Interaction Region Requirements
Electron Ion Collider
Interaction Region Requirements
General, functional and performance requirements associated with the Interaction Region of the Electron Ion Collider.
- NameWBSDescriptionUpdatedStatusTBD
IR : Interation Region Interface Requirements
- 6.06The IR shall guide the electron and hadron beams to sufficiently small spot sizes at the collision point, necessary to achieve the design luminosity set forth in [5.8].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06There shall be at least one interaction region and detector system in the EIC while maintaining the feasibility of adding a second.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06The IR shall be contained within the existing RHIC tunnel at one of the two wide angle hall detector buildings at IP6 and IP8 and the associated sectors.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06The IR shall accomadate the space for all other required EIC systems along with their installation needs01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR hadron lattice design shall include a helical dipole (“snake”) on one side of the IP Parallel to the RHIC 7DUMMY in RHIC sector 11.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06The IR shall be designed to allow both the hadron and electron beam spins to be controlled at the IP, meeting all the requirements set forth in [5.8].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06The IR region shall be able to correct the HSR and ESR orbits as required to enable stable accelerator operation.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06The IR shall be designed to accommodate all the detector elements required to meet the physics goals of the EIC (as set forth in the [5.8])01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice machine elements shall be designed to accommodate a beam divergence of 220µrad vertically and horizontally.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06The IR shall be designed to minimize all background on the detector elements as required to meet the physics goals of the EIC.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06Provision shall be made at the wide-angle hall detector building at IR8 and within the associated sectors to allow it to accommodate a 2nd colliding beam interaction region with a low-beta section, spin rotators, and crab cavities.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06The design operational availability of the IR shall be consistent with the operational availability required for the overall EIC as set forth in [Ref to the released Global requirements doc here].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06All IR components and systems shall be designed and installed in line with all relevant regulatory codes and in full compliance with BNL SBMS.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09The IR shall have a cryogenic system to cool and operate all elements which need cryogenic cooling and will, where possible utlise the existing RHIC cooling system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR for the 1st EIC detector system shall be located at the IP of IR6.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall guide the hadron and electron beams to collide at the IP of IR6.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall extend circumferentially around the RHIC tunnel between the periodic arc cells in the HSR/ESR at IR6.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron and hadron beam lines shall have the linear lattice functions matched to the incoming and outgoing arcs of the ESR and HSR respectively.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall accommodate a stay clear volume around the IP, required to accommodate the EIC detector system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IP at IR6 shall be moved from the original RHIC IR6 toward the RHIC center, as needed, to avoid the RCS.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR crossing angle shall allow the low beta focusing magnets of both beams to be installed close to the IP01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall be designed to ensure the hadron and electron beam collisions at the IP meet all the performance requirements set forth in [5.8].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be equipped with trim coils which are capable of trimming the field within +/-3.5 (%) of the Peak main bus field. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.2-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- operate at a fixed bus current for 5GeV,10GeV and 18GeV the magnet shall be designed to accommodate turns. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.3-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Dipole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet field shall have a vertical field direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet pole gap height and width shall be H=52 (mm), W=140(mm)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <2.73 (m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to deliver an absolute nominal integrated dipole field ranging from Bmin=0(T.m) to Bmax=0.79(T.m) (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.15-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet-to-magnet variability shall be < 0.1%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field shall be measured at 4 locations (see figure P-ESR-MSG-D13-19-1) as follows Harmonic Measurements region 1; Rref1=13mm centered at (-14,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 2; Rref2=13mm centered at (0,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 3; Rref3=13mm centered at (14,0), Relative field Measurements region 4; Relative to the central field at B(0,0), sampled in an Annulus 25mm>dRvol3>31mm02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- reference field for the different design energies shall be Measurement 1; Bref1=0.07 (T) at R1 Measurement 2; Bref2=0.13 (T) at R2 Measurement 3; Bref3=0.284 (T) at R2 Measurement 4; Bref4=0.284(T) at R=002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have a field homogeneity in region 4, of better than dB/B<10-3 with respect to the central field at R(0,0) and shall meet the following harmonic multipole content in regions 1, 2 and 3. (Note: The following calculated multipoles values are given for reference radius of 17mm and centered on axis at x=0, y=0. *The multipole values need to be scaled accordingly in regions 1 and 3 with appropriate off axis values.)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: b1 = 10000, Region 2: b1 = 10000, *Region 3: b1 = 10000,02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -4<b2<4, Region2: -4<b2<4, *Region3: -4<b2<402/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b3<0.6, Region 2: -0.5<b3<0.6, *Region 3: -0.5<b3<0.6,02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -1<b4< 0.5, Region 2: -1<b4< 0.5, *Region 3: -1<b4< 0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b5 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b5 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b5 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b6 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b6 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b6 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b7 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b7 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b7 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b8 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b8 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b8 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b9 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b9 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b9 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b10 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b10 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b10 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b11 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b11 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b11 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b12 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b12 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b12 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b13 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b13 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b13 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b14 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b14 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b14 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b15 <0.5, Region2: -0.5<b15 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b15 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b16 <0.5, Region2: -0.5<b16 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b16 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to limit CrossTalk requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to constrain the external fringe field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet fringe field shall not exceed 10 Gauss at a radial distance greater than 900mm from the magnet centerline01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, the magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- installation tolerances, the magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be equipped with trim coils which are capable of trimming the field within +/- 2.8(%) of the Peak main bus field. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.2-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- operate at a fixed bus current for 5GeV,10GeV and 18GeV the magnet shall be designed to accommodate turns. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.3-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Dipole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet field shall have a vertical field direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet pole gap height and width shall be H=52 (mm), W=140(mm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet good field aperture dAx required shall be 35.0345 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <1.13 (m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to deliver an absolute nominal integrated dipole field ranging from Bmin=0(T.m) to Bmax=0.33(T.m). (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.15-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet-to-magnet variability shall be < 0.1%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field shall be measured at 4 locations (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.19-1) as follows Harmonic Measurements region 1; Rref1=13mm centered at (-14,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 2; Rref2=13mm centered at (0,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 3; Rref3=13mm centered at (14,0), Relative field Measurements region 4; Relative to the central field at B(0,0), sampled in an Annulus 25mm>dRvol3>31mm02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- reference field for the different measurements shall be Measurement 1; Bref1=-0.375 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 2; Bref2=0.12 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 3; Bref2=0.23 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 3; Bref3=0.23 (T) in Region402/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have a field homogeneity in region 4, of better than dB/B<10-3 with respect to the central field at R(0,0) and shall meet the following harmonic multipole content in regions 1, 2 and 3. (Note: The following calculated multipoles values are given for reference radius of 17mm and centered on axis at x=0, y=0. *The multipole values need to be scaled accordingly in regions 1 and 3 with appropriate off axis values.)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: b1 = 10000, Region2: b1 = 10000, *Region3: b1 = 1000002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -6<b2<6, Region 2: -6<b2<6, *Region 3: -6<b2<602/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -0.5<b3<0.6, Region2: -0.5<b3<0.6, *Region3: -0.5<b3<0.602/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -1<b4< 0.5, Region2: -1<b4< 0.5, *Region 3: -1<b4< 0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b5 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b5 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b5 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b6 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b6 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b6 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b7 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b7 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b7 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b8 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b8 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b8 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b9 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b9 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b9 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b10 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b10 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b10 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b11 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b11 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b11 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b12 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b12 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b12 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b13 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b13 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b13 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b14 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b14 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b14 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b15 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b15 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b15 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b16 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b16 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b16 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to limit CrossTalk requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to constrain the external fringe field01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet fringe field shall not exceed 10 Gauss at a radial distance greater than 900mm from the magnet centerline01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, the magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- installation tolerances, the magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall be designed so that the electron and hadron beams have the same cross-sectional area and maximum overlap to achieve the high luminosities required in [5.8].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be equipped with trim coils which are capable of trimming the field within +/-3.5 (%) of the Peak main bus field. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.2-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- operate at a fixed bus current for 5GeV,10GeV and 18GeV the magnet shall be designed to accommodate turns. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.3-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Dipole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet field shall have a vertical field direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet pole gap height and width shall be H=52 (mm), W=140(mm)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <2.73 (m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to deliver an absolute nominal integrated dipole field ranging from Bmin=0(T.m) to Bmax=0.79(T.m) (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.15-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet-to-magnet variability shall be < 0.1%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field shall be measured at 4 locations (see figure P-ESR-MSG-D13-19-1) as follows Harmonic Measurements region 1; Rref1=13mm centered at (-14,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 2; Rref2=13mm centered at (0,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 3; Rref3=13mm centered at (14,0), Relative field Measurements region 4; Relative to the central field at B(0,0), sampled in an Annulus 25mm>dRvol3>31mm02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- reference field for the different design energies shall be Measurement 1; Bref1=0.07 (T) at R1 Measurement 2; Bref2=0.13 (T) at R2 Measurement 3; Bref3=0.284 (T) at R2 Measurement 4; Bref4=0.284(T) at R=002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have a field homogeneity in region 4, of better than dB/B<10-3 with respect to the central field at R(0,0) and shall meet the following harmonic multipole content in regions 1, 2 and 3. (Note: The following calculated multipoles values are given for reference radius of 17mm and centered on axis at x=0, y=0. *The multipole values need to be scaled accordingly in regions 1 and 3 with appropriate off axis values.)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: b1 = 10000, Region 2: b1 = 10000, *Region 3: b1 = 10000,02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -4<b2<4, Region2: -4<b2<4, *Region3: -4<b2<402/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b3<0.6, Region 2: -0.5<b3<0.6, *Region 3: -0.5<b3<0.6,02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -1<b4< 0.5, Region 2: -1<b4< 0.5, *Region 3: -1<b4< 0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b5 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b5 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b5 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b6 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b6 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b6 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b7 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b7 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b7 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b8 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b8 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b8 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b9 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b9 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b9 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b10 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b10 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b10 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b11 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b11 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b11 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b12 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b12 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b12 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b13 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b13 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b13 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b14 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b14 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b14 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b15 <0.5, Region2: -0.5<b15 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b15 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b16 <0.5, Region2: -0.5<b16 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b16 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to limit CrossTalk requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to constrain the external fringe field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet fringe field shall not exceed 10 Gauss at a radial distance greater than 900mm from the magnet centerline01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, the magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- installation tolerances, the magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be equipped with trim coils which are capable of trimming the field within +/- 2.8(%) of the Peak main bus field. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.2-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- operate at a fixed bus current for 5GeV,10GeV and 18GeV the magnet shall be designed to accommodate turns. