex resolution.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The impact parameter resolution for heavy flavor measurements enabled by the vertex tracker shall be capable of providing a vertex resolution sxy of level 10/pT x 5 mm.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall allow for separation of single-photons from neutral-pion decay into two photons over a wide region in momentum.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall allow for separation of single-photons from neutral-pion decay into two photons, for momenta up to 10 GeV and to a level of TBD.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC far-backward detector shall complement the central detector in the low- Q² electron scattering region below 1 GeV².02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The acceptance of the far-backward electron detection shall be able to reach 0.0001 GeV < Q² < 0.1 GeV².02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The hadron acceptance shall be sufficient to identify spectators and proton/ion remnants for electron scattering processes with far-forward particles.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must cover pseudo rapidity range up to at least 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet must be consistent with the cryogenic capability of the supply.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The angular acceptance of the far-forward detection shall be capable of providing up to 20 mrad for charged particles and 4.5 mrad for neutrons.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The forward hadron detection shall provide sufficent energy resolution to identify the electron-scattering kinematics for those DIS cases where it must be determined from remnant hadron detection.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall have energy resolution s(E)/E ~ 50%/sqrt(E) + a 10 % constant term.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The hadronic calorimeter in the central detector shall be capable of providing a resolution of s(E)/E ~ 50%/sqrt(E) + 10% in the forward region.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC far-forward detector shall measure proton/ion remnants with momenta up to less than 1% different from the proton/ion beam momentum.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The interaction region and detector system shall allow electron-ion collisions over the full energy range (√s = 29 GeV to 141 GeV), polarized beams, and a range of ion beams (√s = 29 GeV to 89 GeV), and allow measurements of luminosity and polarizations. The hadron polarimeters can be located at a different ring location.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC detector shall be capable to operate over the full range of Center-Of-Mass energy (√s = 29 GeV to 141 GeV), at full luminosity, and for all ion species.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC shall be upgradable with a second interaction region and detector system.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The detector shall be installed in one of two available interaction points for the EIC, currently selected as IP-6.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The central detector shall consist of a barrel augmented by a forward endcap and a backward endcap region forming the central detector to cover the rapidity range h between -4 and 4 for the measurements of electrons, photons, hadrons and jets.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The central detector shall be augmented with detectors in the far backward region to measure scattered electrons at small scattering angles.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The central detector shall be augmented with detectors in the far forward region to measure proton and ion remnants at small scattering angles.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The polarimetry and luminosity detectors shall measure the electron and proton beam polarization and monitor the instantaneous collision luminosities.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The luminosity detectors shall be composed of a Pair Spectrometer (PS) with 2 stations (above and below zero degree line) with tracking layers in front, and a direct photon CAL along the zero degree line.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CALs, direct CAL, and trackers shall all provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL dimensions shall be 18 [cm] in X , 18 [cm] in Y, and 18 [cm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL readout granularity shall be 3 [mm] in X, 3 [mm] in Y, and 3 [mm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS tracker dimensions shall cover the transverse face of the calorimeter with no acceptance gaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL dimensions is expected to be similar to the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL readout granularity is expecte to be more course grained than the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS must measure the energy and position of e+e- pairs from bremsstrahlung conversions. The direct photon CAL must measure the energy of the large bremsstrahlung flux while mitigating the high rates of background synchrotron radiation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CALs, direct CAL, and trackers shall all provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL dimensions shall be 18 [cm] in X , 18 [cm] in Y, and 18 [cm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL readout granularity shall be 3 [mm] in X, 3 [mm] in Y, and 3 [mm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS tracker dimensions shall cover the transverse face of the calorimeter with no acceptance gaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL dimensions is expected to be similar to the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL readout granularity is expecte to be more course grained than the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The detector and its sub-systems will be functionally integrated with one another, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The detector and its sub-systems will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a gas mixing system for gaseous detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The detector and its sub-systems will require adequate infrastructure capabilities (i.e. crane capacity, floor loading, physical space, etc.) to effectively support operations and maintenance.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The sub-systems and their support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a gas mixing system for gaseous detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1A gap of at least 10 cm must be provided between the interior face of the Hadron endcap and the adjacent face of the central detector.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall require a region free of interaction region magnets and other large collider equipment of at least 4.5 m in the backward and 5m in the forward direction around the interaction point.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1A gap of at least 10 cm must be provided between the interior face of the Lepton endcap and the adjacent face of the central detector.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The configuration of the sub-systems within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the detectors and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The detector systems must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The detector and its sub-systems will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a gas mixing system for gaseous detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The detector and its sub-systems will require adequate infrastructure capabilities (i.e. crane capacity, floor loading, physical space, etc.) to effectively support operations and maintenance.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The sub-systems and their support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a gas mixing system for gaseous detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1A gap of at least 10 cm must be provided between the interior face of the Hadron endcap and the adjacent face of the central detector.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The EIC central detector shall require a region free of interaction region magnets and other large collider equipment of at least 4.5 m in the backward and 5m in the forward direction around the interaction point.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1A gap of at least 10 cm must be provided between the interior face of the Lepton endcap and the adjacent face of the central detector.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The configuration of the sub-systems within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the detectors and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ANC : Ancillary Detector Systems
- 6.10.11The EIC ancillary detectors should provide a measurement of particle scattering at small angles.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The roman pot detectors shall provide a means to measure charged particles close to the beam core.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The zero-degree calorimeter shall provide a means to measure neutral particles at small angles.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The forward ancillary detectors shall provide a means to measure forward going charged particles (including those close to the beam core), forward going neutral particles, and to tag charged and neutral particles following decay.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The B0 system shall provide a means to measure charged particles in the forward direction and to tag neutral particles in the forward direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The off-momentum detectors shall provide a means to measure charged particles (e.g. primarily protons and/or other decay particles), where this particles have a different magnetic rigidity than the beam being used.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The backward ancillary detectors shall provide a means to measure scattered electrons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low Q² detectors shall provide a means to measure scattered electrons at small angles in the backward direction.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The EIC ancillary detectors will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0-system must fit and be integrated into the warm area of the B0-dipole. The B0-systems shall require appropriate power and cabling to support operation of the detector elements.Should have survey marks to determine their physical location01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker shall provide momentum resolution < 6%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter shall provide high granularity which is capable of distinguishing two showers ( calorimeter transverse cell size shall be 2 [cm] in X and 2 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter thickness shall be 7 [cm] 6.4( X/X0)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11detectors and readout electronics must tolerate the magnetic field in the subsystem location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0-system must operate at a full projected EIC luminosity and must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must handle a data rate and operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11LowQ2 system must operate at a full projected EIC luminosity01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low- Q² tagger will be able to measure the momentum of more than 10 electrons per bunch crossing.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q2 detectors must handle a data rate and operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The position of the Low-Q² tracker should be removable and adjustable to accommodate different running conditions.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The performance of the Low-Q2 detector will be dependent on the characteristics of the electron beam pipe exit window.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11LowQ2 system must be resistant to extreme background conditions (synchrotron radiation, bremsstrahlung events and slow neutrons in particular) at the levels specified by the simulation studies01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q2 detector must be protected from magnetic interference.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The luminosity detectors shall be composed of a Pair Spectrometer (PS) with 2 stations (above and below zero degree line) with tracking layers in front, and a direct photon CAL along the zero degree line.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CALs, direct CAL, and trackers shall all provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL dimensions shall be 18 [cm] in X , 18 [cm] in Y, and 18 [cm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL readout granularity shall be 3 [mm] in X, 3 [mm] in Y, and 3 [mm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS tracker dimensions shall cover the transverse face of the calorimeter with no acceptance gaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL dimensions is expected to be similar to the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL readout granularity is expecte to be more course grained than the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS must measure the energy and position of e+e- pairs from bremsstrahlung conversions. The direct photon CAL must measure the energy of the large bremsstrahlung flux while mitigating the high rates of background synchrotron radiation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CALs, direct CAL, and trackers shall all provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL dimensions shall be 18 [cm] in X , 18 [cm] in Y, and 18 [cm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL readout granularity shall be 3 [mm] in X, 3 [mm] in Y, and 3 [mm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS tracker dimensions shall cover the transverse face of the calorimeter with no acceptance gaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL dimensions is expected to be similar to the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL readout granularity is expecte to be more course grained than the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, magnetic interference and radiation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Some components of the luminosity detector and its electronics must be protected from magnetic interference and radiation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The two luminosity detector dipoles must be connected by a beamline that is under vacuum.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The OMDs will generate RF radiation and must provide sheilding to protect adjacent systems that are sensitive to this.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT will be integrated into the accelerator vacuum system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The RPOTs need cooling of ~100 Watts per active layer,01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The proximity of the Roman Pots to the accelerator beam will impact beam characteristics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The RPOTs will generate RF radiation and must provide sheilding to protect adjacent systems that are sensitive to this.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must handle a data rate and operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be compact enough to fit in the limited space allocated in the accelerator tunnel01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The EIC ancillary detectors will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide power supplies for bias, HV and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The EIC ancillary detectors and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide power supplies for bias, HV and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The configuration of the EIC ancillary detectors within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EIC ancillary detectors and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The EIC ancillary detectors must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0-system must fit and be integrated into the warm area of the B0-dipole. The B0-systems shall require appropriate power and cabling to support operation of the detector elements.Should have survey marks to determine their physical location01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker shall provide momentum resolution < 6%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter shall provide high granularity which is capable of distinguishing two showers ( calorimeter transverse cell size shall be 2 [cm] in X and 2 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter thickness shall be 7 [cm] 6.4( X/X0)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11detectors and readout electronics must tolerate the magnetic field in the subsystem location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q² tagger will be positioned next to the outgoing electron beampipe, between the B2eR dipole and Q3eR quadrupole.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q2 will have one or more tagger stations to cover the maximum momentum acceptance01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The EIC ancillary detectors and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide power supplies for bias, HV and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The configuration of the EIC ancillary detectors within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EIC ancillary detectors and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ancillary systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ANC-B0 : B-Zero Detectors