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.3-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Dipole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet field shall have a vertical field direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet pole gap height and width shall be H=52 (mm), W=140(mm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet good field aperture dAx required shall be 35.0345 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <1.13 (m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to deliver an absolute nominal integrated dipole field ranging from Bmin=0(T.m) to Bmax=0.33(T.m). (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.15-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet-to-magnet variability shall be < 0.1%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field shall be measured at 4 locations (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.19-1) as follows Harmonic Measurements region 1; Rref1=13mm centered at (-14,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 2; Rref2=13mm centered at (0,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 3; Rref3=13mm centered at (14,0), Relative field Measurements region 4; Relative to the central field at B(0,0), sampled in an Annulus 25mm>dRvol3>31mm02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- reference field for the different measurements shall be Measurement 1; Bref1=-0.375 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 2; Bref2=0.12 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 3; Bref2=0.23 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 3; Bref3=0.23 (T) in Region402/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have a field homogeneity in region 4, of better than dB/B<10-3 with respect to the central field at R(0,0) and shall meet the following harmonic multipole content in regions 1, 2 and 3. (Note: The following calculated multipoles values are given for reference radius of 17mm and centered on axis at x=0, y=0. *The multipole values need to be scaled accordingly in regions 1 and 3 with appropriate off axis values.)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: b1 = 10000, Region2: b1 = 10000, *Region3: b1 = 1000002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -6<b2<6, Region 2: -6<b2<6, *Region 3: -6<b2<602/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -0.5<b3<0.6, Region2: -0.5<b3<0.6, *Region3: -0.5<b3<0.602/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -1<b4< 0.5, Region2: -1<b4< 0.5, *Region 3: -1<b4< 0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b5 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b5 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b5 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b6 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b6 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b6 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b7 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b7 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b7 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b8 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b8 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b8 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b9 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b9 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b9 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b10 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b10 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b10 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b11 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b11 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b11 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b12 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b12 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b12 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b13 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b13 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b13 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b14 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b14 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b14 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b15 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b15 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b15 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b16 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b16 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b16 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to limit CrossTalk requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to constrain the external fringe field01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet fringe field shall not exceed 10 Gauss at a radial distance greater than 900mm from the magnet centerline01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, the magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- installation tolerances, the magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall separate the electron and hadron beams with a sufficiently small enough angle to limit the crab cavity voltage.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR operational uptime shall match the operational uptime requirements of the EIC.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be equipped with trim coils which are capable of trimming the field within +/-3.5 (%) of the Peak main bus field. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.2-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- operate at a fixed bus current for 5GeV,10GeV and 18GeV the magnet shall be designed to accommodate turns. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.3-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Dipole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet field shall have a vertical field direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet pole gap height and width shall be H=52 (mm), W=140(mm)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <2.73 (m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to deliver an absolute nominal integrated dipole field ranging from Bmin=0(T.m) to Bmax=0.79(T.m) (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D13.15-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet-to-magnet variability shall be < 0.1%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field shall be measured at 4 locations (see figure P-ESR-MSG-D13-19-1) as follows Harmonic Measurements region 1; Rref1=13mm centered at (-14,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 2; Rref2=13mm centered at (0,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 3; Rref3=13mm centered at (14,0), Relative field Measurements region 4; Relative to the central field at B(0,0), sampled in an Annulus 25mm>dRvol3>31mm02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- reference field for the different design energies shall be Measurement 1; Bref1=0.07 (T) at R1 Measurement 2; Bref2=0.13 (T) at R2 Measurement 3; Bref3=0.284 (T) at R2 Measurement 4; Bref4=0.284(T) at R=002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have a field homogeneity in region 4, of better than dB/B<10-3 with respect to the central field at R(0,0) and shall meet the following harmonic multipole content in regions 1, 2 and 3. (Note: The following calculated multipoles values are given for reference radius of 17mm and centered on axis at x=0, y=0. *The multipole values need to be scaled accordingly in regions 1 and 3 with appropriate off axis values.)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: b1 = 10000, Region 2: b1 = 10000, *Region 3: b1 = 10000,02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -4<b2<4, Region2: -4<b2<4, *Region3: -4<b2<402/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b3<0.6, Region 2: -0.5<b3<0.6, *Region 3: -0.5<b3<0.6,02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -1<b4< 0.5, Region 2: -1<b4< 0.5, *Region 3: -1<b4< 0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b5 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b5 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b5 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b6 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b6 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b6 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b7 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b7 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b7 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b8 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b8 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b8 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b9 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b9 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b9 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b10 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b10 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b10 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b11 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b11 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b11 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b12 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b12 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b12 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b13 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b13 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b13 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b14 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b14 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b14 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b15 <0.5, Region2: -0.5<b15 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b15 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b16 <0.5, Region2: -0.5<b16 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b16 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to limit CrossTalk requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to constrain the external fringe field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet fringe field shall not exceed 10 Gauss at a radial distance greater than 900mm from the magnet centerline01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, the magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- installation tolerances, the magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be equipped with trim coils which are capable of trimming the field within +/- 2.8(%) of the Peak main bus field. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.2-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- operate at a fixed bus current for 5GeV,10GeV and 18GeV the magnet shall be designed to accommodate turns. (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.3-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Dipole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet field shall have a vertical field direction.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet pole gap height and width shall be H=52 (mm), W=140(mm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet good field aperture dAx required shall be 35.0345 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <1.13 (m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to deliver an absolute nominal integrated dipole field ranging from Bmin=0(T.m) to Bmax=0.33(T.m). (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.15-1)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet-to-magnet variability shall be < 0.1%.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field shall be measured at 4 locations (See figure P-ESR-MSG-D2.19-1) as follows Harmonic Measurements region 1; Rref1=13mm centered at (-14,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 2; Rref2=13mm centered at (0,0) mm, Harmonic Measurements region 3; Rref3=13mm centered at (14,0), Relative field Measurements region 4; Relative to the central field at B(0,0), sampled in an Annulus 25mm>dRvol3>31mm02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- reference field for the different measurements shall be Measurement 1; Bref1=-0.375 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 2; Bref2=0.12 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 3; Bref2=0.23 (T) in Region1, Region2 and Region3 Measurement 3; Bref3=0.23 (T) in Region402/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have a field homogeneity in region 4, of better than dB/B<10-3 with respect to the central field at R(0,0) and shall meet the following harmonic multipole content in regions 1, 2 and 3. (Note: The following calculated multipoles values are given for reference radius of 17mm and centered on axis at x=0, y=0. *The multipole values need to be scaled accordingly in regions 1 and 3 with appropriate off axis values.)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: b1 = 10000, Region2: b1 = 10000, *Region3: b1 = 1000002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -6<b2<6, Region 2: -6<b2<6, *Region 3: -6<b2<602/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -0.5<b3<0.6, Region2: -0.5<b3<0.6, *Region3: -0.5<b3<0.602/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region1: -1<b4< 0.5, Region2: -1<b4< 0.5, *Region 3: -1<b4< 0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b5 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b5 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b5 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b6 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b6 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b6 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b7 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b7 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b7 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b8 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b8 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b8 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b9 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b9 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b9 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b10 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b10 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b10 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b11 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b11 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b11 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b12 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b12 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b12 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b13 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b13 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b13 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b14 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b14 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b14 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b15 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b15 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b15 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-*Region 1: -0.5<b16 <0.5, Region 2: -0.5<b16 <0.5, *Region 3: -0.5<b16 <0.502/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to limit CrossTalk requirements.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to constrain the external fringe field01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet fringe field shall not exceed 10 Gauss at a radial distance greater than 900mm from the magnet centerline01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, the magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- installation tolerances, the magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.06.02The electron and hadron IR spin manipulation components shall be designed to provide the spin orientation at the IP as specified in [5.8].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The process of orientating the spin to longitudinal direction at the IP shall not affect the spin outside the IR01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-CONT : Interaction Region Controls
- 6.07.02Provision shall be made in the global EIC control system to accommodate any IR control requirements needed.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Provide mechanism to visualize crab alignment signals shall be tbd tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Crab data update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Crab correction update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Fast Orbit Feedback correction output rate shall be 100 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Fast Orbit Feedback per BPM sampling rate shall be 10 kHz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The IR Orbit average orbit data sample update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-CONT-ALGNMNT : IR Controls Crab Alignment
- IR-CONT-ALGNMNT EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.07.02The Provide mechanism to visualize crab alignment signals shall be tbd tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Crab data update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Crab correction update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-CONT-FEEDBACK : IR Controls Fast Orbit Feedback
- IR-CONT-FEEDBACK EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.07.02The Fast Orbit Feedback per BPM sampling rate shall be 10 kHz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Fast Orbit Feedback correction output rate shall be 100 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-CONT-ORBIT : IR Controls Transverse IR Orbit Optimization