- 6.10.11The B0 system will provide measurements of charged particles in the forward directions.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0-system shall measure photons down to 100 MeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The barrel tracking system shall provide a low material budget: < 5% X0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Energy resolution for photons shall be s(E)/E < 8%/sqrt(E) + (2)%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Silicon detector with sufficient timing and spatial resolution will provide tracking measurements of the charged particles in the hadron-outgoing direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker shall have a timing resolution < XX (to be determined)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker shall have a pixel granularity < XX (to be determined)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0- tracker shall have at least 4 layers01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0-system must operate at a full projected EIC luminosity and must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must handle a data rate and operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The B0-system will tag protons at higher angles (especially important for lower beam energies).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0-system shall provide theta coverage in the range 5.5 < θ < 20.0 mrad (4.6 < ƞ < 5.9) with respect to the hadron beam line.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker shall provide momentum resolution < 6%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The B0 system will provide measurements of forward photons and pi0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0-system shall measure photons down to 100 MeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The barrel tracking system shall provide a low material budget: < 5% X0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Energy resolution for photons shall be s(E)/E < 8%/sqrt(E) + (2)%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-ANC-B0 EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.11B0-system must fit and be integrated into the warm area of the B0-dipole. The B0-systems shall require appropriate power and cabling to support operation of the detector elements.Should have survey marks to determine their physical location01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 tracker shall provide momentum resolution < 6%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter dimensions shall be 24 [cm] in X and 30 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter shall provide high granularity which is capable of distinguishing two showers ( calorimeter transverse cell size shall be 2 [cm] in X and 2 [cm] in Y01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11B0 calorimeter thickness shall be 7 [cm] 6.4( X/X0)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11detectors and readout electronics must tolerate the magnetic field in the subsystem location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ANC-LOWQ2 : Low Q2 Detectors
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² detectors will measure the momentum of scattered electrons with Q² below 0.1 GeV² in the far-backward region.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The acceptance for the low-Q² tagger should complement the central detector to reach the coverage close to the limits given by the divergence of the beam and beamline magnets.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low- Q² trackers shall provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q2 will have one or more tagger stations to cover the maximum momentum acceptance01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q² trackers will have Q² acceptance between 0 and 0.1 GeV²02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11To measure the momentum of the scattered electron the Low-Q² tagger will include a tracker.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Each Low-Q2 station will have up to 4 silicon tracking layers01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q2 tracking system shall have a spatial resolution providing a momentum resolution < 5%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low- Q² trackers shall provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low- Q² tagger 1 calorimeter will have dimensions XX in X and XX in Y (to be determined)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q² trackers will have Q² acceptance between 0 and 0.1 GeV²02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low- Q² tagger 2 calorimeter will have dimensions XX in X and XX in Y (to be determined)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11To measure the energy of the scattered electrons the Low-Q² tagger will include a calorimeter.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Each Low-Q2 station will have up to 4 silicon tracking layers01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q2 calorimeter energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 10%/sqrt(E) + 3%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low- Q² calorimeter will have granularity ( cell size) XX (to be determined)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q2 detectors must handle a data rate and operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q² tagger will be positioned next to the outgoing electron beampipe, between the B2eR dipole and Q3eR quadrupole.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low-Q2 will have one or more tagger stations to cover the maximum momentum acceptance01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-ANC-LOWQ2 EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.11LowQ2 system must operate at a full projected EIC luminosity01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Low- Q² tagger will be able to measure the momentum of more than 10 electrons per bunch crossing.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q2 detectors must handle a data rate and operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The position of the Low-Q² tracker should be removable and adjustable to accommodate different running conditions.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The performance of the Low-Q2 detector will be dependent on the characteristics of the electron beam pipe exit window.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11LowQ2 system must be resistant to extreme background conditions (synchrotron radiation, bremsstrahlung events and slow neutrons in particular) at the levels specified by the simulation studies01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q2 detector must be protected from magnetic interference.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Low-Q² system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ANC-LUMI : Luminosity Detectors
- 6.10.11The luminosity system utilizes the bremsstrahlung process to provide measurements of the absolute luminosity to a precision of δL/L<= 1% and relative luminosity at 10^-4.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS must measure the energy and position of e+e- pairs from bremsstrahlung conversions. The direct photon CAL must measure the energy of the large bremsstrahlung flux while mitigating the high rates of background synchrotron radiation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CALs, direct CAL, and trackers shall all provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL dimensions shall be 18 [cm] in X , 18 [cm] in Y, and 18 [cm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL readout granularity shall be 3 [mm] in X, 3 [mm] in Y, and 3 [mm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS tracker dimensions shall cover the transverse face of the calorimeter with no acceptance gaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL dimensions is expected to be similar to the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL readout granularity is expecte to be more course grained than the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The luminosity detectors shall be composed of a Pair Spectrometer (PS) with 2 stations (above and below zero degree line) with tracking layers in front, and a direct photon CAL along the zero degree line.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CALs, direct CAL, and trackers shall all provide timing resolution sufficient to resolve 10ns beam buckets01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL dimensions shall be 18 [cm] in X , 18 [cm] in Y, and 18 [cm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS CAL readout granularity shall be 3 [mm] in X, 3 [mm] in Y, and 3 [mm] in Z01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The PS tracker dimensions shall cover the transverse face of the calorimeter with no acceptance gaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL dimensions is expected to be similar to the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL energy resolution for electrons shall be s(E)/E < 15%/sqrt(E).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The direct photon CAL readout granularity is expecte to be more course grained than the PS CAL01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, magnetic interference and radiation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Some components of the luminosity detector and its electronics must be protected from magnetic interference and radiation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The two luminosity detector dipoles must be connected by a beamline that is under vacuum.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ANC-OFFMO : Off-Momentum Detectors
- 6.10.11The Off-Momentum detectors should provide measurements of charged particles with different magnetic rigidity01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Silicon detector with sufficient timing and spatial resolution will provide tracking measurements of the charged particles in the hadron-outgoing direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The OFFM tracking system shall provide a low material budget: < 5% X0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11OFFM tracker shall provide momentum resolution <5% and pT resolution of 5% for pT > 500 MeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11OFF-Momentum detectors will be placed as close as possible to the beam pipe (outside or inside of the vacuum) (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11OFFM tracker shall have granularity of 500um (pixels) with charge-sharing to achieve spatial resolution < 20um per hit.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11OFFM will have 2 layers per station01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11OFFM will have 2 stations , separated by 2m01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11OFFM tracker will have timing resolution X<35ps01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11OFFM system dimensions will be 10[cm] in X and 20 [cm] in Y (to be determined)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The OMDs need cooling of ~60 Watts per active layer,01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The OMDs will generate RF radiation and must provide sheilding to protect adjacent systems that are sensitive to this.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ANC-ROMAN : Roman Pots
- 6.10.11The Roman-Pots should provide measurements of charged particles close to the beam core.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT will provide good t-measurements of far-forward charged particles.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT tracker will have granularity of 500um (pixels) with charge-sharing to achieve spatial resolution < 20um per hit.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The RPOT tracking system shall provide a low material budget: < 5% X0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT tracker will have timing resolution < 35 ps01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT tracker shall provide momentum resolution < 5% and pT resolution of 5% for pT > 500 MeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The Roman-Pots will provide coverage in the range 0.0* < θ < 5.0 mrad (ƞ > 6) (*depends on beam optics, ca 10 sigma)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT will have 2 stations , separated by 2m01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT will have 2 layers per each station01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11RPOT system dimensions will have 26 [cm] in X and 13 [cm] in Y (to be determined)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The RPOTs will generate RF radiation and must provide sheilding to protect adjacent systems that are sensitive to this.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-ANC-ROMAN EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.11RPOT will be integrated into the accelerator vacuum system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The RPOTs need cooling of ~100 Watts per active layer,01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The proximity of the Roman Pots to the accelerator beam will impact beam characteristics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ANC-ZDC : Zero Degree Calorimeter
- 6.10.11The Zero Degree Calorimeter should provide measurements of neutral particles (neutrons and photons).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11ZDC will provide theta coverage in the range 0 < θ < 4.5 mrad.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11ZDC system will have dimensions 60 [cm] in X and 60 [cm] in Y and <200 [cm] in Z (to be determined)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11ZDC will provide good PT ( or t) -measurements of far-forward neutral particles (photons and neutrons )01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC will have at least two sections: electromagnetic (EMCAL) and hadronic pars (HCAL)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11ZDC shall have granularity : 1. EMCAL crystal 2cmx2cm towers 2. EMCAL imaging calorimeter 3mmx3mm 3. HCAL 10cmx10cm towers (to be determined)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC EMCAL calorimeter hall provide photon measurements down to 100 MeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Energy resolution for photons shall be s(E)/E < 10%/sqrt(E) + (1-3)%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11ZDC will provide good identification and energy measurements of far-forward neutral particles (photons and neutrons )01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Energy resolution for photons shall be s(E)/E < 10%/sqrt(E) + (1-3)%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Energy resolution for neutrons shall be s(E)/E < 50%/sqrt(E) + 5%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11ZDC should provide a VETO for the charged particles01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The Zero Degree Calorimeter should provide measurements of neutral particles (neutrons and photons).02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
- DET-ANC-ZDC EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.11Must be resistant to extreme background conditions, high neutron flux in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must handle a data rate and operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11Must be compact enough to fit in the limited space allocated in the accelerator tunnel01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.11The ZDC system shall provide power supplies for bias, HV and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-COMP : Data Acquisition and Computing Systems