- 6.07.02The IR Orbit average orbit correction update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- IR-CONT-ORBIT EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.07.02The IR Orbit average orbit data sample update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04All distribution system helium valves operating sub-atmospherically shall have a test port with a VCR connection.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04All distribution system helium valves shall be bellows-sealed.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryodistribution System shall be designed such that the pressure drop of each circuit is no more than 5%.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The design of the Cryodistribution System shall minimize thermal acoustic oscillations (TAOs) by orienting each dead leg of piping to promote establishment of a static thermal gradient.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryogenic Distribution System design shall minimize cavity vibrations.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryodistribution System design shall not condense moisture from the atmosphere in the tunnel where drainage to a safe location is not accessible.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The design of the Cryodistribution System shall eliminate the possibility of vapor locks in piping distributing any 2-phase fluids.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04To decouple commissioning schedules, the Cryodistribution System design shall allow cooldown to nominal operating conditions regardless of the number of CMs attached.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryodistribution System shall support continuous 4.5K refrigeration of the entire group of nominally 2K loads during times of cold compressor maintenance.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryodistribution system Shield Return line from the cryomodules to the satellite refrigerator shall maintain a temperature of 80K and a pressure of 1.8 bar.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryodistribution system sub-atmospheric line from the cryomodules to the satellite refrigerator shall maintain a temperature of 4K and a pressure of 30 mbar.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryodistribution system shall provide piping to run the following lines from the satellite refrigerator to the exsisting lines in the tunnel: H-line: 80 K, 15.9 bar U-line: 10 K, 1.3 bar02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The new 2K cryodistribution H-line shall maintain a temperature of 80 K and a pressure of 15.7 bar when connecting to the existing tunnel H-line.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The new 2K cryodistribution U-line shall maintain a temperature of 10 K and a pressure of 1.5 bar when connecting to the existing tunnel U-line.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The design shall add no additional margin to the heat leak for the 2 K sub atmospheric return line.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04A recooler with an outlet temperature of 4.55 K is required on the S-line.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The recooler baths shall be supplied by the S-Line which will supply helium at a maximum pressure and temperature of 3.5 bar and 6 K The recooler baths supplied by the S-Line shall have a maximum supply pressure and temperature of 3.5 bar and 6 K02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The LHe supply line shall have a maximum velocity of TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryodistribution System design shall allow CMs to be added and removed without compromising the Cryodistribution System insulating vacuum.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Each segment of the insulating vacuum space shall have valves and ports as required for maintenance of the insulating vacuum.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04All valves and piping joints shall where possible shall be in accessible indoor locations for manual actuation, leak checking, and maintenance work. If the valves are to be sited in conditions other than this their location shall be approved by the EIC CRYO group.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04During a pressure relief event due to rupture of the internal process piping, the pressure at any point within the insulating vacuum space shall not exceed 15 psi.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The design of the ambient-temperature flanged connections on any sub atmospheric process piping shall prevent any air ingress or contamination in the case of an O-ring failure.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04A guard vacuum is required for all subatmospheric relief valves and other applicable locations.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The distribution shall have pressure and temperature sensors located as shown on P&ID _____02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The distribution shall have a liquid level sensor on the recooler01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The distribution system shall have a heater at the R-line interface to the SA-line for commissioning the satellite plants. The heater shall be 620 W.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The recooler shall have a heater (2kW at IR02 and 1kW at IR06 and IR10).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The distribution system shall have an equal percentage control valve on the S-line and on/off valves for other distribution system circuits.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Bayonet connections for the 5 interface lines (listed below): Bayonets/piping connection location tolerances - in general, U-tubes are 90% fabricated prior to determining final locations of CMs. Once locations are finalized, bayonet positions are measured, allowing final u-tube dimensions to fit the critical tolerances required for smooth insertion/extraction.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryogenic system shall have the capacity to handle cooling requirements for both the low temperature thermal intercepts and high temperature thermal radiation shield01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryomodules shall be cooled down and filled with LHe at the beginning of each run.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryomodules shall be warmed up to ambient temperature (300K) at the end of each run.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryomodules shall be cooled down and kept at their operating temperature for the duration of each run.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04All physical connections to cryomodules shall be made when the system is at room temperature.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryomodule/cryodistribution system interface components shall be designed to accommodate a warmup to at least 300K at least one time per year01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryodistribution system shall circulate warm clean gas to scrub/cleanout prior to cooldown01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryomodules shall circulate warm clean gas to scrub/cleanout prior to cooldown01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04During warmup, the cryogenic 2.0 K circuits shall be pressurized to positive pressure, and the cold compressors will be bypassed.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Heaters shall be used for cryomodule warm up.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryo module design shall be such that it can be warmed up and removed during a run.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04No operation shall be carried out on a cryomodules in a single region at 2K if any other cryomodules are still at 4.5K.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryomodules shall be capable of Independent warmup/cooldown.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryomodule shall include cross-over valves to provide a means controlling each Cryomodule individually.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04A guard vacuum shall be supplied to the cryomodules at the sub-atmospheric connection and for the reliefs.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04A control valve or orifice on the downstream/exhaust side shall be used to control the flow through the FPCs01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Each cryomodule shall contain a 2K-4K Refrigeration recovery heat exchanger.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Each Cryomodule shall include a control heater(s).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The maximum flow required for cryomodule cooldown at IR02 is01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The maximum flow required for cryomodule cooldown at IR06 is01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The maximum flow required for cryomodule cooldown at IR10 is01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The total budget available for cooldown from the central plant via the S header shall be 20 g/s of 4.5K,3 bar He. The central plant supply line via the header shall have a flow rate of 20 g/s.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The 4.5K central plant supply line via the header shall have a flow rate of 20 g/s.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The 4.5K central plant supply line via the header shall have a maximum supply pressure of 3 bar.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cooldown return flow from the satellite plants shall be processed to be sent back to central plant at 300 K.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Assuming the 2K flow is loaded to minimum turndown:.e.g.. __ g/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryomodule 4.5K supply shall come directly from the S-supply from the central plant01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Cryomodules shall be designed to accommodate the maximum budgeted heat loads plus an additional margin of01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Each cryomodule at IR10 (even those farthest from the satellite plant) shall have a maximum temperature of 2.0K.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The temperature stability in the cryomodules circuits shall be01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The temperature stability of the 2K bath shall be01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The saturated vapor pressure in the 2K bath shall be01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04IR10: S-Line - Primary Supply: 4.9 K, 3.3 bar. SA-Line: Subatmospheric Return: 30 mbar, 3.7K CR-Line: Shield/FPC Return: 1.8 bar, 80K02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The S-Line Primary Supply at IR10 shall have a maximum supply temperate of 4.9K.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The S-Line Primary Supply at IR10 shall have a maximum supply pressure of 3.3 bar.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The SA-Line Subatmospheric Return at IR10 shall have a maximum supply temperate of 3.7K.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The SA-Line Subatmospheric Return at IR10 shall have a maximum supply pressure of 30 mbar.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The CR-Line Shield and FPC Return at IR10 shall have a maximum supply temperate of 80K.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The CR-Line Shield and FPC Return at IR10 shall have a maximum supply pressure of 1.8 bar.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The S-line Header pressures shall be stable to within ± TBD.X mbar01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Shield return Header pressures shall be stable to within ± TBD.X mbar01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The FPC/Cooldown Header pressures shall be stable to within ± TBD.X mbar01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Sub atmospheric line Header pressures shall be stable to within ± TBD.X mbar01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04S-line Header pressures shall be stable within ± xx.y mbar Shield return Header pressures shall be stable within ± xx.y mbar FPC/Cooldown Header pressures shall be stable within ± xx.y mbar Sub atmospheric line Header pressures shall be stable within ± xx.y mbar02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The pressure in the FPC/Shield Return shall be greater than or equal to TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Power Coupler Return shall be combined with the Shield Return and they will return to the satellite plant in one stream.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The design shall be capable of "parking" all of the cryomodules at 4.5K01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04In 4.5K Mode the Cryomodule return is valved to connect to the 4.5K R-header of HSR distribution system to central plant01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04All reliefs in the tunnel shall be connected to a common relief header that will vent to an area outside the tunnel.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The relief header in the tunnel shall be sized to be large enough to not create backpressure in the cryomodules.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The cryomodule pressure protection shall include a 4 bara burst disk and 2bara reliefs.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04All Cryomodules shall be installed to within 1/4 inch of the "ideal" locations per appropriate CAD installation drawings.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Instrumentation Interfaces: Wiring, Junction boxes/panels01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Instrumentation and valves list: Pressure, Temperatures, Levels, switches, Valves, Vacuum, Heaters01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04Electrical interfaces: Size, number of pins, etc.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04The Instrumentation required to operate each SC magnet (coil voltage taps, current leads voltage taps, thermal sensors, Liquid sensors etc.) shall be furnished by the EIC SC magnets group in consultation with the EIC cryogenics team and the EIC controls team.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.04To minimize remanent fields, no magnetic components, such as flanges and bolts, shall be used in the design of the SC magnet cryogenic systems.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.09.02A standby cooling water tower pump shall be provided.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cooling water supply availability shall have an uptime of 100% per year.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cooling water cleanliness shall be capable of maintaining a piping longevity of 20 years.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cooling water piping material shall be chosen such that no corrosion occurs within 20 years of commissioning.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The maximum differential cooling water pressure total in the building shall be 45 psi.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02Electricity availability shall be 99.997%.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The voltage differential in the supply shall be within +/- 10% of the rated voltage.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The power supply for all satellite plant refrigerator equipment shall be an independent reliable power source.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The roof of the control room shall have a minimum floor loading of TBD lbs/ft2.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The design of the building shall accommodate all the material handling accomodations for commissioning and operation as defined on drawing #SK-CRB-IR10 BLDG PLAN - 23OCT24 including, but not limited to, permanent cranes, access for portable cranes, aisle sizes.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The equipment footprint for the building shall be in accordance with drawing #SK-CRB-IR10 BLDG PLAN - 23OCT24.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The minimum concrete strength shall be 4000 psi.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The Infrastructure building design shall include all vehicle access needed to accommodate the filling of gas and liquid storage tanks.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All internal components of the coldbox shall be easily accessible via an internal ladder while working within the cold box.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02Access to the inside of the cold box shall be via a manway of at least 28 inches in diameter and be accessible from the ground.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02A flanged plate with a minimum diameter of 8 inches shall be provided at the top of the cold box for air ventilation while working within the cold box.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The access platforms shall be placed on top of the cold box and shall be designed to carry a load of at least 150 lbs. per square foot.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All vacuum pump ports shall be a minimum size of ISO 250.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All vacuum valve ports of vessels with multi-layer insulation shall be properly screened to prevent inlet blockages.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold box back-up vacuum valve connection port shall be at least 150 ISO.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02Should there be a failure of any component in the cold box, the cold box vacuum vessel shall be equipped with a relief device sized to handle 125% of the flow from the cold box high pressure supply at the maximum design capacity.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold box shall have Dual carbon beds at 80 K.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The 80K Dual carbon beds shall have a regeneration period of less than 2 days.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The 80K Dual carbon beds shall reduce flow impurities in the system to less than 1 ppmV, given an inlet impurity level of 100 ppmv.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The 80K Dual carbon beds shall have a minimum bed life of 1 month01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The 80K Dual carbon beds pressure drop through the adsorber beds shall not exceed 0.5 atm01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The final filtration stage shall have a residual contamination of oil of less than 1 ppb by volume01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The exit dewpoint of the high pressure helium stream after the dual carbon beds shall be TBD K or better. 80 °C01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The satellite plant shall be designed to meet all applicable standards as defined by ASME BPVC VIII as directed by the EIC Code of Record and/or all applicable excluded items governed by the EIC Memorandum of Agreements (MOA).01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The satellite plant shall be designed to meet all applicable standards as defined by B31.3 Process Piping as directed by the EIC Code of Record and/or all applicable excluded items governed by the EIC Memorandum of Agreements (MOA).01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The satellite plant shall be designed to meet all applicable standards as defined by 10 CFR 851 as directed by the EIC Code of Record and/or all applicable excluded items governed by the EIC Memorandum of Agreements (MOA).01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The satellite plant shall be designed to meet all applicable standards as defined by 10 CFR 1926 as directed by the EIC Code of Record and/or all applicable excluded items governed by the EIC Memorandum of Agreements (MOA).01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The satellite plant shall be designed to meet all applicable standards as defined by 10 CFR 1021 as directed by the EIC Code of Record and/or all applicable excluded items governed by the EIC Memorandum of Agreements (MOA).01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The satellite plant shall be designed to meet all applicable standards as defined by NFPA as directed by the EIC Code of Record and/or all applicable excluded items governed by the EIC Memorandum of Agreements (MOA).01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The satellite plant shall be designed to meet all applicable standards as defined by ASHRAE as directed by the EIC Code of Record and/or all applicable excluded items governed by the EIC Memorandum of Agreements (MOA).01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold box expander inlet filters shall be capable of filtering particles of 10 microns or larger.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold box expander bearing gas supply and gas brake circuit filters shall be capable of filtering particles of 10 microns or larger.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The low pressure inlet of warm compressors shall have a 304SS temporary strainer with 300 mesh 300% O, 1/16" PERF and the screen must be easily removable for cleaning.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All the cryogenic equipment shall be designed to handle no less than 100 thermal cycles.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All process equipment joints and interfaces such as flanges, mechanical joints, and valve stem seals shall have a maximum allowable leakage rate of 1x10^-6 atm cc/s.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All satellite refrigerator process piping shall have a maximum allowable leakage rate of 1x10^-9 atm cc/s.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All distribution system process piping shall have a maximum allowable leakage rate of 1x10^-9 atm cc/s.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All process equipment shall have a maximum allowable leakage rate of 1x10^-6 atm cc/s.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The piping shall be designed so that pooling oil will flow downward toward compressors and away from the cold box at all times01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The Satellite refrigerator design shall mitigate all instances of standing liquid within the system.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All internal process piping shall be designed with operating and design temperatures in the range of 3.5 to 310 K01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The turbo-expander shall have a performance history in helium service of at least 20000 hrs.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All satellite refrigerator helium valves shall be bellows-sealed.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All satellite refrigerator helium valves operating sub-atmospherically shall have a test port with a VCR connection.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The Coldbox vacuum vessel relief device shall be sized to handle 125% of the flow from the high pressure supply at the maximum design capacity.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All water-cooled equipment as defined by the EIC Cryogenics group shall not exceed a temperature of 305K.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02All utilities (instrument air, water, electricity, etc.) provided to the cryogenics satellite plant shall be in accordance with the parameters laid out in the latest revision of EIC Infrastructure Utilities Requirements Document, Doc. No. EIC-IFD-RSI-012.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold box vacuum shall be able to be pumped down from atmospheric pressure to its operational pressure of 1e-5 Torr or better within 24 hrs.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold box shall be designed to pumpdown from 4.5K to 2K.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold box shall be designed to complete a half thermal cycle (warm up or cooldown) from 3.5K to 300K or vice versa within 12 hrs.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.09.02The cold compressors shall be capable of a minimum possible turndown mode of 20% below the nominal flowrate.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
IR-ESR : Interaction Region ESR
IR-ESR-LATTICE : Interaction Region ESR Lattice
- 6.06.02The electron lattice elements shall have large enough apertures to accommodate a minimum 13.5σ spread in x (horizontal direction) and a 22 spread in y (vertical direction) with an RMS beam size based on the design emittances as specified in [5.8].02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice design shall adjust the phase advance between the IP and the arc on each side to support the correction of chromatic effects.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice elements shall provide apertures in the near-IR quadrupoles large enough to transmit the synchrotron radiation created by magnets on the other side of the IP.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice design shall accommodate a luminosity monitor to detect hard γ-rays downstream of the IP with respect to the electrons (Rear Side).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice shall incorporate a Compton polarimeter between the upstream spin rotator and the upstream crab cavity.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice shall provide space for detectors to tag scattered electrons on the downstream side of the IP (Rear Side).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice shall incorporate a dipole just downstream of the IP to bend the beam away from the HSR line, for the purpose of luminosity monitoring and detection of off-energy electrons.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The forward side ESR cavity shall not interfere with the ZDC or the HSR crab cavities.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The detector background shall be kept below levels consistent with the detector requirements.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice shall accommodate the crossing angle required by the electron beam at the IP.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice upstream of the IP shall ensure that accelerator components do not interfere with other accelerator components.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02At the IP of the electron lattice the dispersion, its derivative and alpha shall all be 0 ,and the beta βx βy shall be chosen to deliver the colliding beam parameters set forth in [5.8]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice design shall create a multiple of 180deg horizontal phase advance between the two crab cavities.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.5 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 9.4 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02It shall be possible to remove any horizontal/transverse coupling introduced due to the detector solenoid and ESR ring tilt in the IR electron lattice.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.6 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 11.0 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall require shunt resistors for beam-based alignment, 5A at 5 GeV.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a Quadrupole field.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a normal field rotation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- pole tip radius of the magnet shall be 40 mm.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical magnet length shall be <0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- effective magnet length shall be 0.8 m.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet integrated grad field G shall be 15.1 T.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- harmonic reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 25 (mm) and 412 (A).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Field at the reference radius and current at 18 GeV shall be 18.9 (T/m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall require the following multipole content:01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = 10000 , a2 = N/A01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.2 , a3 = +/- 201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 2.4 , a4 = +/- 0.701/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a5 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a6 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a7 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a8 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a9 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a10 = +/- 0.501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a11 = +/- 0.401/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a12 = +/- 0.301/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a13 = +/- 0.201/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- = HV +/- 1.0 , a14 = +/- 0.1501/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to specifically constrain the external fringe field to 10 Gauss at 40mm from the RCS beamline.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnetic field, center and alignment, within the magnet must be known to within a translational value of +/-50 (um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet install center and install alignment must be within a translational value of +/-150(um) and a rotational alignment value of +/-0.5(mrad).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a splitable pole to facilitate the vacuum beam pipe installation.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design and verification process shall ensure the final magnet will meet the reliability needs of the EIC over it planned operational life of >20 Years.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose of TBD Rads it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02For spin rotation purposes the IR electron lattice shall use two solenoid modules (“long” and “short”) each consisting of two solenoids with a number of quadrupoles between them. They shall be capable of rotating the electron Spin to the longitudinal direction at the IP, for all beam energies within the required range as set forth in the Master Parameter table [5.8].02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- requirements for electron transverse orbit feedback at the IP shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs that shall provide the electron beam position data to the IR feedback system are TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- location and quantity of the corrector magnets for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- bandwidth of corrector system of magnets and their power supplies for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be >30 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- type of the corrector magnets for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be (fast) air-core correctors01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electron beam position stability provided by the IR feedback system at the IP shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice design shall eliminate any coupling introduced by the spin rotator solenoids.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice design shall remove the dependence of spin on the horizontal amplitude of the particles.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The number of Independent functions on the magnets being powered shall be 101/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string resistance to be powered shall be TBD ohm01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum magnet string inductance to be powered shall be TBD H01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnets being powered shall be saturated TBD Y/N01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The voltage to ground of the magnet being powered shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The nominal current of the magnets being powered shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The minimum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The maximum current the PS must operate at shall be TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The PS current type shall be NC (DC or AC)01/28/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The full power bandwidth required shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The ppm of full scale current (peak to peak) shall be TBD %01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The time period for specified stability shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The short term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The long term stability shall be TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The current setpoint resolution (min size in bits) shall be TBD bits01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization required between PS's shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The synchronization timing of synchronization shall be TBD s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max allowable current ripple (peak to peak) TBD A01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max current ripple frequency range (Hz) TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04WRT the ripple frequency the following resonant frequencies shall be avoided TBD Hz01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The max voltage ripple (peak to peak) shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04An NMR shall be required to measure the field TBD A/s01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.04.04The current required to be shunted through the magnet shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The terminal voltage shall be TBD V01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The magnet turns ratio shall be TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.04.04The design shall have thermal switches TBD01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice design shall be able to zero the Horizontal dispersion ηx = 0 in the long spin rotator solenoid module at 18 GeV.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- IR-ESR-LATTICE EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.06.02The IR electron lattice machine elements shall be designed to accommodate a beam divergence of 220µrad vertically and horizontally.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermalcycle] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermalcycle] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-HSR : Interaction Region HSR
IR-HSR-LATTICE : Interaction Region HSR Lattice
- 6.06.02The hadron beamline lattice elements through the IR shall have a large enough aperture throughout to accommodate a minimum of 10σ spread in x and y of the incoming hadron beam at all energies without obstruction for all energies set forth in [5.8].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.06.02The apertures of the downstream, near-IR magnets, within the IR hadron lattice, shall be large enough to transport a 4 mrad cone of neutral particles from the IP without obstruction.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The apertures of the forward side near-IR magnets, within the IR hadron lattice, shall be large enough to transport particles having a transverse momentum of up to 1.3 GeV/c with a 275GeV proton beam without obstruction.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The apertures of the forward side, near-IR magnets, within the IR hadron lattice, shall accommodate off beam-axis detectors which can detect forward scattered protons with a transverse momentum of 0.2GeV to 1.3GeV at a proton beam energy of 275GeV.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The first magnet on the forward side of the detector in the IP hadron lattice shall be designed to accommodate all necessary detector components to reconstruct tracks up to 20 mrad off the hadron beam axis.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The first magnet on the forward side of the detector in the IP hadron lattice shall be a dipole magnet that is sufficiently strong to act as a spectrometer for detecting interaction products from the hadron beams foreseen in [5.8].01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The forward side HSR shall have any magnets which interfere with the ZDC or the HSR crab cavities.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR hadron lattice design shall accommodate the crossing angle required by the hadron beam at the IP to generate a shallow crossing angle for the beams.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The downstream near-IR magnets of the IR hadron lattice design shall be designed to bend the beam away from the electron line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR hadron lattice design shall provide the capability to correct the HSR orbit vertically and horizontally to remove the effect of unwanted kicks imparted to the beam by entering the Detector solenoid off axis.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The lattice design must ensure that the dipoles in the downstream near IR region of the IR hadron lattice design shall be such that the beam is restored to the correct trajectory (common to all configurations) as it exits the last near-IR magnet.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The design of the IR hadron lattice elements shall prevent any stray field from the hadron magnets affecting the electron beam.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02At the IP of the hadron lattice the dispersion, its derivative and alpha shall all be 0 ,and the beta βx βy shall be chosen to deliver the colliding beam parameters set forth in [5.8]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5I) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D5O) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D6) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D8) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the multipole homogeneity measurements and transfer function are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the cross talk calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is a Dipole(D9) RHIC Magnet, the fringe field calculations are maintained in the BNL magnet repository.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to operate reliably given the cumulative radiation dose it will experience over the lifetime of the EIC of >20 Years.02/19/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its operational harmonic multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be measured using the multipole homogeneity measurement methodology defined to satisfy its crosstalk multipole content constraints.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall not be designed to constrain the external fringe field.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40 thermal cycles, 120 quenches and 20000 power cycles.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed with components capable to withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List Doc. No. TBD.02/18/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 6.06.02The Phase advance between the crab cavities shall be as close as feasible to 180 degrees to limit dynamic aperture issues.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- IR-HSR-LATTICE EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- 6.06.02The IR hadron lattice design shall include a helical dipole (“snake”) on one side of the IP Parallel to the RHIC 7DUMMY in RHIC sector 11.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-INST : Interaction Region Instrumentation
- 6.06.02The IR shall have the instrumentation needed to measure the beam position of both electron and hadron beams.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- total number of ESR BPM pickups in the IR shall be 2401/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the 2nC pilot bunch, BPM pickups shall be designed to provide the required measurement resolution over the range of H=+/-50, V=+/-10 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the design bunch, BPM pickups shall be designed to provide the required measurement resolution over the range of H=+/-20, V=+/-5 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickup shall be designed so to ensure the maximim temperatures of the components (due to heating by the beam) are acceptable for reliability and operations01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickups shall be designed to be baked to 200 C for large number of thermal cycles (list locations where applicable)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickup installation misalignment tolerance shall be for warm BPM=50 & cold BPM=500 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickup misalignement variance tolerance (upper limit) due to thermal cycling of the ESR BPMs in the IR shall be 20 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ESR shall have slow global orbit correction BPM pickups at the specified locations within +162m to -162m of IP6 ESR_IR_BPM_corrector-10-20-2023.docx01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM electronics shall have a turn-by-turn capability Y01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the 2 nC pilot bunches, single turn measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<100 Hdrift=Vdrift<50 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the 2 nC pilot bunches, 1,000 turns average measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<30 Hdrift=Vdrift<30 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, turn-by-turn low charge, 2 nC bunches, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<30 Hdrift=Vdrift<30 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, turn-by-turn high charge, 7-28 nC bunch range, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<10 Hdrift=Vdrift<10 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, 1,000 turns average, high charge, 7-28 nC bunch range, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<5 Hdrift=Vdrift<5 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, 1 second average, high charge, 7-28 nC bunch range, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<1 Hdrift=Vdrift<1 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- RHIC stripline BPMs that are reused in the IR shall be shielded (sleeved) to avoid overheating the BPMs and their cables in the RHIC cryostats01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron cryobutton BPMs shall be placed in available locations as close as possible to the existing RHIC stripline BPMs inside RHIC cryostats which are being reused01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron BPMs shall be placed in new, additional locations as required HSR_IR_BPM_cor_location-10-20-2023.xlsx01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron cryobutton BPMs shall be able to operate a with minimal load on the cryogenic system at temperatures of 2 K01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- new and existing BPMs shall compatibly interface with the new coated sleeves that are being added to the HSR cold vacuum pipe.