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem shall consist of all resources necessary to communicate with all DET subsystems in order to configure, control and monitor these systems as well as read, process and store data they generate.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem shall be designed to operate continuously, independent of the state of the other detector subsystems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The Data Acquisition system will support triggerless (streaming) readout of all DET subsystems as part of normal operation. Asynchronous (triggered) readout from front-end systems will also be supported as an option.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ system will support independent and simultaneous operation (configuration, control and readout) from multiple DET sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09There will be sufficient online processing and networking resources to manage the full DET subsystem output for purposes of zero suppression, primary noise and background filtering as well as event identification for purposes of filtering non-physics related signals.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Fiber connected to patch panels from the Rack Room to Experimental Hall Patch panel shall be implemented with enough single and/or multi-mode fiber capable of supporting both commercial and proprietary bidirectional serial links for all detector system requirements. Minimum aggregate bandwidth capabilities shall not be less than 10Tb/s.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Online data storage capabilities within the counting house COMP resources shall be fast enough to keep up with processed data rates and large enough to hold all acquired data locally for up to 72 hours.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Online data processing capabilities within the experimental hall and counting house shall be sufficient to support event identification, background & noise suppression and data quality monitoring necessary to be able to keep up with front-end data rates and temporarily store filtered data - ready for further offline processing.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Network infrastructure for online computing will provide at least 100Gb non-blocking ethernet links between compute nodes.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All DAQ system communication with DET subsystems will be supported through proprietary fiber-based links. This includes distribution of a system-wide common clock that can be used to synchronize all DET subsystems. This also includes configuration and monitoring of all DET subsystem front end electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ system will require interfaces to the accelerator which provide timing and data exchange, and allow the accelerator to read the state and condition of detector systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Fiber connected to patch panels from the DAQ Room to the external Data Center shall at a minimum be implemented with enough single mode fiber capable of supporting experimental data bandwidths with redundant 100Gb and 400Gb bidirectional network links.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ system will transfer collected data from the local systems to an offline storage facility.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Global Timing Unit (GTU) wil provide common timing information to all DET sub systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The GTU will deliver a stable high resolution clock at the level of 100ps jitter to DET subsystems, with an option to deliver up to a 5ps jitter clock to DET subsystems requiring very high-resolution timing measurements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem shall consist of COTS hardware where possible, and custom electronics as needed.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Global Timing Unit (GTU) wil provide common timing information to all DET sub systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The GTU will deliver a stable high resolution clock at the level of 100ps jitter to DET subsystems, with an option to deliver up to a 5ps jitter clock to DET subsystems requiring very high-resolution timing measurements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem shall use COTS and Open Source software where possible, and collaboration developed software, firmware libraries and applications as needed.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem shall distribute all experimental data generated to an external data center for supplemental and optional data processing and archival storage.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Temperature and humidity levels in all spaces where DAQ hardware exists must be maintained within specifications defined by the manufacturer or by custom electronics operational requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ related resources shall require physical space in the experimental hall (e.g. electronics racks). In the experimental hall multiple designated locations must be available to provide necessary proximity to all instrumented DET systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ related resources shall require physical space within the "counting house". A single separated closed space for computing resources (DAQ Room) shall be required in addition to a User occupied operations space (Control room).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem shall be designed to operate continuously, independent of the state of the other detector subsystems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ Room computing shall have an alternate power source available that is battery or generator backed-up for a subset of core resources in case of power outages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ system will provide resources for communication with DET subsystems via fiber links between the experimental hall and the DAQ room.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Individual fiber interfaces with all DET subsystems will support at least a 10Gb serial link to DAQ online processing.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All DAQ powered services in the experimental hall and counting house must have access to either 120V AC or 208V AC three phase power.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ Room computing shall require electrical power via raised floor distribution sufficient to support XX kW total power usage levels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All DAQ services in the experimental hall must have access to a "clean" ground to maintain good signal quality.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ Room computing shall require HVAC cooling via raised floor distribution sufficient to support a XX kW power outlay at tempuratures at or below 76 degrees Fahrenheit.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require consoles, cabinets, and structural support systems to hold equipment and deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall, control room, and to locations in the interaction region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The configuration of the DAQ subsystem within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09User management of required cabling shall be facilitated via a combination of cable trays and/or conduit or rigging between the DAQ room patch panels and the experimental hall areas where DAQ and general network fibers are required.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All DAQ services in the experimental hall must be adequately shielded from prompt radiation from the beam crossing region of the EIC detector to minimize electronics failures.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ Room resources shall sit on a raised floor to allow for forced air, power and signal cabling to be routed to all racks.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the DAQ subsystem and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require consoles, cabinets, and structural support systems to hold equipment and deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall, control room, and to locations in the interaction region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, assembly hall, and control rooms, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ related resources shall require physical space in the experimental hall (e.g. electronics racks). In the experimental hall multiple designated locations must be available to provide necessary proximity to all instrumented DET systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ related resources shall require physical space within the "counting house". A single separated closed space for computing resources (DAQ Room) shall be required in addition to a User occupied operations space (Control room).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ subsystem and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require consoles, cabinets, and structural support systems to hold equipment and deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall, control room, and to locations in the interaction region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The configuration of the DAQ subsystem within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09User management of required cabling shall be facilitated via a combination of cable trays and/or conduit or rigging between the DAQ room patch panels and the experimental hall areas where DAQ and general network fibers are required.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All DAQ services in the experimental hall must be adequately shielded from prompt radiation from the beam crossing region of the EIC detector to minimize electronics failures.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09DAQ Room resources shall sit on a raised floor to allow for forced air, power and signal cabling to be routed to all racks.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the DAQ subsystem and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The DAQ systems will require consoles, cabinets, and structural support systems to hold equipment and deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall, control room, and to locations in the interaction region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-COMP-OFFLINE : Offline DAQ and Computing Systems
- 6.1Offline computing resources shall be available via an external data center for optional experimental data processing and archival storage.02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
DET-COMP-ONLINE : Online DAQ and Computing Systems
DET-COMP-SC : Slow Controls
- 6.10.09The DET that will require a slow control system that provides system interlocks, interfaces, monitoring, and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09General network infrastructure for support of Slow Controls management, configuration and operation will be provided for all DET subsystems as well as all the general ancillary network capable equipment in the counting house and experimental hall.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The general network infrastructure within the counting house and expeimental hall will support at a minimum 1 and 10 Gb ethernet links.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Shared hardware and software computing components will be available for Slow Controls configuration, operation, monitoring and mangement.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Enough computing hardware will be made available for all DET subsytems to run a minimum of 20 input/output controllers (IOCs) to encapsulate subsystem performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Slow Controls will monitor and modify operational parameters of DET subsystems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All temperatures recorded by Slow Controls shall be measured with a minimum precision of 0.1°C.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All voltages recorded by Slow Controls shall be measured with a minimum precision of 10mV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All currents recorded by Slow Controls shall be measured with a minimum precision of 1mA.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All pressures recorded by Slow Controls shall be measured with a minimum precision of 1 mbar.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The flow of all fluids recorded by Slow Controls shall be measured with a minimum precision of 1 lpm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The concentration of gases in mixtures shall be recorded by Slow Controls with a minimum precision of 1%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Slow Controls will manage an alarm chain and its responses.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Slow Controls shall generate alarms with at least three levels of priority: high, low, and diagnostic.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09The alarm chain will maintain standard operation in the event of a network and/or power outage.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Slow Controls will provide electromechanical interlocks for the DET subsystems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Interlock controllers and remote IO will maintain standard operation in the event of a network and/or power outage.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09All interlocks will be reported in the alarm chain with a priority level of low or high.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Interlocks will be meet a minimum performance level (PL) appropriate for the system to be interlocked.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Slow controls will provide Experimental Physics and Industrial Controls System (EPICS) interface that will run on DAQ provided systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Slow controls will provide user interfaces for the adjustment of operational parameters for DET subsystems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.09Slow controls will provide collections of operational parameters that DET subsystems will be able to use as restore points.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ECAL : Electromagnetic Calorimetry Systems
- 6.10.05EMCal shall provide measurements of photons, including ones from pi0, eta and other decays; and shall play a key role to identify scattered and decay electrons and measure their kinematic parameters01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Must operate at full luminosity and expected background conditions (rad. dose, neutron flux).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The noise level per channel shall be low enough to provide photon measurements down to the minimal photon energy.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Must provide adequate energy and position resolution for photon and electron measurements, and eID through E/p cut.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide discrimination between single photon and merged photon from pi0 decay.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Must provide timing sufficient to discriminate between different bunch crossings.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide photon measurements down to 100 MeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Material in front of EMCals will be minimized to the level not jeopardizing EMCal performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05EMCal subsystem(s) shall cover the backward, the barrel and the forward region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Design must minimize the loss of functionality in transition between barrel and endcap regions.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCAL subsystems will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCAL subsystems will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The monitoring system shall contain: Light system (LED or laser), test pulse (for electronics), dark current (for SiPM).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCAL subsystems and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The monitoring system shall contain: Light system (LED or laser), test pulse (for electronics), dark current (for SiPM).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The configuration of the EMCAL subsystems within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall have low material budget on the way from the vertex: <5%X0 in the 1st half a way, or <10%X0 on the second half a way, or <30%X0 just in front of EMCal (within 10cm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Photosensors and readout electronics must tolerate the magnetic field in the subsystem location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EMCAL subsystems and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCAL subsystems must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCAL subsystems and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The monitoring system shall contain: Light system (LED or laser), test pulse (for electronics), dark current (for SiPM).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The configuration of the EMCAL subsystems within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall have low material budget on the way from the vertex: <5%X0 in the 1st half a way, or <10%X0 on the second half a way, or <30%X0 just in front of EMCal (within 10cm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Photosensors and readout electronics must tolerate the magnetic field in the subsystem location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EMCAL subsystems and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The EMCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ECAL-BAR : Barrel EMCal Systems
- 6.10.05Barrel EMCal shall identify scattered electrons and measure their energy, in high Q² events; it also serves to identify decay electrons, e.g. from vector or heavy flavor meson decays, and to measure DVCS photons and decay photons02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide electron ID up to 50 GeV and down to 1 GeV and below.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall provide high power for e/pi separation down to 1 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Energy resolution shall be s(E)/E < 10%/sqrt(E) + (2-3)%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall have sufficient dynamic range to detect MIP signals in all layers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Must provide discrimination between single photon and merged photon from pi0 decay up to 10 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall be capable of distinguishing two showers with opening angle down to 30 mrad.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide photon measurements up to 10 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Four imaging planes shall be produced for a baseline, with mechanical design being capable to accommodate six imaging planes.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall provide high power for e/pi separation down to 1 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall have sufficient dynamic range to detect MIP signals in all layers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05EMCal shall provide a charged tracking point behind the DIRC to help charged hadron PID01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The first imaging layer shall provide a charged tracking point behind the DIRC to help charged hadron PID01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05The first imaging layer shall provide a charged tracking point with space resolution of <150um.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05EMCal shall assist with muon identification.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Four imaging planes shall be produced for a baseline, with mechanical design being capable to accommodate six imaging planes.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall provide high power for e/pi separation down to 1 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall have sufficient dynamic range to detect MIP signals in all layers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ECAL-BCK : Backward EMCal Systems