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- new cryobutton BPM shall have the same measurement plane(s) as the closest existing RHIC stripline BPM or be upgraded to dual plane01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM mechanical centers shall be aligned with nearby quadrupole magnetic center within at least 0.15 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc focusing quads shall be capable of providing a reliable measurement of the horizontal orbit position of +/-21 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc defocusing quads shall be capable of providing a reliable measurement of the horizontal orbit position of +/-10 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc focusing quads for measurements of the orbit position at a bunch charge of 5nC. [5.9] shall be capable to provide reliable measurements in a range of +/ 21 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc defocusing quads shall be capable to provide reliable measurement of the orbit position in the range +/ 10 mm at a bunch charge of 5nC. [5.9] 10 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- number of BPMs shall sighted on either side of IP6 where there is a different (nontraditional) beam pipe aperture. These BPM will not be the standard HSR cryoBPM. The number of non standard BPMs in this region shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- nonstandard HSR BPM's in this region shall be compatible with the non standard beam pipe aperture.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- locations of the non standard HSR BPM's in the nonstandard beam pipe aperture shall be. TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- non standard HSR BPM's shall have a measurement resolution of TBD units01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- expected radial offset at each of the non standard HSR BPMs in the IR, for each of the various HSR running modes shall be 0 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- shall be warm HSR button BPM pickups at the following locations TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- warm HSR button BPM pickups shall have a measurement resolution of TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- warm HSR button BPM pickups at the following locations Dimensions and performance requirements are TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron BPM shall be installed between B0pF and B0ApF with the dedicated purpose of measuring the hadron crabbing angle of 12.5 mrad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM electronics for the pickups located in the HSR arcs (defined in this case as from Q5 to Q5) need to be able to provide measurements during the store with an considerably shifted beam radial orbit. The BPMs here shall be able to measure a maximum radial orbit shift range of +\- 21 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- shall be no requirement on BPMs to perform individual measurements for each bunch, when more than one bunch is present. One position measurement per turn which includes all bunches combined will be the narrowest (turn-by-turn) mode of sampling.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM RMS resolution for measuring one turn orbit for a 5 nC bunch at injection parameters shall not be larger than 2 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- RMS resolution for a 44 nC bunch at injection parameters for measuring one turn orbit shall not be larger than 0.2 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall be capable of delivering an array of consecutive single turn position measurements at a rate of 1 array per second with 1024 turns01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall be capable of delivering average orbit measurements at a continuous rate of 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- RMS resolution, averaged over a 1 second period, for a 5 nC bunch at injection parameters for measuring the average orbit shall not be larger than 0.2 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- RMS resolution , averaged over a 1 second period, for a 44 nC bunch at acceleration ramp parameters for measuring the average orbit shall not be larger than 20 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- resolution, averaged over a 1 second period, at highest average current parameters for measuring the average orbit shall not be larger than 20 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall be able to provide average orbit measurements to an orbit feedback system having a bandwidth of at least 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall require a subset of BPMs that operate the fast orbit feedback having a bandwidth of at least 1 kHz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electronics associated with the hadron BPM pickup installed between B0pF and B0ApF, used for measuring the hadron crabbing angle, shall have the necessary bandwidth and characteristics to measure a crabbing angle of 12.5 mrad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall have the instrumentation needed to measure the beam losses at critical locations.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Electron beam losses shall be measured at the following locations in the IR TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- losses at the location of primary collimators shall be measurable bunch-by-bunch01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- sensitivity of the BLM detectors shall be 100000 e01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- response time from loss detection to abort shall be .01/20 ms01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- beam losses shall be measured at the following locations in the IR TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- losses at the location of primary collimators shall be measurable bunch-by-bunch01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- sensitivity of the BLM detectors shall be 0.1 rad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- type of hadron BLM detectors shall be ion chambers (RHIC style)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- response time from loss detection to abort shall be .01/20 ms01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR shall have the instrumentation needed to measure the hadron bunch crabbing angle between the hadron crab cavities.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The electron bunch crabbing angle will be measured at a location outside of the IR using a special operating mode due to IR space constraints.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-INST-ESR_BPM : ESR BPM Pickups in the IR
- IR-INST-ESR_BPM EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- total number of ESR BPM pickups in the IR shall be 2401/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the 2nC pilot bunch, BPM pickups shall be designed to provide the required measurement resolution over the range of H=+/-50, V=+/-10 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the design bunch, BPM pickups shall be designed to provide the required measurement resolution over the range of H=+/-20, V=+/-5 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickup shall be designed so to ensure the maximim temperatures of the components (due to heating by the beam) are acceptable for reliability and operations01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickups shall be designed to be baked to 200 C for large number of thermal cycles (list locations where applicable)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickup installation misalignment tolerance shall be for warm BPM=50 & cold BPM=500 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM pickup misalignement variance tolerance (upper limit) due to thermal cycling of the ESR BPMs in the IR shall be 20 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ESR shall have slow global orbit correction BPM pickups at the specified locations within +162m to -162m of IP6 ESR_IR_BPM_corrector-10-20-2023.docx01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM electronics shall have a turn-by-turn capability Y01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the 2 nC pilot bunches, single turn measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<100 Hdrift=Vdrift<50 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- the 2 nC pilot bunches, 1,000 turns average measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<30 Hdrift=Vdrift<30 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, turn-by-turn low charge, 2 nC bunches, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<30 Hdrift=Vdrift<30 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, turn-by-turn high charge, 7-28 nC bunch range, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<10 Hdrift=Vdrift<10 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, 1,000 turns average, high charge, 7-28 nC bunch range, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<5 Hdrift=Vdrift<5 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stored beam, 1 second average, high charge, 7-28 nC bunch range, measurement resolution shall be Hmax=Vmax<1 Hdrift=Vdrift<1 um02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-INST-ESR_FEEDBACK : ESR Transverse Orbit Feedback near the IR
- IR-INST-ESR_FEEDBACK EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- requirements for electron transverse orbit feedback at the IP shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs that shall provide the electron beam position data to the IR feedback system are TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- location and quantity of the corrector magnets for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- type of the corrector magnets for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be (fast) air-core correctors01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- bandwidth of corrector system of magnets and their power supplies for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be >30 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electron beam position stability provided by the IR feedback system at the IP shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-INST-ESR_LM : ESR Beam Loss Monitors in the IR
- IR-INST-ESR_LM EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- Electron beam losses shall be measured at the following locations in the IR TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- losses at the location of primary collimators shall be measurable bunch-by-bunch01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- sensitivity of the BLM detectors shall be 100000 e01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- response time from loss detection to abort shall be .01/20 ms01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-INST-HSR_BPM : HSR BPM Pickups in the IR
- IR-INST-HSR_BPM EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- RHIC stripline BPMs that are reused in the IR shall be shielded (sleeved) to avoid overheating the BPMs and their cables in the RHIC cryostats01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron cryobutton BPMs shall be placed in available locations as close as possible to the existing RHIC stripline BPMs inside RHIC cryostats which are being reused01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron BPMs shall be placed in new, additional locations as required HSR_IR_BPM_cor_location-10-20-2023.xlsx01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron cryobutton BPMs shall be able to operate a with minimal load on the cryogenic system at temperatures of 2 K01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- new and existing BPMs shall compatibly interface with the new coated sleeves that are being added to the HSR cold vacuum pipe.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- new cryobutton BPM shall have the same measurement plane(s) as the closest existing RHIC stripline BPM or be upgraded to dual plane01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM mechanical centers shall be aligned with nearby quadrupole magnetic center within at least 0.15 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc focusing quads shall be capable of providing a reliable measurement of the horizontal orbit position of +/-21 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc defocusing quads shall be capable of providing a reliable measurement of the horizontal orbit position of +/-10 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc focusing quads for measurements of the orbit position at a bunch charge of 5nC. [5.9] shall be capable to provide reliable measurements in a range of +/ 21 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs at the arc defocusing quads shall be capable to provide reliable measurement of the orbit position in the range +/ 10 mm at a bunch charge of 5nC. [5.9] 10 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- number of BPMs shall sighted on either side of IP6 where there is a different (nontraditional) beam pipe aperture. These BPM will not be the standard HSR cryoBPM. The number of non standard BPMs in this region shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- nonstandard HSR BPM's in this region shall be compatible with the non standard beam pipe aperture.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- locations of the non standard HSR BPM's in the nonstandard beam pipe aperture shall be. TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- non standard HSR BPM's shall have a measurement resolution of TBD units01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- expected radial offset at each of the non standard HSR BPMs in the IR, for each of the various HSR running modes shall be 0 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- shall be warm HSR button BPM pickups at the following locations TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- warm HSR button BPM pickups shall have a measurement resolution of TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- warm HSR button BPM pickups at the following locations Dimensions and performance requirements are TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron BPM shall be installed between B0pF and B0ApF with the dedicated purpose of measuring the hadron crabbing angle of 12.5 mrad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM electronics for the pickups located in the HSR arcs (defined in this case as from Q5 to Q5) need to be able to provide measurements during the store with an considerably shifted beam radial orbit. The BPMs here shall be able to measure a maximum radial orbit shift range of +\- 21 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- shall be no requirement on BPMs to perform individual measurements for each bunch, when more than one bunch is present. One position measurement per turn which includes all bunches combined will be the narrowest (turn-by-turn) mode of sampling.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM RMS resolution for measuring one turn orbit for a 5 nC bunch at injection parameters shall not be larger than 2 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- RMS resolution for a 44 nC bunch at injection parameters for measuring one turn orbit shall not be larger than 0.2 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall be capable of delivering an array of consecutive single turn position measurements at a rate of 1 array per second with 1024 turns01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall be capable of delivering average orbit measurements at a continuous rate of 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- RMS resolution, averaged over a 1 second period, for a 5 nC bunch at injection parameters for measuring the average orbit shall not be larger than 0.2 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- RMS resolution , averaged over a 1 second period, for a 44 nC bunch at acceleration ramp parameters for measuring the average orbit shall not be larger than 20 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- resolution, averaged over a 1 second period, at highest average current parameters for measuring the average orbit shall not be larger than 20 um01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall require a subset of BPMs that operate the fast orbit feedback having a bandwidth of at least 1 kHz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPM system shall be able to provide average orbit measurements to an orbit feedback system having a bandwidth of at least 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electronics associated with the hadron BPM pickup installed between B0pF and B0ApF, used for measuring the hadron crabbing angle, shall have the necessary bandwidth and characteristics to measure a crabbing angle of 12.5 mrad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-INST-HSR_FEEDBACK : HSR Transverse Orbit Feedback near the IR
- requirements for hadron transverse orbit feedback at the IP shall be TBD -01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs that will provide hadron beam position data to the IR feedback system shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- location and quantity of the corrector magnets for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- type of the corrector magnets for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- bandwidth of corrector system of magnets and their power supplies for the IR transverse orbit feedback shall be >10 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- hadron beam position stability provided by the IR feedback system at the IP shall be TBD mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-INST-HSR_LM : HSR Beam Loss Monitors in the IR
- IR-INST-HSR_LM EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- beam losses shall be measured at the following locations in the IR TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- losses at the location of primary collimators shall be measurable bunch-by-bunch01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- type of hadron BLM detectors shall be ion chambers (RHIC style)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- sensitivity of the BLM detectors shall be 0.1 rad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- response time from loss detection to abort shall be .01/20 ms01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-MAG : IR Magnet
IR-MAG-ESR : Interaction Region/Electron Storage Ring Magnets
- magnet shall have a single function dipole with a vertical field direction along the beam axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 5.5 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 90.45\90.45 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, will be replaced by a warm magnet details TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum integrated field required is 0.172000000611804 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 0.2 (Tm)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 30(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@5GeV)=TBD(T) B(@10GeV)=TBD(T) B(@18GeV)=TBD(T) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 90.45 mm to 90.45mm. Rref=29.8485 Assumes 1/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: b1= 10000, Measurement 2: b1= 10000, Measurement 3: b1= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function dipole with a vertical field direction along the beam axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 5.5 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 73(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@5GeV)=TBD(T) B(@10GeV)=TBD(T) B(@18GeV)=TBD(T) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 111.45 mm to 111.45mm. Rref=73.557 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: b1= 10000, Measurement 2: b1= 10000, Measurement 3: b1= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
IR-MAG-ESR-DETSOL : ESR Detector Selinoid
- magnet shall have a single function Solenoid with a Solenoidal field direction along the beam axis01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet SHALL be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3 bar and 1.9 K.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 2.75 (m) .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 50\50 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The entire cryostat, any ancillary equipment and support structure must fit within the tunnel and not impede any other EIC components or block egress.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=na Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum integrated field required is 46.7 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 51.4 (Tm)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of TBD A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=na02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The field shall be measured within a cylindrical volume having a reference radius of Rr of 33(mm), a length of TBD (m) and centered on the magnet center. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref shall be measured at the Nominal magnet field. .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 50 mm to 50mm. Rref=33 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field variability |dB|/|B| within the measured volume shall not exceed 10 (x104) (10^-4)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of TBD(s) from full current.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 20*2 thermal cycles, TBD quenches, and 20000=200(operational days)*20(yrs)*5(power cycles per day) power cycles01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be a single function solenoid with the solenoid field direction aligned along the beam axis.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cryostat shall be less than or equal to 6.2 (m).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet inner beam stay clear radius shall be greater than or equal to TBD (mm).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cryostat shall be designed to fit within a cylindrical volume having an outside diameter less than 1.2 (m) and length less than 6.2 (m). All ancillary equipment and support structures which project outside this volume must be approved by EIC engineering to ensure the design does not impede any other EIC components or block egress.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field axis displacement and rotational alignment shall be identified using fiducials on the magnet cryostat with can locate the field within the following tolerance limits:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnetic field axis displacement tolerances: +/-TBD in X +/-TBD in Y Not Applicable in Z02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnetic field rotational alignment tolerances: +/-TBD around x +/-TBD around y Rotational about Z is not applicable02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnets maximum integrated field required is 46.70 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 2% tuning margin giving a design field of (47.63) (Tm).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet needs to have a switchable polarity allowing it to deliver a solenoid field in either direction.02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet needs to have a switchable polarity allowing it to deliver a solenoid field in either direction.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cryostat installation position and alignment with respect to the nominal beam position defined in the lattice file and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cold install center displacement shall be aligned with respect to the specified lattice field center position +/-TBD in X +/-TBD in Y Not Applicable in Z02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cold rotational alignment shall be aligned with respect to the specified lattice beam axis +/-TBD around X +/-TBD around Y Rotational about Z is not applicable02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field homogenity shall be measured within the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- integral field shall be measured within a cylindrical volume centered on the magnet axis having a radius of Rr of 33(mm), a length of TBD(m).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field (Bref) shall be measured at the magnets nominal field value.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field variability |dB|/|B| within the measured volume shall not exceed TBD%02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- Solenoid field shall be straight to within +/-TBD(Units=TBD)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 100(µT).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be desuigned to meet the following external fringe field constraints02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a stray field of no more than 10 gauss at a radial distance of 1 (m) from the solenoid axis.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stray field from the magnet of shall not exceed TBD gauss for axial distances greater than .55(m) from the end plane of the magnet cryostat.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions with a superfluid helium (HeII) Bath. The Bath will operate with a pressurized magnet volume at 1.3(bar). The sub-atmospheric side of the heat exchanger will operate at 1.92(K) and the corresponding saturated vapor pressure of 25.4(mbar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 7 (W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet 2kA current leads pair cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 4.8 (W) at the cold end while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of less than 0.24(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 18.6(bar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03 (bar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to attain the design field with no more than 20 training quenches.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, ininstrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a Hi-Pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = (2xPeak Voltage +500 Volts).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be a mulple function magnet with a main quadrupole field with nomal rotation, a skew quadrupole corrector, a vertical and horizontal corrector.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 1.61 (m) .01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 63\63 (mm).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Forward main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- main quadrupole maximum integrated gradient field required is 9.7 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 10.7T.m01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- skew quadrupole corrector overwinding maximum integrated gradient field required is 1.08 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of TBDT.m01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- vertical corrector overwinding maximum integrated gradient field required is TBD T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of TBD T.m01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 42(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@5GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@10GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@18GeV)=TBD(Tm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 63 mm to 63mm. Rref=41.58 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: b2= 10000, Measurement 2: b2= 10000, Measurement 3: b2= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of TBD(s) from full current.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/21/2025ApprovedFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/21/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be a mulple function magnet with a main quadrupole field with nomal rotation, a skew quadrupole corrector, vertical corrector.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 1.8 (m) .01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 55.7\47.6 (mm).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Rear main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- main quadrupole maximum integrated gradient field required is 14.44 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of15.9T.m01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- skew quadrupole corrector overwinding maximum integrated gradient field required is TBD T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of TBD T.m01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- vertical corrector overwinding maximum integrated gradient field required is TBD T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of TBD T.m01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 37(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@5GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@10GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@18GeV)=TBD(Tm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 55.7 mm to 47.6mm. Rref=36.762 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: b2= 10000, Measurement 2: b2= 10000, Measurement 3: b2= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of TBD(s) from full current.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function quadrupole with a normal field direction along the beam axis01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 1.4 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 64.3\64.3 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Rear main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated gradient field required is 14.2857142857143 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of15.7T.m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 42(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. The field shall be measured at 3 energies Energy 1 =5 GeV, Rr=30(mm) Energy 2 =10 GeV, Rr=30(mm) Energy 3 =18 GeV, Rr=30(mm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@5GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@10GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@18GeV)=TBD(Tm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 64.3 mm to 64.3mm. Rref=42.438 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: b2= 10000, Measurement 2: b2= 10000, Measurement 3: b2= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the HSR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of TBD(s) from full current.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be a single function solenoid with the solenoid field direction aligned along the beam axis.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cryostat shall be less than or equal to 2.5 (m).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet inner beam stay clear radius shall be greater than or equal to TBD (mm).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cryostat shall be designed to fit within a cylindrical volume having an outside diameter less than 1.2 (m) and length less than 2.5 (m). All ancillary equipment and support structures which project outside this volume must be approved by EIC engineering to ensure the design does not impede any other EIC components or block egress.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field axis displacement and rotational alignment shall be identified using fiducials on the magnet cryostat with can locate the field within the following tolerance limits:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnetic field axis displacement tolerances: +/-TBD in X +/-TBD in Y Not Applicable in Z02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnetic field rotational alignment tolerances: +/-TBD around x +/-TBD around y Rotational about Z is not applicable02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnets maximum integrated field required is 15.43 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 2% tuning margin giving a design field of 15.74 (Tm).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet needs to have a switchable polarity allowing it to deliver a solenoid field in either direction.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cryostat installation position and alignment with respect to the nominal beam position defined in the lattice file and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cold install center displacement shall be aligned with respect to the specified lattice field center position +/-TBD in X +/-TBD in Y Not Applicable in Z02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cold rotational alignment shall be aligned with respect to the specified lattice beam axis +/-TBD around X +/-TBD around Y Rotational about Z is not applicable02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field homogenity shall be measured within the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- integral field shall be measured within a cylindrical volume centered on the magnet axis having a radius of Rr of 33(mm), a length of TBD(m).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field (Bref) shall be measured at the magnets nominal field value.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field variability |dB|/|B| within the measured volume shall not exceed TBD%02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- Solenoid field shall be straight to within +/-TBD(Units=TBD)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the HSR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 100(µT).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be desuigned to meet the following external fringe field constraints02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a stray field of no more than 10 gauss at a radial distance of 1 (m) from the solenoid axis.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- stray field from the magnet of shall not exceed TBD gauss for axial distances greater than .55(m) from the end plane of the magnet cryostat.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system which meets the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions with a superfluid helium (HeII) Bath. The Bath will operate with a pressurized magnet volume at 1.3(bar). The sub-atmospheric side of the heat exchanger will operate at 1.92(K) and the corresponding saturated vapor pressure of 25.4(mbar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 7 (W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet 2kA current leads pair cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 4.8 (W) at the cold end while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of less than 0.24(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 18.6(bar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03 (bar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to attain the design field with no more than 20 training quenches.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, ininstrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a Hi-Pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = (2xPeak Voltage +500 Volts).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-MAG-HSR : Interaction Region/Hadron Stroage Ring Magnets
- magnet shall be a mulple function magnet with a main Dipole field in the vertical direction, a skew quadrupole corrector and a vertical corrector.01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the main Dipole magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 0.6 (m) .01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 43\43 (mm).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Forward main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- main dipole maximum integrated field required is 2 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 2.2 (Tm)01/28/2025ApprovedFALSE
- skew quadrupole corrector overwinding maximum integrated field required is 1.08 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of TBD (Tm)01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- vertical corrector overwinding maximum integrated field required is TBD (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of TBD (Tm)01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- main dipole shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.022T/s A/s and be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=na Rotational about Y=na Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 28(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(T) B(@41GeV)=TBD(T) B(@100GeV)=TBD(T) B(@275GeV)=TBD(T) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 43 mm to 43mm. Rref=28.38 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: b1= 10000, Measurement 2: b1= 10000, Measurement 3: b1= 10000, Measurement 4: b1= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< blank >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/28/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function dipole with a vertical field direction along the beam axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 1.2 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 200\200 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the forward B0PF\Q0EF cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum integrated field required is 1.42 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 1.6 (Tm)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.008T/s A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=na Rotational about Y=na Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 66(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(T) B(@41GeV)=TBD(T) B(@100GeV)=TBD(T) B(@275GeV)=TBD(T) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 200 mm to 200mm. Rref=66 Assumes 1/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: b1= 10000, Measurement 2: b1= 10000, Measurement 3: b1= 10000, Measurement 4: b1= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall be less than or equal to 1.5(m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated dipole field required is 4.05(Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 4.46(Tm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.02(T/s) and be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here].01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- harmonic Reference radius (Rr) shall be 45(mm), centered at (x=0(mm),y=0(mm)) with respect to the magnet axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Reference field (Bref) for the four different measurements shall be: Measurement 1 = 0.34(Tm) Measurement 2 = 0.61(Tm) Measurement 3 = 1.49(Tm) Measurement 4 = 4.46(Tm)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Notes: The units are in parts of 10^-4 of the main components. All undefined harmonics are assumed to be less than +/-0.5 units. A range of -2 to +2 units is a 1st pass. It is assumed all components have a normal distribution of values within this range. More analysis is needed to understand, how to better define the spread in single real magnet and the effect of such a distribution on the beam.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: b1=10000, Measurement 2: b1=10000, Measurement 3: b1=10000, Measurement 4: b1=1000002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b2 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b3 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b4 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 2: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 3: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 4: -2 < b5 <202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b6 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b7 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b8 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b9 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 2: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 3: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 4: -2 < b10 <202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b11 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b12 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b13 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b14 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b15 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b16 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) and have all harmonic multipoles with an average less than 10(µT).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from B1APF on the center axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss).01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than 40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- center displacement (with respect to the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z= na02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- rotational alignment (with respect to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X= na Rotational about Y= na Rotational about Z= +/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the IR Forward main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints. Note: The geometry required is contained in the Forward IR Main cryostat Interface requirements. [EIC-SEG-RSI-063: Forward IR main SC magnet cryostat Interface control document]02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025ReviewedFALSE
- cold mass center displacement (with respect to the nominal beam position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y= 2(mm) Displacement in Z= 2(mm)02/13/2025ReviewedFALSE