- 6.10.05Backward EMCal shall identify scattered electrons and measure their energy, in low and medium Q² events; it also serves to identify decay electrons, e.g. from vector or heavy flavor meson decays, and measure DVCS photons and decay photons02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide high precision measurements for electrons up to 18 GeV and pseudo rapidity down to -3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall cover pseudo rapidity down to -3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide measurements of scattered electrons for the events down to Q²=1 GeV² (=> acceptance requirements).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Must provide strong eID capabilities down to 1 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Energy resolution shall be s(E)/E ~ (2-3)%/sqrt(E) + (1-2)%01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall have high power for e/pi separation down to 1 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Must provide discrimination between single photon and merged photon from pi0 decay up to 18 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall have high granularity and be capable of distinguishing two showers with opening angle down to 0.015 (=>tower size).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide photon measurements up to 18 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05A cooling system shall be provided for the lead-tungstate based detector.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05A cooling system shall be provided.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-ECAL-BCK EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.05System shall have low material budget on the way from the vertex: <5%X0 in the 1st half a way, or <10%X0 on the second half a way, or <30%X0 just in front of EMCal (within 10cm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ECAL-FWD : Forward EMCal Systems
- 6.10.05Forward EMCal shall identify decay electrons, e.g. from vector or heavy flavor meson decays, and to measure DVCS photons and decay photons, e.g. from pi0 decays01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Must provide discrimination between single photon and merged photon from pi0 decay up to 50 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall have sufficient granularity to be capable of distinguishing two showers with opening angle down to 0.005 (=>tower size).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Shall provide electron and photon measurements up to 50 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall have energy resolution s(E)/E < (10-12)%/sqrt(E) + (2-3)%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05Along with forward HCal, shall provide high precision jet measurements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.05System shall have energy resolution s(E)/E < (10-12)%/sqrt(E) + (2-3)%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-ELEC : Electronic Systems
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics shall provide the means to acquire, process and deliver detector signals to the DAQ system. Streaming readout shall be the default or nominal operation mode; to facilitate calibration and testing or debugging, a triggered operation mode shall be implemented at every level.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics will provide signal conditioning to detector signals by the shaping constants, amplification, digitization and signal drive via discrete components and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08In the current conceptual design, two ASICs shall be used for the readout of MPGD and photonic sensors. These will be 64-channel, 1 W nominal power consumption. MPGDs: amplification (1 to 10), shaping (40 to 250 ns), digitization (12-bit precision), better than 20 ns timing resolution. Photonic sensors: amplification (2 to 30 mV/fC), shaping (1 to 40 ns), digitization (10 to 14-bit precision), timing resolution (100 ps to <1 ns).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics will process, collect and aggregate data within the Readout Board (RDO). The RDO is typically characterized by the use of FPGAs. Data transport off the RDO is made via optical fibers to the DAQ, which may consist of FELIX-type cards, network servers or network switches.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08RDO shall include FPGAs and interface via optical fibers to the DAQ. Data aggregation (10:1), reduction techniques and processing via ML/AI algorithms shall reduce data volume by a factor of 10 or more during normal operation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics will process detector signals on the Front End Board (FEB). The FEB is typically characterized by the use of ASICs and customized for each type of sub-detector. Data transport off the FEB is made via copper links to the RDOs (Readout Boards) or DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08FEB shall include ASICs, support components and interfaces, where applicable. FEBs may implement data reduction techniques, such as zero suppression, to reduce data volume.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The FEB and RDO boards will be remotely configured for proper operation of their programmable logic device, such as FPGAs. Processor boards or single board computers used with critical detector systems may require remote booting of OS.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08All components and equipment will comply with standards established by the EIC project.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08All components, whether procured or manufactured, will, at a minimum, meet the standards specified by the EIC project AND meet the additional standards and specifications identified in these requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Electronics and electronic components shall meet commercial operating environment specifications; critical systems shall consider conformance to industrial specifications, and use industrial/automotive grade components when available and economically feasible.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The detector ground (i.e., Clean Ground) shall be segregated from other equipment grounding. The grounding around the solenoid and the south platform from the detector ground reference, which shall be isolated from other systems and structures and connected to the experimental area ground via six (6) low impedance, insulated 4/0 wires. Other equipment, such as the solenoid power supplies and control systems, shall connect to the experimental area grounding connection separately from the clean ground. All connections shall be effected via low impedance insulated wires (e.g., 4/0). These wires shall have differently colored insulation for easy identification of segregated grounds.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Power supplies (HV, LV, Bias) shall be of the floating type and referenced to the detector clean ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cabling shall be rated to National Electrical Code (NEC) 2020, NFPA 70, UL CL2 or better. Cable jackets shall be marked to UL standards by the manufacturer. Cables rated with the X suffix (Dwellings) (e.g., CL2X, CMX) are not permitted.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cable routing shall conform to NECA/NEMA 105/2007 for open cable tray systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08All electrical equipment in the experimental area shall conform to EMI/RFI standards FCC Class B, CISPR11/EN 55011 Class B, CISPR22/EN 55022 Class B, EN 61000-6-3 or equivalent. Exceptions shall be evaluated via EMI/RFI measurement surveys.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cabinet racks (19 inch type), open or closed frame types (e.g., Hammond C4F247736), shall be COTS and equipped with horizontal and vertical cable managers. These shall accommodate a minimum of three equipment crates or chassis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Equipment crates or chassis for HV, LV and Bias supplies and for data acquisition shall be rated for a maximum of 2.5 kW each and powered from 120 VAC or 208 VAC 3-phase, preferably.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Any equipment that is powered by a plug and cord shall be either listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL) such as UL or have been approved by the Laboratory EEI (Electrical Equipment Inspection) program.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Electrical components shall be derated to 80%, if the manufacturer has not already done so, and if such derating is economically feasible.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cables shall have sufficient excess length (slack or service loop) to allow connection without strain. Cables outside of the enclosure shall be dressed in a way that allows removal of any module without obstruction, those inside the enclosure shall have sufficient slack to allow visual inspection, connection, and disconnection with all other modules installed.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Enclosures and removable modules should use captive hardware when possible.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Where not governed by specific standards, components will be implemented, installed, and utilized in a manner that is consistent with industry best practices.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Electronics and electronic components shall meet commercial operating environment specifications; critical systems shall consider conformance to industrial specifications, and use industrial/automotive grade components when available and economically feasible.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The detector ground (i.e., Clean Ground) shall be segregated from other equipment grounding. The grounding around the solenoid and the south platform from the detector ground reference, which shall be isolated from other systems and structures and connected to the experimental area ground via six (6) low impedance, insulated 4/0 wires. Other equipment, such as the solenoid power supplies and control systems, shall connect to the experimental area grounding connection separately from the clean ground. All connections shall be effected via low impedance insulated wires (e.g., 4/0). These wires shall have differently colored insulation for easy identification of segregated grounds.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Power supplies (HV, LV, Bias) shall be of the floating type and referenced to the detector clean ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cabling shall be rated to National Electrical Code (NEC) 2020, NFPA 70, UL CL2 or better. Cable jackets shall be marked to UL standards by the manufacturer. Cables rated with the X suffix (Dwellings) (e.g., CL2X, CMX) are not permitted.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cable routing shall conform to NECA/NEMA 105/2007 for open cable tray systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08All electrical equipment in the experimental area shall conform to EMI/RFI standards FCC Class B, CISPR11/EN 55011 Class B, CISPR22/EN 55022 Class B, EN 61000-6-3 or equivalent. Exceptions shall be evaluated via EMI/RFI measurement surveys.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cabinet racks (19 inch type), open or closed frame types (e.g., Hammond C4F247736), shall be COTS and equipped with horizontal and vertical cable managers. These shall accommodate a minimum of three equipment crates or chassis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Equipment crates or chassis for HV, LV and Bias supplies and for data acquisition shall be rated for a maximum of 2.5 kW each and powered from 120 VAC or 208 VAC 3-phase, preferably.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Any equipment that is powered by a plug and cord shall be either listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL) such as UL or have been approved by the Laboratory EEI (Electrical Equipment Inspection) program.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Electrical components shall be derated to 80%, if the manufacturer has not already done so, and if such derating is economically feasible.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Cables shall have sufficient excess length (slack or service loop) to allow connection without strain. Cables outside of the enclosure shall be dressed in a way that allows removal of any module without obstruction, those inside the enclosure shall have sufficient slack to allow visual inspection, connection, and disconnection with all other modules installed.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08Enclosures and removable modules should use captive hardware when possible.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require communications infrastructure that will be used to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require a source of electrical power that will energize local devices and be distributed to other detectors and systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems must be shielded against the effects of electromagnetic interference, radiation, and other external influences that may impact their performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require a structural support system to deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall and control room.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require communications infrastructure that will be used to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require a source of electrical power that will energize local devices and be distributed to other detectors and systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems must be shielded against the effects of electromagnetic interference, radiation, and other external influences that may impact their performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The configuration of the EIC detector readout electronics within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EIC detector readout electronics and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require a structural support system to deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall and control room.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The EIC detector readout electronics and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require a structural support system to deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall and control room.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require communications infrastructure that will be used to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require a source of electrical power that will energize local devices and be distributed to other detectors and systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems must be shielded against the effects of electromagnetic interference, radiation, and other external influences that may impact their performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The configuration of the EIC detector readout electronics within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems, their support systems, enclosures, and distribution systems must fit within the space constraints of their areas of installation, and leave adequate space for the delivery of other services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EIC detector readout electronics and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.08The electronics systems will require a structural support system to deliver cabling and services throughout the experimental hall and control room.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-HCAL : Hadronic Calorimetry Systems
- 6.10.06Hadronic calorimeter (HCal) subsystem must provide hadron energy measurement, in particular for the jet neutral component identification (neutrons and K-long's), as well as to serve as a tail catcher for the e/m calorimeters01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must provide a reasonable energy measurement for charged hadrons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must operate reliably at a full projected EIC luminosity.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must provide means for neutral hadron identification and energy measurement.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall provide practical detection threshold ~500 MeV as defined in the EIC Yellow Report.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Functionality shall cover the barrel and the forward region, and should cover the backward region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must be compact enough to fit in the limited space allocated for the EIC detector, but at the same time provide a hermetic coverage and have sufficient depth in order to efficiently contain the hadronic showers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06HCal layout shall minimize the gaps in coverage between barrel and endcaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The configuration of the Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Should be built of non-magnetic materials01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall not interfere with the detector solenoid magnetic field01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must be resilient against harsh background conditions, high neutron flux in the IR area in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must be compact enough to fit in the limited space allocated for the EIC detector, but at the same time provide a hermetic coverage and have sufficient depth in order to efficiently contain the hadronic showers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06HCal layout shall minimize the gaps in coverage between barrel and endcaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must be compact enough to fit in the limited space allocated for the EIC detector, but at the same time provide a hermetic coverage and have sufficient depth in order to efficiently contain the hadronic showers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06HCal layout shall minimize the gaps in coverage between barrel and endcaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The configuration of the Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Should be built of non-magnetic materials01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall not interfere with the detector solenoid magnetic field01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must be resilient against harsh background conditions, high neutron flux in the IR area in particular, at the levels specified by the simulation studies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must be compact enough to fit in the limited space allocated for the EIC detector, but at the same time provide a hermetic coverage and have sufficient depth in order to efficiently contain the hadronic showers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06HCal layout shall minimize the gaps in coverage between barrel and endcaps.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the Hadronic Calorimetry subsystem and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The HCal systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-HCAL-BAR : Barrel HCal Systems
- 6.10.06Barrel HCal shall provide adequate functionality for hadronic jet neutral component reconstruction at central rapidities01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall be optimized to provide hadron energy measurements at relatively small jet energies (up to few dozens of GeV).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must have sufficient granularity in azimuthal and polar angle to resolve neutral clusters.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Should have a moderate energy resolution s(E)/E ~ 100%/sqrt(E) + 10% constant term.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall have sufficient radial depth to contain medium energy hadronic showers past 2-3 interaction length material of the e/m calorimeter and the solenoid.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-HCAL-BCK : Backward HCal Systems
- 6.10.06Backward HCal shall provide functionality of a tail catcher for the high resolution e/m calorimeter in electron identification, as well as for jet kinematics measurement at small Bjorken x01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall accommodate the possibility of hadron energy measurements in the range up to few dozens of GeV and pseudorapidity down to -3.5 .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must provide capability to cover pseudo rapidity range down to at least -3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall accommodate the ability to complement e/m calorimeter by tail catching capability for electron ID purposes, especially below 3-4 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall provide capability to have energy resolution s(E)/E ~ 100%/sqrt(E) + a 10% constant term.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must provide space to have tower depth of 3-4 interaction lengths (together with the e/m PWO crystal calorimeter) in order to suppress longitudinal leakage for relatively small hadron energies in the e-endcap.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-HCAL-BCK EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.06Should be built of non-magnetic materials01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall not interfere with the detector solenoid magnetic field01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-HCAL-FWD : Forward HCal Systems
- 6.10.06Forward HCal shall play a crucial role in jet energy and kinematics reconstruction in the hadron endcap, complementing tracking and e/m calorimetry in the particle flow algorithms, and be consistent with the ePIC detector solenoid design01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must provide hadron energy measurements up to the highest hadron energies in a 250(p) x 18(e) GeV beam configuration and pseudorapidity up to 3.5, with energy resolution defined by the community Yellow Report and subsequent ePIC simulation studies01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must cover pseudo rapidity range up to at least 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Shall have energy resolution s(E)/E ~ 50%/sqrt(E) + a 10 % constant term.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The design must be coupled well with a compensated forward e/m calorimeter for high precision jet energy measurements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Must have tower depth of 6-7 interaction lengths (together with the e/m section) in order to avoid longitudinal leakage for highest energy hadrons at the EIC.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Granularity (transverse tower size) should be adequate to resolve deposits from different charged and neutral hadrons taking into account the local abundance, resulting in transverse tower sizes of at least ~5x5 cm^2 for \eta < 2.5 and 3x3 cm^2 for 2.5 < \eta < 401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Granularity (longitudinal tower size) should be adequate to allow for association of showers starting at different depth to the corresponding charged and neutral hadrons. At least 5 longitudinal segments should be read out to determine the shower maximum reliably. For higher rapidity the segmentation should be increased due to the higher particle density01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06The calorimeter structure must serve as part of the solenoid flux return01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.06Calorimeter absorber blocks in the volume allocated for the flux return must be partly built out of a magnetic steel with the permeability defined by the solenoid designers01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF : Infrastructure Systems
- 6.10.10There will be distinct infrastructure requirements for the assembly hall, the collider hall, and the interaction region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10All components, equipment and assemblies will comply with standards established by the EIC project.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10All components, whether procured or manufactured, will, at a minimum, meet the standards specified by the EIC project AND meet the additional standards and specifications identified in these requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The main barrel and both endcaps shall be rotated 8mrad counterclockwise about the Y axis (looking top down).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The tolerance for this measurement shall be ± 1mrad.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Safety factors will be calculated based off yield strength.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 3 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 1.5 to 3 are required to be internally reviewed to determine if it’s acceptable.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 1.5 or less will be considered unacceptable.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Where not governed by specific standards, components will be implemented, installed, and utilized in a manner that is consistent with industry best practices.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The main barrel and both endcaps shall be rotated 8mrad counterclockwise about the Y axis (looking top down).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The tolerance for this measurement shall be ± 1mrad.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Safety factors will be calculated based off yield strength.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 3 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 1.5 to 3 are required to be internally reviewed to determine if it’s acceptable.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 1.5 or less will be considered unacceptable.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Infrastructure systems for the assembly hall shall include all power, water, environmental cooling, cryogenics, gas handling, clean compressed air delivery, space, fire protection, Helium Leak Detection, ODH Detection and any other Personnel Safety Systems, material handling and support systems required to assemble and maintain the central detector systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10All detectors require isolated power and grounding from facilities power systems. This will be accomplished from existing and newly installed Delta/Wye transformers with a single point star grounding (AKA clean or magnet ground) scheme at the WAH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.1060 Amp 4 wire power (120/ 208V AC) shall be fed to each 19-inch equipment rack from a circuit breaker on the detector platform.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Cabinets are bonded/ grounded to the appropriate clean ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Floors in the assembly and collider hall must be adequate to support the static and moving load of the experimental detector systems. Load limits need to be determined and verified.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A rail system for the Hadron end cap calorimeters shall be installed that is sufficient to carry 600ton and maintain a free center gap of 10 centimeters.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The floor, rails and cradle shall be capable of supporting a static or moving load of 1200 tons (central detector).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A rail system for the Lepton end cap calorimeters shall be installed that is sufficient to carry 400ton and maintain a free center gap of 10 centimeters.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Infrastructure systems for the collider hall shall include all power, water, environmental cooling, cryogenics, gas handling, clean compressed air delivery, space, fire protection, Helium Leak Detection, ODH Detection and any other Personnel Safety Systems, Cryo Protection, material handling and support systems required to operate the entire detector systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The WAH requires cooling capacity adequate for the heat generated by the detector, detector sub systems, detector support electronics and facility systems in the WAH. Comment: New airhandlers and cooling systems needed01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Relative Humidity under 50% to prevent condensation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The temperature in the WAH should be maintained between 20°C to 25°C01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Where fan/ blower cooling is inadequate, water-cooled heat exchangers are required to maintain the ambient environment of enclosed electronic assemblies and equipment to a temperature of under 40°C.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A cryogenic transfer system shall be provided within the collider hall to allow cryogenic distribution for the experimental solenoid.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system will have a support structure and connectors that allow the central detector to be relocated between the experimental hall and the assembly area without disconnection.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system must be installed in the available space and have no interferences with new and existing infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic system shall provide a flow rate of XX g/s to the experimental solenoid.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10All detectors require isolated power and grounding from facilities power systems. This will be accomplished from existing and newly installed Delta/Wye transformers with a single point star grounding (AKA clean or magnet ground) scheme at the WAH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.1060 Amp 4 wire power (120/ 208V AC) shall be fed to each 19-inch equipment rack from a circuit breaker on the detector platform.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Cabinets are bonded/ grounded to the appropriate clean ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Gas based detectors will require the appropriate gas mixing and handling systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Gas based detectors shall be provided with the appropriate gas handling systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Floors in the assembly and collider hall must be adequate to support the static and moving load of the experimental detector systems. Load limits need to be determined and verified.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A rail system for the Hadron end cap calorimeters shall be installed that is sufficient to carry 600ton and maintain a free center gap of 10 centimeters.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The floor, rails and cradle shall be capable of supporting a static or moving load of 1200 tons (central detector).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A rail system for the Lepton end cap calorimeters shall be installed that is sufficient to carry 400ton and maintain a free center gap of 10 centimeters.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Infrastructure systems for the interaction region shall include all power, water, environmental cooling, cryogenics, gas handling, space, material handling and support systems required to assemble, operate and maintain the far forward and far backward detector systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10All detectors require isolated power and grounding from facilities power systems. This will be accomplished from existing and newly installed Delta/Wye transformers with a single point star grounding (AKA clean or magnet ground) scheme at the WAH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.1060 Amp 4 wire power (120/ 208V AC) shall be fed to each 19-inch equipment rack from a circuit breaker on the detector platform.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Cabinets are bonded/ grounded to the appropriate clean ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Infrastructure systems shall provide adequate space, environmental cooling, and distribution for DAQ and local computing.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Space and facilities for the experimental control room and operations shall be preserved.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Where feasible, existing infrastructure systems will be reused.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Cradles, carriages, platforms and other support systems from the STAR experiment shall be preserved for reuse.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The existing rail system used to move the detector from the assembly hall to the collider hall should be preserved.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The existing crane systems in the assembly hall and collider hall shall be preserved.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The infrastructure systems will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The infrastructure systems will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The configuration of the infrastructure systems within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around pfRICH: 2000 cm2 + 10% = 2200 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around EEEMcal: 2150cm2 + 10% = 2365 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH boxes: 4800 cm2 + 10% = 5280 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between CF tube and dRICH: 4350 cm2 + 10% = 4785 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH and HCAL: 5650 cm2 + 10% = 6215 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the infrastructure systems and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system will have a support structure and connectors that allow the central detector to be relocated between the experimental hall and the assembly area without disconnection.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The RCS beampipe shall be supported by either the South Platform or the Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10If extra steel is needed for the fringe field, then support for it shall also be provided by either the South Platform or Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The weight limit of 1200 metric tons of the floor shall not be exceeded.