- cold rotational alignment (with respect to the nominal beam axis) Rotational about X= +/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y= +/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z= +/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025ReviewedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 5.9 Watts while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(k).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 36 Watts at the cold end while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of 1.8(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- maximum internal pressure in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360 seconds from full current.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module shall be less than 1.0(nOhm) at 1.9(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.01/27/2025On HoldFALSE
- components must withstand the radiation dose during operation or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a clear volume as needed to accommodate the beam pipe.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall be less than or equal to 3(m).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated dipole field required is 10.2(Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 11.2(Tm).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.025(T/s) and be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here])01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- harmonic Reference radius (Rr) shall be 45(mm), centered at (x=0(mm),y=0(mm)) with respect to the magnet axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- Reference field (Bref) for the four different measurements shall be: Measurement 1= 0.85(Tm) Measurement 2= 1.52(Tm) Measurement 3= 3.63(Tm) Measurement 4= 11.2(Tm)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Notes: The units are in parts of 10^-4 of the main components. All undefined harmonics are assumed to be less than +/-0.5 units. A range of -2 to +2 units is a 1st pass. It is assumed all components have a normal distribution of values within this range. More analysis is needed to understand, how to better define the spread in single real magnet and the effect of such a distribution on the beam.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: b1=10000, Measurement 2: b1=10000, Measurement 3: b1=10000, Measurement 4: b1=1000002/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b2 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b3 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b4 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 2: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 3: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 4: -2 < b5 <202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b6 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b7 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b8 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b9 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 2: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 3: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 4: -2 < b10 <202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b11 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b12 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b13 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b14 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b15 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 1: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b16 < 202/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) and have all harmonic multipoles with an average less than 10(µT).02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from B1PF on the center axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss).01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than 40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits. Note: Z is along the beam axis.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- center displacement (with respect to the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z= na02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- rotational alignment (with respect to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X= na Rotational about Y= na Rotational about Z= +/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the IR Forward main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints. Note: The geometry required is contained in the Forward IR Main cryostat Interface requirements. [EIC-SEG-RSI-063: Forward IR main SC magnet cryostat Interface control document]02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025ReviewedFALSE
- cold mass center displacement (with respect to the nominal beam position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y= 2(mm) Displacement in Z= 2(mm)02/13/2025ReviewedFALSE
- cold rotational alignment (with respect to the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X= +/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y= +/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z= +/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025ReviewedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 4.1(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of 24(W) at the cold end while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of 1.2(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time differential of 360 seconds from full current.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest =( 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts ).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead in and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module shall be less than 1.0(nOhm) at 1.9(K).01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.01/27/2025On HoldFALSE
- components must withstand the radiation dose during operation or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List.02/13/2025ApprovedFALSE
- magnet shall have a clear volume as needed to accommodate the beam pipe.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >01/27/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function dipole with a vertical field direction along the beam axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 3.7 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to TBD\TBD (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The entire matching coil cryostat, any ancilliary equipment and support structure must fit within the tunnel and not imped the any other EIC components or block egress.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum integrated field required is 15.54 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 17.1 (Tm)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.028T/s A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=na Rotational about Y=na Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be TBD(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(T) B(@41GeV)=TBD(T) B(@100GeV)=TBD(T) B(@275GeV)=TBD(T) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: - .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: b1= 10000, Measurement 2: b1= 10000, Measurement 3: b1= 10000, Measurement 4: b1= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function dipole with a vertical field direction along the beam axis.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall be less than or equal to 3.1 (m).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 60(mm).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cryostat shall be designed to fit within a cylindrical volume having an outside diameter less than 1.16(m) and length less than 3.3(m). All ancillary equipment and support structures which project outside this volume must be approved by EIC engineering to ensure the design does not impede any other EIC components or block egress.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field axis displacement and rotational alignment shall be identified using fiducials on the magnet cryostat that can locate the field within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnetic field axis displacement tolerances: Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z= na02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnetic field rotational alignment tolerances: Rotational about X= na Rotational about Y= na Rotational about Z= +/-0.2(mrad)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum integrated dipole field required is 15.4 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 16.94 (Tm).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of TBD T/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document to be added here]02/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cryostat installation position and alignment with respect to the nominal beam position defined in the lattice file and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cold install center displacement shall be aligned with respect to the specified lattice field center position Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y= 2(mm) Displacement in Z= 2(mm)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cold rotational alignment shall be aligned with respect to the specified lattice beam axis Rotational about X= +/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y= +/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z= +/-0.2(mrad)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet field homogenity shall be measured within the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be, B(at 23GeV)=TBD(T) ~0.45T B(at 41GeV)=TBD(T) ~0.81T B(at100GeV)=TBD(T) ~1.98T B(at 275GeV)=TBD(T). ~5.46T02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field (Bref) shall be measured at the magnets nominal field value.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field SHALL has the following multipole content. Notes: The units are specified in parts of 10-4 of the main components. All undefined harmonics are assumed to be less than +/-0.5 units.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: b1= 10000, Measurement 2: b1= 10000, Measurement 3: b1= 10000, Measurement 4: b1= 1000002/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b2 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b2 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b3 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b3 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b4 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b4 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 2: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 3: -2 < b5 <2, Measurement 4: -2 < b5 <202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b6 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b6 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b7 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b7 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b8 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b8 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b9 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b9 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 2: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 3: -2 < b10 <2, Measurement 4: -2 < b10 <202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b11 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b11 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b12 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b12 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b13 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b13 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b14 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b14 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b15 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b15 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- 1: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 2: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 3: -2 < b16 < 2, Measurement 4: -2 < b16 < 202/21/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- < Requirement Not Applicable >02/20/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be desuigned to meet the following external fringe field constraints02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a stray field of no more than 10 gauss at a radial distance of 1 (m) from the solenoid axis.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
-†The stray field from the magnet of shall not exceed TBD gauss for axial distances greater than TBD(m) from the end plane of the magnet cryostat.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system and meet the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions with a superfluid helium (HeII) Bath. The Bath will operate with a pressurized magnet volume at 1.3(bar). The sub-atmospheric side of the heat exchanger will operate at 1.92(K) and the corresponding saturated vapor pressure of 25.4(mbar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD (W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be TBD(bar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have an appropriate quench protection system which ensures all electromagnetic, thermal and cryogenic connected systems are not damaged in a quench event and meets the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to attain the design field with no more than 20 training quenches.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, ininstrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections and meet the following constraints:02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a Hi-Pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = (2xPeak Voltage +500 Volts).02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermalcycle] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/20/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function dipole with a vertical field direction along the beam axis.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 3.7 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to TBD\TBD (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The entire matching coil cryostat, any ancilliary equipment and support structure must fit within the tunnel and not imped the any other EIC components or block egress.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum integrated field required is 15.54 (Tm), the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of 17.1 (Tm)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.028T/s A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= na Displacement in Y= na Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=na Rotational about Y=na Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be TBD(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(T) B(@41GeV)=TBD(T) B(@100GeV)=TBD(T) B(@275GeV)=TBD(T) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: - .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: b1= 10000, Measurement 2: b1= 10000, Measurement 3: b1= 10000, Measurement 4: b1= 10000 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function quadrupole with a normal field direction along the beam axis01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 1.46 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 56\56 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Forward main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated gradient field required is 122 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of134.2T.m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.557T/ms A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 37(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@41GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@100GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@275GeV)=TBD(Tm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 56 mm to 56mm. Rref=36.96 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function quadrupole with a normal field direction along the beam axis01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 1.61 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 78\78 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Forward main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated gradient field required is 78 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of85.8T.m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.323T/ms A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 51(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(T) B(@41GeV)=TBD(T) B(@100GeV)=TBD(T) B(@275GeV)=TBD(T) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 78 mm to 78mm. Rref=51.48 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function quadrupole with a normal field direction along the beam axis01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 1.4 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 27.99\27.99 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Rear main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated gradient field required is 75.7142857142857 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of83.3T.m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.361T/ms A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 18(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@41GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@100GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@275GeV)=TBD(Tm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 27.99 mm to 27.99mm. Rref=18.4734 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function quadrupole with a normal field direction along the beam axis01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall less than or equal to 3.8 (m) .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 131\131 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Forward main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated gradient field required is 132 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of145.2T.m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.232T/ms A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be The harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 43(mm), centered at (x=0,y=0) mm with respect to the beam axis. .01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@41GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@100GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@275GeV)=TBD(Tm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 131 mm to 131mm. Rref=43.23 Assumes 1/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a single function quadrupole with a normal field direction along the beam axis01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- physical length of the magnet cold mass insert shall 4.28(m) minimum to 4.5(m) maximum. .01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- inner beam tube bore radius when warm, shall be greater than or equal to 53.95\54 (mm).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to fit within the following constraints, The cold mass must fit within the IR Rear main cryostat and comply with all inner IR geometry constraints01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- installation tolerances, Req...31 The final magnet assembly position and alignment values with respect to the nominal beam position and axis shall be within the following limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req...31.1 The magnet cold install center displacment (wrt the nominal magnet center position) Displacement in X= 2(mm) Displacement in Y=2(mm) Displacement in Z=2(mm) Req...31.2 Magnet cold rotational alignment (wrt the nominal beam Axis) Rotational about X=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Y=+/- 0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/- 0.2(mrad) Note: Z is along the beam axis02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- maximum integrated gradient field required is 26.2222222222222 T, the magnet design shall include an additional 10% tuning margin giving a required field of28.8T.m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall have a peak ramp rate of 0.039T/ms A/s and all HSR magnets must be able to follow the RHIC ramp profile [reference to appropriate RHIC ramp profile document here]01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- field position and alignment within the magnet, Req....29 The field alignment within the magnet, position and alignment values shall be within the following tolerance limits: (Note: Z is along the beam axis) Req....29.1 Field center displacement (wrt the physical magnet center) Displacement in X= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Y= 0.2(mm) Displacement in Z=na Req...29.2 Field rotational alignment (wrt to the physical magnets primary axis X,Y,Z) Rotational about X=+/-0.2 (mrad) Rotational about Y=+/-0.2(mrad) Rotational about Z=+/-0.2(mrad)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- harmonic reference radius Rr shall be 16(mm), centered at (0,0) mm. The field shall be measured at N energies Energy 1 =275 GeV, Rr=16(mm) Energy 2 =TBD GeV, Rr=16(mm) … Energy N=TBD GeV, Rr=16(mm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- field at the reference radius Bref shall be The reference field Bref for the different measurements shall be, B(@23GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@41GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@100GeV)=TBD(Tm) B(@275GeV)=TBD(Tm) .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet bore field shall have the following multipole content: Aperture radius from 53.95 mm to 54mm. Rref=35.64 Assumes 2/3 max apperture .02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b2<2, Measurement 2: -2<b2<2, Measurement 3: -2<b2<2, Measurement 4: -2<b2<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b3<2, Measurement 2: -2<b3<2, Measurement 3: -2<b3<2, Measurement 4: -2<b3<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b4<2, Measurement 2: -2<b4<2, Measurement 3: -2<b4<2, Measurement 4: -2<b4<3 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b5<2, Measurement 2: -2<b5<2, Measurement 3: -2<b5<2, Measurement 4: -2<b5<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b6<2, Measurement 2: -2<b6<2, Measurement 3: -2<b6<2, Measurement 4: -2<b6<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b7<2, Measurement 2: -2<b7<2, Measurement 3: -2<b7<2, Measurement 4: -2<b7<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b8<2, Measurement 2: -2<b8<2, Measurement 3: -2<b8<2, Measurement 4: -2<b8<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b9<2, Measurement 2: -2<b9<2, Measurement 3: -2<b9<2, Measurement 4: -2<b9<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b10<2, Measurement 2: -2<b10<2, Measurement 3: -2<b10<2, Measurement 4: -2<b10<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b11<2, Measurement 2: -2<b11<2, Measurement 3: -2<b11<2, Measurement 4: -2<b11<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b13<2, Measurement 2: -2<b13<2, Measurement 3: -2<b13<2, Measurement 4: -2<b13<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b12<2, Measurement 2: -2<b12<2, Measurement 3: -2<b12<2, Measurement 4: -2<b12<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b15<2, Measurement 2: -2<b15<2, Measurement 3: -2<b15<2, Measurement 4: -2<b15<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 1: -2<b16<2, Measurement 2: -2<b16<2, Measurement 3: -2<b16<2, Measurement 4: -2<b16<2 (10^-4)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet cross-talk shall be constrained within a radius of 50(mm) of the ESR axis such that all harmonic multipoles average less than 10(µT)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