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of both halves of the Hadron endcap shall not exceed 450 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of the Central Barrel shall not exceed 1200 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of both halves of the Hadron endcap shall not exceed 275 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The infrastructure systems and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system must be installed in the available space and have no interferences with new and existing infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The RCS beampipe shall be supported by either the South Platform or the Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10If extra steel is needed for the fringe field, then support for it shall also be provided by either the South Platform or Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around pfRICH: 2000 cm2 + 10% = 2200 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around EEEMcal: 2150cm2 + 10% = 2365 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH boxes: 4800 cm2 + 10% = 5280 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between CF tube and dRICH: 4350 cm2 + 10% = 4785 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH and HCAL: 5650 cm2 + 10% = 6215 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Predefined detector envelopes shall not be infringed upon.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around pfRICH: 2000 cm2 + 10% = 2200 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around EEEMcal: 2150cm2 + 10% = 2365 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH boxes: 4800 cm2 + 10% = 5280 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between CF tube and dRICH: 4350 cm2 + 10% = 4785 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH and HCAL: 5650 cm2 + 10% = 6215 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The infrastructure systems must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The configuration of the infrastructure systems within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around pfRICH: 2000 cm2 + 10% = 2200 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around EEEMcal: 2150cm2 + 10% = 2365 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH boxes: 4800 cm2 + 10% = 5280 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between CF tube and dRICH: 4350 cm2 + 10% = 4785 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH and HCAL: 5650 cm2 + 10% = 6215 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the infrastructure systems and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system will have a support structure and connectors that allow the central detector to be relocated between the experimental hall and the assembly area without disconnection.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The RCS beampipe shall be supported by either the South Platform or the Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10If extra steel is needed for the fringe field, then support for it shall also be provided by either the South Platform or Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The weight limit of 1200 metric tons of the floor shall not be exceeded.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of both halves of the Hadron endcap shall not exceed 450 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of the Central Barrel shall not exceed 1200 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of both halves of the Hadron endcap shall not exceed 275 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The infrastructure systems and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system must be installed in the available space and have no interferences with new and existing infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The RCS beampipe shall be supported by either the South Platform or the Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10If extra steel is needed for the fringe field, then support for it shall also be provided by either the South Platform or Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around pfRICH: 2000 cm2 + 10% = 2200 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around EEEMcal: 2150cm2 + 10% = 2365 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH boxes: 4800 cm2 + 10% = 5280 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between CF tube and dRICH: 4350 cm2 + 10% = 4785 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH and HCAL: 5650 cm2 + 10% = 6215 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Predefined detector envelopes shall not be infringed upon.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around pfRICH: 2000 cm2 + 10% = 2200 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around EEEMcal: 2150cm2 + 10% = 2365 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH boxes: 4800 cm2 + 10% = 5280 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between CF tube and dRICH: 4350 cm2 + 10% = 4785 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH and HCAL: 5650 cm2 + 10% = 6215 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-COOL : Heating and Cooling Infrastructure
- DET-INF-COOL EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10The WAH requires cooling capacity adequate for the heat generated by the detector, detector sub systems, detector support electronics and facility systems in the WAH. Comment: New airhandlers and cooling systems needed01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Relative Humidity under 50% to prevent condensation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The temperature in the WAH should be maintained between 20°C to 25°C01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Where fan/ blower cooling is inadequate, water-cooled heat exchangers are required to maintain the ambient environment of enclosed electronic assemblies and equipment to a temperature of under 40°C.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-COOL-CW : Chilled Water Systems
DET-INF-COOL-HR : Heat Rejection Systems
DET-INF-COOL-HVAC : Heating , Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
DET-INF-COOL-LCW : Low Conductivity Water
DET-INF-COOL-OTH : Other Heating/Cooling Systems
DET-INF-CRYO : Cryogenic Infrastructure
- DET-INF-CRYO EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10A cryogenic transfer system shall be provided within the collider hall to allow cryogenic distribution for the experimental solenoid.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system will have a support structure and connectors that allow the central detector to be relocated between the experimental hall and the assembly area without disconnection.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic transfer system must be installed in the available space and have no interferences with new and existing infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The cryogenic system shall provide a flow rate of XX g/s to the experimental solenoid.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-ELEC : Electrical Infrastructure
- DET-INF-ELEC EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10All detectors require isolated power and grounding from facilities power systems. This will be accomplished from existing and newly installed Delta/Wye transformers with a single point star grounding (AKA clean or magnet ground) scheme at the WAH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.1060 Amp 4 wire power (120/ 208V AC) shall be fed to each 19-inch equipment rack from a circuit breaker on the detector platform.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Cabinets are bonded/ grounded to the appropriate clean ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-ELEC-DIST : Power Distribution
DET-INF-ELEC-UPS : Uninterruptable Power Supplies
DET-INF-GAS : Gas Infrastructure
- DET-INF-GAS EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10Gas based detectors will require the appropriate gas mixing and handling systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Gas based detectors shall be provided with the appropriate gas handling systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-MECH : Mechanical, Structural and Plumbing Infrastructure
- DET-INF-MECH EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10Floors in the assembly and collider hall must be adequate to support the static and moving load of the experimental detector systems. Load limits need to be determined and verified.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A rail system for the Hadron end cap calorimeters shall be installed that is sufficient to carry 600ton and maintain a free center gap of 10 centimeters.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The floor, rails and cradle shall be capable of supporting a static or moving load of 1200 tons (central detector).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10A rail system for the Lepton end cap calorimeters shall be installed that is sufficient to carry 400ton and maintain a free center gap of 10 centimeters.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The existing rail system used to move the detector from the assembly hall to the collider hall should be preserved.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Cradles, carriages, platforms and other support systems from the STAR experiment shall be preserved for reuse.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The existing crane systems in the assembly hall and collider hall shall be preserved.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-SPACE : Space Management
DET-INF-STD : Infrastructure Standards, Clearances, and Tolerances
DET-INF-STD-ALIGN : Detector Alignment
- DET-INF-STD-ALIGN EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10The main barrel and both endcaps shall be rotated 8mrad counterclockwise about the Y axis (looking top down).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The tolerance for this measurement shall be ± 1mrad.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-STD-MECHCLR : Mechanical Adjustment Clearances
- DET-INF-STD-MECHCLR EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-STD-PIPECLR : Beampipe Clearances
- DET-INF-STD-PIPECLR EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-INF-STD-RCS EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The RCS beampipe shall be supported by either the South Platform or the Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10If extra steel is needed for the fringe field, then support for it shall also be provided by either the South Platform or Central Barrel.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-STD-SAF : Safety Factors
- DET-INF-STD-SAF EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10Safety factors will be calculated based off yield strength.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 3 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 1.5 to 3 are required to be internally reviewed to determine if it’s acceptable.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Parts with a safety factor of 1.5 or less will be considered unacceptable.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Bolts with a safety factor of 2 or greater will be generally accepted and will not require further review.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-STD-SVCGAP : Services, Gaps, and Clearances
- DET-INF-STD-SVCGAP EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10Area needed around pfRICH: 2000 cm2 + 10% = 2200 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed around EEEMcal: 2150cm2 + 10% = 2365 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between CF tube and dRICH: 4350 cm2 + 10% = 4785 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH boxes: 4800 cm2 + 10% = 5280 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10Area needed between dRICH and HCAL: 5650 cm2 + 10% = 6215 cm201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-STD-WEIGHT : Weight Limits
- DET-INF-STD-WEIGHT EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.10The weight limit of 1200 metric tons of the floor shall not be exceeded.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of the Central Barrel shall not exceed 1200 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of both halves of the Hadron endcap shall not exceed 450 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.10The combined weight of both halves of the Hadron endcap shall not exceed 275 metric tons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-INF-VAC : Vacuum Infrastructure
DET-MAG : Solenoid Magnet
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet shall provide a central field, a sufficiently large room temperature bore, and a magnet length consistent with the detector need to fulfill EIC science requirements01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- power shall be able to supply required current to the magnet to produce a 1.7 T central field, with a stretch goal of 2 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- power supply shall be able to dump the magnet stored energy in a dump resistor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require a cryocan and cryogenic line that will deliver Liquid Helium to the solenoid.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- cryo-flex line should be long enough so that the magnet can be rolled out of the Wide-Angle Hall into the Assembly Hall without disconnecting the cryo connection.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- cryocan should be able to hold the required volume of Liquid Helium and shall be protected for pressure overages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- cryo-flex line should have sufficiently low losses, so that the input temperature to the magnet can be maintained.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet control and instrumentation shall be able to read all the temperature and stress sensor in the magnet.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet I&C should be able diagnose a quench and initiate the energy dumping procedure.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet I&C should be able to provide all the interlocks required for the magnet safe operation.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet shall fulfill the field specification (as specified in the magnetic field specification document), the main area for field specifications are (i) flat field area, (ii) RICH detector area, (iii) stray field at IR magnets, and (iv) stray field at the RCS location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet shall be able to operate at 4.5K (liquid Helium).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid shall be able to operate at a lower field (0.5 T), without sacrificing the field quality.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid shall be aligned along the electron axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid's magnetic field extends beyond its physical boundaries, and must be accounted for and managed.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid must produce a consistent, stable magnetic field that is sufficient to satisfy the requirements of all subordinate detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The flux return shall reduce the magnetic field to no more than 10 Gauss at the location of the most nearby active beam transport elements (IR magnets and RCS beamline).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require conventional cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid will require cryogenic cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to maintain the solenoid cryostat temperature within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the magnet and its peripheral sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid will require an ice management system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid and supporting infrastructure must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require conventional cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid will require cryogenic cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to maintain the solenoid cryostat temperature within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid will require an ice management system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the magnet and its peripheral sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The magnet shall provide a minimum 2.8 meter bore diameter to support insertion of the detector elements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The configuration of the EIC detector magnet within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid and supporting infrastructure must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EIC detector magnet and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid and supporting infrastructure must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require conventional cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid will require cryogenic cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to maintain the solenoid cryostat temperature within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid will require an ice management system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require electrical power to support the operation of the magnet and its peripheral sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The magnet shall provide a minimum 2.8 meter bore diameter to support insertion of the detector elements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The configuration of the EIC detector magnet within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid and supporting infrastructure must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the EIC detector magnet and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.07The detector solenoid systems will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-MAG EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.07The EIC detector magnet must be consistent with the cryogenic capability of the supply.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-MAG-CCR : Magnet Cryogenics
- DET-MAG-CCR EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- magnet shall require a cryocan and cryogenic line that will deliver Liquid Helium to the solenoid.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- cryo-flex line should be long enough so that the magnet can be rolled out of the Wide-Angle Hall into the Assembly Hall without disconnecting the cryo connection.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- cryocan should be able to hold the required volume of Liquid Helium and shall be protected for pressure overages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- cryo-flex line should have sufficiently low losses, so that the input temperature to the magnet can be maintained.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-MAG-I&C : Magnet Instrumentation and Control
- DET-MAG-I&C EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- magnet control and instrumentation shall be able to read all the temperature and stress sensor in the magnet.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet I&C should be able diagnose a quench and initiate the energy dumping procedure.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet I&C should be able to provide all the interlocks required for the magnet safe operation.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-MAG-PSU : Magnet Power Supply
- DET-MAG-PSU EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- power shall be able to supply required current to the magnet to produce a 1.7 T central field, with a stretch goal of 2 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- power supply shall be able to dump the magnet stored energy in a dump resistor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-PID : Particle Identification Systems
- 6.10.04The PID detector systems shall provide a means to separately identify pions, kaons and protons following the electron-ion collision.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The particle identification systems shall consist of backward, barrel, and forward sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector system will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector system will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. HV up to 2000V negative is for 5x72 channels and LV for 4x72 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 144 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 4kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the backward region will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. The expected LV are 70V/1mA 312 channels, 4V/5A 312 channels, 3V/5A 312 channels 4V/2A 312 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers. Expect coolant at “room” temperature to remove 2.75kW heat for each of the 6 sectors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous recirculating flow of radiator gas. This will require a gas recovery system operating at high pressure outside the detector on the platform. (Design authority required)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require sub zero cooling for its photo-sensors at -30deg C. Cooling lines with insulation required.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Input from tracking with an angular resolution of about 0.Xmrad is required to reach full performance of the dRICH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 212 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 13kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector system and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. HV up to 2000V negative is for 5x72 channels and LV for 4x72 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector requires a 0.5mrad tracking resolution as input to reach its peak performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 144 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 4kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the backward region will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. The expected LV are 70V/1mA 312 channels, 4V/5A 312 channels, 3V/5A 312 channels 4V/2A 312 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers. Expect coolant at “room” temperature to remove 2.75kW heat for each of the 6 sectors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous recirculating flow of radiator gas. This will require a gas recovery system operating at high pressure outside the detector on the platform. (Design authority required)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require sub zero cooling for its photo-sensors at -30deg C. Cooling lines with insulation required.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Input from tracking with an angular resolution of about 0.Xmrad is required to reach full performance of the dRICH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 212 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 13kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The configuration of the PID detector system within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the PID detector system and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place as well as all sub-detector systems that reside within its bore.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04TOF will weigh approximately 70 KG, and will require structural support to maintain it's position and stability.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector system must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector system and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. HV up to 2000V negative is for 5x72 channels and LV for 4x72 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector requires a 0.5mrad tracking resolution as input to reach its peak performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 144 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 4kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the backward region will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. The expected LV are 70V/1mA 312 channels, 4V/5A 312 channels, 3V/5A 312 channels 4V/2A 312 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers. Expect coolant at “room” temperature to remove 2.75kW heat for each of the 6 sectors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous recirculating flow of radiator gas. This will require a gas recovery system operating at high pressure outside the detector on the platform. (Design authority required)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require sub zero cooling for its photo-sensors at -30deg C. Cooling lines with insulation required.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Input from tracking with an angular resolution of about 0.Xmrad is required to reach full performance of the dRICH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 212 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 13kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The configuration of the PID detector system within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the PID detector system and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place as well as all sub-detector systems that reside within its bore.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04TOF will weigh approximately 70 KG, and will require structural support to maintain it's position and stability.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detectors and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-PID-BAR : Barrel Particle ID Systems
- 6.1The EIC detector system shall be capable to detect all reaction products, related to the scattered electron, the scattered parton, and the remnant proton/ion, such that the impact of incomplete kinematic coverage on the respective science is minimized.02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
DET-PID-BAR-DIRC : Barrel DIRC Systems
- 6.10.04The barrel DIRC detector is responsible for high momenta particle identification.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the barrel region shall differentiate between pions, kaons and protons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The DIRC system will provide 3 sigma pi/K separation above 1 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-PID-BAR-DIRC EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place as well as all sub-detector systems that reside within its bore.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. HV up to 2000V negative is for 5x72 channels and LV for 4x72 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the barrel region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector requires a 0.5mrad tracking resolution as input to reach its peak performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-PID-BAR-TOF : Barrel Time of Flight Systems
- 6.10.04The barrel time of flight detector is responsible for low momenta particle identification.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The time of flight system will provide separation of pions from kaons to mach the high-performance DIRC detector in particle momentum range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The time of flight system will provide 3 sigma pi/K separation from 0.2 up to 1.2 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-PID-BAR-TOF EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 144 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 144 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 4kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04TOF will weigh approximately 70 KG, and will require structural support to maintain it's position and stability.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-PID-BCK : Backward Particle ID Systems
- 6.1The PID detector in the backward region shall provide identification of charged hadronic tracks by species of pions, kaons and protons02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
DET-PID-BCK-RICH : Backward Ring Imaging Cerenkov Counter
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the backward region is responsible for particle identification of charged hadrons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the backward region shall differentiate between pions, kaons and protons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the backward region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the backward region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. HV up to 2000V negative for 68x5 channels and LV for 68x4 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the backward region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the backward region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the backward region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The particle identification system will provide 3 sigma pi/K separation from 1 up to 7 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-PID-BCK-RICH EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the backward region will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-PID-FWD : Forward Particle ID Systems
- 6.1The EIC detector system shall be capable to detect all reaction products, related to the scattered electron, the scattered parton, and the remnant proton/ion, such that the impact of incomplete kinematic coverage on the respective science is minimized.02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
DET-PID-FWD-RICH : Forward Ring Imaging Cerenkov Counter
- 6.10.04The forward RICH detector is responsible for high momenta particle identification.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID detector in the forward region shall differentiate between pions, kaons and protons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The dRICH system will provide 3 sigma pi/K separation between 3 and 50 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-PID-FWD-RICH EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support DC voltage and power for operating detector sensors and associated electronics. The expected LV are 70V/1mA 312 channels, 4V/5A 312 channels, 3V/5A 312 channels 4V/2A 312 channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require cooling and removal of heat generated by detector electronics and digitizers. Expect coolant at “room” temperature to remove 2.75kW heat for each of the 6 sectors.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require detector signal transmission electronics and lines defined by the DAQ system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require survey marks or hooks for survey tools to determine its physical location in the barrel as a whole and its sub-components.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous recirculating flow of radiator gas. This will require a gas recovery system operating at high pressure outside the detector on the platform. (Design authority required)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require a continuous flow of dry nitrogen to protect the aerogel radiator.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The RICH detector will require sub zero cooling for its photo-sensors at -30deg C. Cooling lines with insulation required.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Input from tracking with an angular resolution of about 0.Xmrad is required to reach full performance of the dRICH.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-PID-FWD-TOF : Forward Time of Flight Systems
- 6.10.04The forward time of flight detector is responsible for low momenta particle identification.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The forward time of flight system will provide separation of pions from kaons to match the forward RICH detector in particle momentum range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04The time of flight system will provide 3 sigma pi/K separation from 0.2 up to 2.3 GeV/c.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-PID-FWD-TOF EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.04The PID Detector in the forward region will require appropriate support structure to hold the detector in place.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DC voltage supply of approximately 11V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require sensor voltage supply of approximately 200V. There will be 2 lines for each of the 212 connections .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require DAQ fiber optics. Two lines for each of the 212 connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.04Will require cooling to remove 13kW of heat01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-POL : Polarimetry and Luminosity
- 6.10.14The polarimeters at EIC shall measure the spin polarizations of the colliding beams.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters must measure the beam polarizations at all flattop energies.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The beam polarizations shall be measured to within 1% or less (relative).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- systematic and statistical uncertainty will be 1% or better.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters must be able to determine the polarization vector.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The beam polarimetry shall happen concurrent to the physics measurement and be non-invasive.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The beam polarizations shall be measured to within 1% or less (relative).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- systematic and statistical uncertainty will be 1% or better.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters must be able to determine the polarization vector.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarization lifetime must be measured for each fill of beams or bunches.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarization must be measured for each bunch of the beams.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The laser labs, control rooms and access paths must be shielded to allow personnel access during beam/laser operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The laser labs, control rooms, and equipment must have interlocks where required for personnel safety.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters, their control rooms and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems, be properly located relative to other systems, and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The laser labs, control rooms and access paths must be shielded to allow personnel access during beam/laser operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The laser labs, control rooms, and equipment must have interlocks where required for personnel safety.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The configuration of the polarimeters within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters, their control rooms and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems, be properly located relative to other systems, and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the polarimeters and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters, their control rooms and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems, be properly located relative to other systems, and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The laser labs, control rooms and access paths must be shielded to allow personnel access during beam/laser operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters and their control rooms will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The laser labs, control rooms, and equipment must have interlocks where required for personnel safety.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The configuration of the polarimeters within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters, their control rooms and support system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding systems, be properly located relative to other systems, and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the polarimeters and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.14The polarimeters will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor, and will require survey marks to determine their physical location.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-POL-EPOL : Electron Polarimetry