-< Requirement Not Applicable >01/28/2025Not ApplicableFALSE
- magnet cross talk shall be constrained such that, at its maximum energy, the magnetic cross-talk from the magnet to the axis of the ESR shall be less than 10(gauss)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed such that, at its maximum energy the magnet fringe field shall not be greater than <40(gauss) on the RCS beam line.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to be cooled and sustained at its operational temperature utilizing the proposed EIC cryogenic system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K)nominal operating conditions of superfluid helium (HeII) bath at 1.3(bar)and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads shall be designed to be cooled and sustain operations at nominal operating conditions of helium (HeI) bath at 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) while maintaining nominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 1.92(K).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet current leads cooling shall be capable of removing a maximum total heat load of TBD(W) at the cold end while maintaining ominal operating conditions under 1.3(bar) and 4.5(K), and vapor cooling flow of TBD(g/s) from 4.5(K) to 300(K)02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum differential internal pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 10(bar).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum atmospheric external pressure from the helium volume to the vacuum in the magnet structure shall be 1.03(bar).01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to remove the heat from the coil through a pressurized heat exchanger for all operational modes.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be designed to handle a controlled cooldown with minimum of a 50K axial gradient.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet design shall have an appropriate quench protection system which also ensures all electromagnetically, thermally and cryogenically connected systems are not damaged in a quench event.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be able to survive the thermal dynamics during cooldown and following a quench without degradation in its performance.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- a thermal cycle to room temperature, the magnet SHOULD attain the nominal operating current with no quenches and SHALL attain the nominal operating current with no more than 3 quenches.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall not quench when ramping down within a time interval of 360(s) from full current.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- electrical connection to the magnet for the main current leads, instrumentation, Voltage taps, Current taps shall meet the appropriate interface requirements specified for those connections.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet coils and quench protection heaters shall pass a hi-pot test at nominal operating conditions corresponding to Vtest = 2xPeak Voltage + 500 Volts.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet shall be delivered with three redundant (3x2) quench detection voltage taps located on each magnet lead and at the electrical midpoint of the magnet circuit; and two (2) voltage taps for each internal splice. Each voltage tap used for critical quench detection shall have a redundant voltage tap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- SC magnet Splice resistances within the coil module or to the coil module SHALL be less than 1.0 nΩ at 1.9 K.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum operating current of the magnet shall be 13.5kA. Decided this is not relevant01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- magnet is expected to sustain 20 years of EIC operation under nominal conditions. During these 20 operational years, the magnet is expected to survive the following: 40[20yrs*2cycles] thermal cycles, 120[20yrs*2cycles*3quenchesperthermal] quenches and 20000 [200operationaldays*20yrs*5power cycles per day] power cycles.02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- components must withstand a radiation dose of TBD MGy, or shall be approved by EIC for use in a specific location as shown in the “BNL Materials” List TBD02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-PROT : Interaction Region Protection
- 6.06.03The IR protection and beam abort shall be included in the ESR and HSR protection and beam abort systems (see ESR&HSR requirement documents [5.9] and [5.10]).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- diameter shall be 90 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- length shall be 2 m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- materials shall be C / Al / Cu01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- energy deposited during abort shall be 320 kJ01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- frequency of thermal cycle shall be 1 hour01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- window thickness shall be tbd mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- window material shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Length shall be 50 m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Internal diameter shall be 90 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Temperature sensors shall be yes01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- BPMs shall be 401/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Correctors shall be 401/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Corrector PS shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- power supply accuracy shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Cooling / pumping shall be yes01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- deflection shall be 2 mrad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- length shall be 1.2 m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- power supply shall be 1600 A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- power supply accuracy shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Y-chamber aperture shall be 36 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- need to add additional window requirements for other leg of Lambertson magnet TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- gradient shall be 17 T/m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- power supply shall be 1600 A01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- power supply accuracy shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- length shall be 70 cm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- aperture radius shall be 50 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- number of kickers shall be 601/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Rise time shall be 900 ns01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Fall time shall be NA sec01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flat top time shall be 13 us01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- waveshape shall be trap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- painting shall be vertical01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum field shall be 0.12 T01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- total deflection shall be 16 mrad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum current shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum voltage shall be TBD01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- inductance with cable shall be TBD (uH)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Max rep rate shall be 100 kV/pC01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flat top repeatability shall be NA Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flatness of flat top/pulse form shall be 1 %01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- cooling type shall be w (W,A)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- beam abort kicker shall be tbd %01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- location (Section) shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- dimension in W shall be tbd (ft)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- dimension in L shall be tbd (ft)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- dimension in H shall be tbd (ft)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- num magnets shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- mag gap shall be tbd (cm)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- rise time shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- fall time shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flat top time shall be tbd (sq ft)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- waveshape shall be tbd (sq ft)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flat top repeatability shall be tbd (sec)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- uniformity of the flattop shall be tbd (sec)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- deflecting Angle shall be tbd (sec)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- rep rate spec shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- output voltage Spec shall be tbd (Hz)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- output current spec shall be tbd (Volts)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- inductance with cable shall be tbd (Amps)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- cooling type shall be tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- number of kickers shall be 501/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Rise time shall be 900 ns01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Fall time shall be NA sec01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flat top time shall be 13 us01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- waveshape shall be trap01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- painting shall be horizontal01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum field shall be TBD T01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- total deflection shall be TBD mrad01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum current shall be 20 kA01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- maximum voltage shall be 33.3 kV01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- inductance with cable shall be TBD (uH)01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- Max rep rate shall be 1 pulse per minut01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flat top repeatability shall be +10 / -20 %01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- flatness of flat top/pulse form shall be 0.45 mod01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- abort kicker tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- cooling type shall be water01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- dimensions shall be 40 x 10 mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- length shall be 0.5 / 2.6 / 2 m01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- materials shall be C-C / Gr/ SS01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- energy deposited during abort shall be 3.5 MJ01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- frequency of thermal cycle shall be 1 hour01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- window thickness shall be tbd mm01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- window material shall be tbd tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Forward vac-1 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.06.03The collimation required for the IR shall be included in the ESR and HSR collimation systems (see ESR&HSR requirement documents [5.9] and [5.10]).02/13/2025In ProcessFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Forward vac-1 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
IR-PS : IR Magnet Power Supply
IR-PS-B0APF : IR Magnet Power Supply B0APF
IR-PS-B0PF : IR Magnet Power Supply B0PF
IR-PS-B1APF : IR Magnet Power Supply B1APF
IR-PS-B1PF : IR Magnet Power Supply B1PF
IR-PS-B1PR : IR Magnet Power Supply B1PR
IR-PS-B2AER : IR Magnet Power Supply B2AER
IR-PS-B2BER : IR Magnet Power Supply B2BER
IR-PS-B2PF : IR Magnet Power Supply B2PF
IR-PS-B2PR : IR Magnet Power Supply B2PR
IR-PS-D1EF : IR Magnet Power Supply D1EF
IR-PS-H5_QS3 : IR Magnet Power Supply H5_QS3
IR-PS-H5_TV3 : IR Magnet Power Supply H5_TV3
IR-PS-LONG_S : IR Magnet Power Supply LONG_S
IR-PS-Q0EF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q0EF
IR-PS-Q1APF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q1APF
IR-PS-Q1APR : IR Magnet Power Supply Q1APR
IR-PS-Q1BPF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q1BPF
IR-PS-Q1BPR : IR Magnet Power Supply Q1BPR
IR-PS-Q1EF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q1EF
IR-PS-Q1ER : IR Magnet Power Supply Q1ER
IR-PS-Q2EF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q2EF
IR-PS-Q2ER : IR Magnet Power Supply Q2ER
IR-PS-Q2PF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q2PF
IR-PS-Q2PR : IR Magnet Power Supply Q2PR
IR-PS-Q3EF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q3EF
IR-PS-Q3ER : IR Magnet Power Supply Q3ER
IR-PS-Q3PF : IR Magnet Power Supply Q3PF
IR-PS-Q3PR : IR Magnet Power Supply Q3PR
IR-PS-SHORT_S : IR Magnet Power Supply SHORT_S
IR-RF : Interaction Region RF
- 6.06The IR shall compensate for the crossing angle by using crab cavities in both the electron and hadron beams.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Crab data update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Provide mechanism to visualize crab alignment signals shall be tbd tbd01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.07.02The Crab correction update rate shall be 1 Hz01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
IR-RF-CRAB_ESR_SRFCM : IR ESR CRAB RF Super Conducting Cryogenic Module (SCFCM)
IR-RF-CRAB_HSR_SRFCM : IR HSR CRAB RF Super Conducting Cryogenic Module (SCFCM)
IR-VAC : Interaction Region Vacuum
- 6.06.02The IR beam pipe shall be of minimal size around the IP to have maximum acceptance for an experimental mu-vertex tracker01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- special aperture requirements or aperture information shall be provided by and\or approved by physics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR vacuum systems shall be designed to minimize any direct and backscattered synchrotron radiation at the detector to a level consistent with required detector measurements.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR central vacuum chamber shall be designed to minimize secondary particle production.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Rear vac-2 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Rear vac-1 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR common vac shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Rear vac-3 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Forward vac-3 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Rear vac-2 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR Vacuum chamber impedance shall be sufficiently small as to prevent any undesirable beam dynamic issues and adverse heating of vacuum components.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- vacuum system global impedance shall be less than the impedance budget as provided by accelerator physics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Rear vac-2 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- 6.06.02The IR vacuum pressure around the IP from at least -15m to +15m shall be low enough to ensure the beam gas background for the experiment is adequate after the system has been properly conditioned.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Rear vac-2 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Rear vac-1 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR common vac shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Rear vac-3 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Forward vac-3 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Rear vac-2 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- magnetic permeability for vacuum equipment shall be approved by beam physics.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Rear vac-3 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Forward vac-2 shall be <5x10-9 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Rear vac-1 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Forward vac-1 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Forward vac-2 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR HSR Forward vac-3 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- vacuum stability (upper pressure limit) shall be TBD Torr01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 15 m (or one vacuum section) on each side of the SRF cavities shall be processed to class ISO 5.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- current is an input for the interlock system. The threshold level shall be identified and adjusted during the system commissioning.01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE
- central beam pipe temperature limit (warm gas bakeout) shall be +110 C.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- inner beam pipe ( +/- 1.5 m around IP) shall have a gold coating of 5 um.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- IR-VAC EXTERNALSRequirements who's parents are in other sub-systems.
- average vacuum level (after conditioning for >1000Ah) in the IR ESR Forward vac-1 shall be <1x10-10 Torr01/27/2025ReviewedFALSE