- EIC electron polarimeter system shall provide a measurement of the absolute beam polarization in the ESR and RCS. The ESR Compton must measure the polarization bunch-by-bunch and be sensitive to the beam transverse polarization profile.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- optical system will be used to determine laser polarization at interaction point.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- shall provide a "photon target" for Compton reaction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- laser average power shall be 5-10 W, with a wavelength = 532 nm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- laser beam M2 will be approximately 1 (diffraction limited).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- are required to allow laser to enter and exit beamline vacuum.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-POL-EPOL-ESR : Electron Storage Ring Polarimetry
- ESR Compton shall measure the electron polarization in the electron storage ring.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- strip detector will be used to detect scattered electrons from (at least) asymmetry zero crossing to kinematic endpoint.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electron detector shall cover at least 6 cm (horizontal) (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- time response of all detectors (electron and photon) will be sufficient to resolve beam bunch (<10 ns).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electron strip detector pitch shall be 400 um or smaller (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Roman pot will be required to protect electron detector from beam Wakefield.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- strip detector shall be used to detect back-scattered photons with sufficient resolution measure the spatial asymmetry.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electron detector shall cover at least 6 cm (horizontal) (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- time response of all detectors (electron and photon) will be sufficient to resolve beam bunch (<10 ns).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electron strip detector pitch shall be 400 um or smaller (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon detector system will be at least 20 to 25 meters from the Compton IP (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon calorimeter and strip detector will cover at least 4 x 4 cm² (to be verified).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- time response of all detectors (electron and photon) will be sufficient to resolve beam bunch (<10 ns).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon detector strip detector pitch shall be ~100 um (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- calorimeter will be used to measure backscattered photon energy.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon calorimeter and strip detector will cover at least 4 x 4 cm² (to be verified).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- time response of all detectors (electron and photon) will be sufficient to resolve beam bunch (<10 ns).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon detector strip detector pitch shall be ~100 um (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electron polarization measurement shall be completed in a context appropriate time frame.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- laser repetition rate shall match the beam frequency (25-100 MHz) and will have the capability of achieving a ~75 kHz pulse rate.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- measurement time shall be less than the bunch lifetime in the ring (~2 minutes).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- time response of all detectors (electron and photon) will be sufficient to resolve beam bunch (<10 ns).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- DET-POL-EPOL-ESR EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- systematic and statistical uncertainty will be 1% or better.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-POL-EPOL-RCS : Rapid Cycling Synchrotron Polarimetry
- RCS Compton shall measure the electron polarization either in, or just after the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon detector will measure the spatial asymmetry of backscattered photons in multi-photon (integrating) mode.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- systematic and statistical uncertainty will be better than 5% (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- laser repetition rate shall be 2-100, Hz, with a 3-10 ns pulse-width.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- measurement time will be less than 10-20 minutes.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon detector segmentation will be XX (to be determined).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon detector system will be at least 20 to 25 meters from the Compton IP (to be verified).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- photon detector segmentation will be XX (to be determined).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-POL-HPOL : Hadron Polarimetry
- EIC hadron polarimeter system must provide a measurement of the absolute beam polarization in the HSR, the polarization lifetime and the transverse bunch polarization profile.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- detectors shall measure elastic recoil particles from the polarimeter target.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- energy resolution shall be 25 keV or better.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- detector shall consists of 12 vertical Si strips (1.375 mm pitch).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- time resolution of the waveform digitizers shall be 0.5 ns or better.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- identification shall be based on time of flight and energy measurements of hits in the Si strips.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- time resolution of the waveform digitizers shall be 0.5 ns or better.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Si detector energy response shall be calibrated with two alpha sources (Am & Gd).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- second layer of Si shall be used to reject background from punch-through particles.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- HJET polarimeter shall measure the absolute beam polarization for light hadron beams.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- HJET polarimeter shall measure the polarization throughout a whole hadron store (about 8 hours).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- relative uncertainty of the beam polarization measurement must be 1% or less.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- detectors must be located to the left and right of the beam direction (in the accelerator plane).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- unpolarized molecular fraction of the target shall be continuously monitored with a beam gas analyzer.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- atomic target shall be polarized through a set of hyperfine transitions and the target polarization shall be monitored in a Breit-Rabi unit.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Zero Degree Calorimeter shall be located downstream of the HJET (separated by a 10-12 Tm dipole magnet).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-POL-HPOL-PC : Proton-Carbon Polarimeter
- 6.1The pC polarimeter shall measure the relative polarization loss at flattop energy during a store and the transverse polarization profile of the hadron bunches.02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
- pC polarimeter target stations shall carry enough fiber targets to last throughout a year of EIC operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pC devices shall measure the relative beam polarization within 30 seconds with an uncertainty of 2% or less.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pC polarimeter shall be able to measure the bunch-by-bunch polarization for each hadron beam fill.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- target fibers shall be thin enough to provide a measurement of the transverse polarization profile of the beam bunches.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- separation will be required to access and replacement targets during maintenance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pC polarimeters shall be equipped with ultra-thin fiber targets which scan the beam profile horizontally and vertically.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- bias current of the detectors shall be constantly monitored.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.1The pC polarimeter near the experimental IR shall measure the orientation of the polarization vector (local polarimetry).02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
- silicon detectors must be located to the left and right of the beam and under 45 degrees with respect to the accelerator plane.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pC polarimeter shall be able to measure the bunch-by-bunch polarization for each hadron beam fill.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pC devices shall measure the relative beam polarization within 30 seconds with an uncertainty of 2% or less.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- separation will be required to access and replacement targets during maintenance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-TRAK : Tracking Systems
- 6.10.03The tracking systems shall provide coordinate measurements of charged particles traversing a magnetic field, and provide a sufficient lever arm to provide measurements of the momenta and angles of the particles.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must provide a low detection threshold for pions and kaons.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a low material budget: < 5% X0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must provide a minimum pT of 100 MeV π, 130 MeV K.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03Tracking functionality shall cover the backward, the barrel and the forward region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must provide high hermicity in exclusive and diffractive channels.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution < 5%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+0.5% in the rapidity region between -1 to 1.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide coverage in rapidity region between -3.5 to -1.0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+1.0% in the rapidity region between -2.5 to -1.0.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.10%⨯p+2.0% in the rapidity region between -3.5 to -2.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 20 μm in the rapidity region between -2.5 to -1.0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 40 μm in the rapidity region between -3.5 to -2.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide coverage in rapidity region between -1.0 to 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+1.0% in the rapidity region between 1.0 to 2.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 20 μm in the rapidity region between 1.0 to 2.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.10%⨯p+2.0% in the rapidity region between 2.5 to 3.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 40 μm in the rapidity region between 2.5 to 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a measurement of the vertex coordinates in the barrel region.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must provide good impact parameter resolution for heavy flavor measurements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 20/pT ⊕ 5 μm in the rapidity region between -1 to 1.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will be functionally integrated with the other detectors, with the interaction region components, and with the facility infrastructure.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require adequate infrastructure resources (i.e. power, cooling, cryogens, etc.) to ensure it can function reliably during continous operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a gas mixing system for gaseous detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a gas mixing system for gaseous detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The configuration of the tracking system within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the tracking system and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must fit within the available space in the experimental hall, and be consistent with the available infrastructure and resources.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system and its support systems must fit in the available space AND provide adequate plenums and pathways for the delivery of services, resources and communications, and for the removal of heat and waste during operations.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide cooling (air/liquid) for silicon sensors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide power supplies for bias and low voltages.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system shall provide a gas mixing system for gaseous detectors.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require cooling infrastructure that is sufficient to ensure the operating temperature remains within an acceptable range.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require communications infrastructure to support data collection, monitoring and control.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require electrical power to support the operation of the detector sub-components and electronics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The configuration of the tracking system within the detector will be coordinated to ensure efficient operation and to minimize adverse interactions between sub-systems.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system must fit within the constraints of the surrounding detector sub-systems and have adequate space for the delivery of services and the removal of waste.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03A structural support infrastructure must be provided that supports the weight of the tracking system and peripheral equipment, and safely distributes that load to the ground.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The tracking system will require a structural support system to carry the cumulative weight of the detectors and peripheral services, and to distribute that load to other supporting infrastructure or to the floor.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-TRAK-BAR : Barrel Tracking Systems
- DET-TRAK-BAR EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution < 5%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a low material budget: < 5% X0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+0.5% in the rapidity region between -1 to 1.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The barrel tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 20/pT ⊕ 5 μm in the rapidity region between -1 to 1.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-TRAK-BCK : Backward Tracking Systems
- DET-TRAK-BCK EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide coverage in rapidity region between -3.5 to -1.0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+1.0% in the rapidity region between -2.5 to -1.0.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.10%⨯p+2.0% in the rapidity region between -3.5 to -2.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 20 μm in the rapidity region between -2.5 to -1.0.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The backward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 40 μm in the rapidity region between -3.5 to -2.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
DET-TRAK-FWD : Forward Tracking Systems
- DET-TRAK-FWD EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide coverage in rapidity region between -1.0 to 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.05%⨯p+1.0% in the rapidity region between 1.0 to 2.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a momentum resolution of σp/p ~ 0.10%⨯p+2.0% in the rapidity region between 2.5 to 3.5.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 20 μm in the rapidity region between 1.0 to 2.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.10.03The forward tracking system shall provide a spatial resolution of σxy ∼ 30/pT ⊕ 40 μm in the rapidity region between 2.5 to 3.5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE