Global EIC System Requirements
Electron Ion Collider
Global EIC System Requirements
Global requirements associated with the Electron Ion Collider.
- NameWBSDescriptionUpdatedStatusTBD
- 6Backgrounds in the detector system must be kept to a very low level to extract the signals of interest02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The central and far-forward detectors must be integrated into the accelerator and IR lattice, including the vacuum, controls, and beam protection systems, in such a way as to minimize backgrounds from scattered particles, such as beam-gas02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The detectors must be well protected against background created by the beam. This implies that there must not be particle background from the electron and hadron beams hitting the interaction region vacuum walls. Unavoidable lost particles02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Residual pressure levels must remain within limits defined by the background level which can be accepted by the detector.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Polarization is required for (i) double-spin asymmetries, requiring both electron and hadron beams to be polarized, and (ii) single-spin asymmetries, requiring only the electron or hadron beam to02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6High beam polarizations, ≥70%, are mandatory to reduce the statistical uncertainties.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Electron- and proton beams as well as light ion beams such as He-3 need to be spin polarized accordingly in collisions with a polarization degree of 70% on average (over time).02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The accelerator chain and the injection systems for electron must be able to provide beams with sufficiently high polarization at a sufficiently high injection frequency to maintain high electron polarization.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The polarization direction in collisions needs to be adjustable in the longitudinal direction and the transverse direction with respect to the hadron beam direction02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The polarization direction in collisions needs to be adjustable in the longitudinal direction for the electron beam.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The polarimeters are required to be able to measure the beam polarization on a bunch-by bunch level.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Good Control of luminosity and polarization is essential for the EIC. The EIC measurements require that the instantaneous luminosity L be measurable to 1%.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The precision of double spin asymmetries is dependent on the relative luminosity measurement R = (L++/--)/(L+-/-+), which shall be determined with an accuracy <10-4.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The collider shall be constructed and operated such that bunch polarization and polarization orientation in the interaction point can be measured for each electron and proton bunch,02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The collider shall be constructed and operated such that luminosity per bunch crossing and relative luminosity for the spin different spin direction combinations (++, --, +- and -+)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC must cover a large range of center of mass energy's. The collider shall be designed for center of mass energies in the range of 29 GeV to 140 GeV (electrons and protons)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The corresponding requirement for the maximum proton beam energy is 275 GeV and for maximum electron energy is 18 GeV.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The corresponding crequirment for minimum proton beam energy is 41 GeV and for minimum electron energy is 5 GeV.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The center of mass energy range for Electron-Ion collisions shall be (in case of electron gold collisions, a representative case) 29 GeV to 89 GeV (collisions of electrons with gold ions).02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The corresponding requirment for Au ion energies are 110 GeV/nucleon and 41 GeV per nucleon.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The electron storage ring must be designed such that the revolution frequency of the electron beam equals the revolution frequency of a 133 GeV proton beam in the hadron storage ring.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6For low energy hadron operations, the hadron storage ring lattice must include an option of a bypass such that the path length for protons with an energy of 41 GeV - or any ion species with02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6the scattered electron alone must be precisely measured, including a range of angles within a few milliradians of the beam; semi-inclusive measurements, which require detection of at least one hadron in coincidence with the scattered electron; and exclusive processes, which require the02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6the detector must be “hermetic”, with an acceptance that includes all angles, up to those of particles scattered within a few milliradians of the colliding beam directions.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The main detector, comprising tracking, calorimetry, and particle identification for scattered particles with pseudorapidity in the range η = -4 to +4 must fit within a space -4.5 to +5 meters from the collision point.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6For scattered particles whose energy and momentum are very close to those of the circulating beams, far forward and backward detectors must be integrated with the accelerator components of the IR.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The required experimental equipment includes:Very forward detectors to complete the hermetic coverage, such as Roman pots to detect scattered protons that remain inside the beam pipe, and large acceptance zero-degree calorimetry to effectively detect neutrons from the break-up of nuclei02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Polarized beams require the implementation of electron, proton, and light-ion polarimetry.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC detector will have to cope with collision rates up to ~500 kHz at full luminosity.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The facility shall be planned and designed preferably with standardized components that can be used in several hardware systems of the collider.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Multipurpose components shall be used wherever they are not compromising performance, cost or schedule.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6To minimize performance risks, commissioning and collider maturing periods and to reduce initial trouble shooting efforts, existing and proven technology shall be used wherever possible.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Use of new technology must be motivated by substantial increase in performance, tolerances, service friendliness, maintainability, manufacturability, availability on the market, cost, and schedule and reasonable research and development effort.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Ecologically and environmentally sensitive areas such as the Peconic River that crosses the EIC facility must not be affected by EIC construction activities.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Precautions shall be taken at locations with expected high beam loss, that activation of oil, ground water, and cooling water is kept within level defined by the document C-AD OPM ProcessFALSE
- 6The inefficient use of electrical power shall be avoided by appropriate energy conscientious design.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Precautions shall be taken at locations with expected high beam loss, that activation of soil, ground water, and cooling water is kept ALARA, and that controls are implemented to minimize environmental impacts and exposure to personnel.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In addition, DOE buildings are subject to the requirements for efficiency and sustainability in DOE O 436.1, Departmental Sustainability.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the environment, the facility must comply to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)Implementing Procedures, 10 CFR 102102/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Compliance with Floodplain/Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements, 10 CFR 102202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Endangered Species Act (Title 16 - Conservation: Chapter 35-Endangered Species, 16 USC 153102/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Historic Sites Act of 1935, 16 USC 461-46702/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act, 16 USC 46902/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the National Historic Preservation Act, 16 USC 47002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, 16 USC 470aa-470ll02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16 USC 703-71202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Protection of Historic Resources, 36 CFR 80002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Protection of Environment /Protection of Stratospheric Ozone, 40 CFR 8202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 40 CFR 239 – 28202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, et seq., as amended, 42 USC 4321-434702/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Trees and Plants/Protected Native Plants, 6 NYCRR 193.302/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Environmental Remediation Programs, 6 NYCRR 37502/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Article 15, Title 5 - Protection of Waters, 6 NYCRR 60802/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Article 24 - Freshwater Wetlands, 6 NYCRR 662 & 66302/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Article 15, Title 27 - Wild, Scenic, Recreational River Systems Act, 6 NYCRR 66602/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, 8 NYCRR Part 10102/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Notification Requirements under CERCLA and Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, 40 CFR 302.602/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Transportation/Hazardous Materials Regulations/ Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, and Training Requirements, 49 CFR 17202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Solid Wastes, 6 NYCRR 360-364.902/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Hazardous Waste Management System: General, 6 NYCRR 37002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Identification and Listing of Hazardous Wastes, 6 NYCRR 37102/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Standards for the Management of Special Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities, 6 NYCRR 37402/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In order to minimize the impact of the EIC on the Standards for the Management of Used Oil, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 6 NYCRR 374-202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6New York State Department of Health, State Sanitary Code, Drinking Water Supplies , 10 NYCRR 502/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act., 16 USC 668 a-d02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Discharge of Oil, 40 CFR 110.602/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Protection of Environment/Oil Pollution Prevention, 40 CFR 11202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Code of Federal Regulations, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, 40 CFR 122-131, 13302/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards, 40 CFR 141-14302/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Underground Injection Control, 40 CFR 144 - 14802/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6November 1978, "Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act," Council on Environmental Quality, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, 40 CFR 1500-150802/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Resource Conservation and Recovery Act/Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste, 40 CFR 262 & 264-26502/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Standards for the Management of Used Oil, 40 CFR 27902/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Protection of the Environment/National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 30002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS), 40 CFR 60 - Subpart A02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engine, 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII (as amended June 28, 2011)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs)- General Provisions, 40 CFR 61 - Subpart A02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) - National Emission Standards for Emissions of Radionuclides Other Than Radon from Department of Energy Facilities, 40 CFR 61 - Subpart H02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting, 40 CFR 9802/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6USC 1996. July 1983, "CEQ Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act," Council on Environmental Quality, Federal Register, 48 FR 3426302/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Endanger and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing the Northern Long-Eared Bat as an Endangered Species - Proposed Rule, 50 CFR 17 Dept. of Interior, Fish and Wild Life Service [Fed. Reg. Vol.78 No.191, Oct 2, 2013]02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6New York State Department of Environmental Conservation/Prevention and Control of Air contamination and Air Pollution, 6 NYCRR 200 - 23402/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, "Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Regulations,", 6 NYCRR 595-59902/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Storage and Handling of Petroleum/Petroleum Clean-up and Removal, 6 NYCRR 611 and 61302/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permits, 6 NYCRR 75002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Sustainable Acquisition Program (Oct 2010)(SC Alternate 1)(Sep 2018), BSA Contract No. DE-SC0012704 - Clause I.134 (DEAR 970.5223-7)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Pollution Prevention And Right-to-know Information (May 2011) ( Alternate I), BSA Contract No. DE-SC0012704 - Clause I.52 — FAR 52.223-502/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Estimate Of Percentage Of Recovered Material Content For EPA Designated Items (May 2008), BSA Contract No. DE-SC0012704 - Clause I.54 — FAR 52.223-902/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Ozone-Depleting Substances and High Global Warming Potential Hydrofluorocarbons (Jun 2016), BSA Contract No. DE-SC0012704 - Clause I.56 (FAR 52.223-11)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Compliance With Environmental Management Systems (May 2011), BSA Contract No. DE-SC0012704 - Clause I.62 — FAR 52.223-1902/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Aerosols (Jun 2016), BSA Contract No. DE-SC0012704 - Clause I.62A - FAR 52.223-2002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Foams (Jun 2016), BSA Contract No. DE-SC0012704 - Clause I.62B - FAR 52.223-2102/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6EO 13990: Climate Crisis; Efforts to Protect Public Health and Environment and Restore Science, January 20, 2021 (EO 13693 was revoked by EO 13990, EO 14008, EO 14057, EO 14082)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6EO 14008: Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, January 27, 202102/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6(EO 13693 was revoked by EO 13990, EO 14008, EO 14057, EO 14082)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6EO 14057: Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability, December 8, 2021 (EO 13693 was revoked by EO 13990, EO 14008, EO 14057, EO 14082)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6EO 14082: Implementation of the Energy and Infrastructure Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, September 12, 2022 (EO 13693 was revoked by EO 13990, EO 14008, EO 14057, EO 14082)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6CRD – Radioactive Waste Management, O 435.1 Chg 2 (AdminChg)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Departmental Sustainability, O 436.1 (May 2, 2011)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment, O 458.1 Chg 4 (LtdChg)9-15-202002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Toxic and Hazardous Materials Storage and Handling Controls, Suffolk County Sanitary Code - Article 1202/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC shall be designed such as to seamlessly integrate into the existing RHIC systems02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Duplication of existing functionality and infrastructure previously used for RHIC must be avoided.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6RHIC components which are becoming part of the EIC shall remain unaltered wherever possible.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The Electron-Ion collider rings shall use the existing RHIC tunnel and major changes of the present RHIC accelerator tunnel and the experimental halls must be avoided02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Present shielding measures of RHIC, in particular the RHIC berm must stay in place and its integrity as a radiation shielding measure must not be compromised.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Existing RHIC buildings (service buildings) must be used wherever possible.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6New accelerator controls systems must be designed such as to interface to the existing or upgraded existing hadron accelerator control system without major additional02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC hadron ring must be able to accept beam from the AGS via the AtE (former AtR) transfer line.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC collider shall include the capacity to produce ion beams of a large range in A from protons to uranium.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC injector complex must be configured such that polarized deuteron beams can be added with a minimum of additional hardware (such as a polarized deuteron source and deuteron polarimetry).02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC shall be designed to achieve peak electron-proton luminosities between 1033cm-2s-1 and 1034 cm-2s-1. Comment: With strong hadron cooling (Lpeak = Lavg), 1033 cm-2s-1 yields an integrated luminosity of 1.5 fb-1 per month.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The peak electron-proton luminosity of the EIC shall reach values between one and ten times 1033 cm-2 s-1 in the range 29 to 140 GeV of center of mass energies, Lpeak= (1-10) ∙ 1033 cm-2 s-1 for 29 GeV< Ecm<140 GeV.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The design shall aim to maximize the range of center of mass energies where the peak electron-proton luminosity reaches values close to Lpeak=1034 cm-2 s-1.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The luminosity averaged between two subsequent injections of hadron beams Lavg shall be close to 90% of the peak luminosity.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The collider shall be designed such that these luminosity goals can be achieved within the first five years of operations.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Studies of the spatial distributions of quarks and gluons in the proton with polarized beams; Shall require an integrated luminosity of up to 100 fb-102/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The choice of beam species, energies, and spin orientation shall allow multiple measurements simultaneously per operating period.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC collider design choices must consider high levels of operational efficiency and reliability to maximize the physics outcome.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Operating procedures which minimize the time between collision runs which includes the time for beam injection, collision adjustment and tuning shall be required to achieve high levels of operational efficiency and reliability to maximize the physics outcome.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Consistently achieving good performance parameters near the anticipated design goals shall be required to achieve high levels of operational efficiency and reliability to maximize the physics outcome.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Minimizing unscheduled downtime by technically reliable accelerator hardware (thus large mean time between failure, MTBF) and short repair and replacement times (which implies short times between repairs, MTTR) shall be required to achieve high levels of operational efficiency and reliability to maximize the physics outcome.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Switching center of mass energy shall not require changing or major moving accelerator components (rewiring maybe unavoidable but shall be designed such as to minimize tie and effort)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6All components need to be removeable/exchangeable without modifications to buildings and access to tunnels and service buildings.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Reliability is defined as time when beam is available as a fraction of scheduled time with beam. The difference between delivered and scheduled time is failure time. The EIC shall meet or exceeded a target of 80% reliability .02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The new Buildings needed for the EIC will be constructed to meet the building and fire protection code that is outlined in the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (2020 Edition) (Division of Code Enforcement and Administration ( ProcessFALSE
- 6This is compliant with the DOE Order 420.lC "Facility Safety," construction of new facilities and significant modifications of existing facilities shall meet the applicable parts of the latest edition of the International Building Code (IBC, 2018 edition) and remains in compliance with DOE Orders and Standards directions in particular with DOE-STD-1066 section ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Building Code of New York State Chapters 2 to 3502/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Existing Building Code of New York State, Chapters 2 to 1602/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Fire Code of New York State, Chapters 2 to 6702/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Fuel Gas Code of New York State, Chapters 2 to 602/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Mechanical Code of New York State, Chapters 2 to 1502/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Plumbing Code of New York State, Chapters 2 to 1502/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Property Maintenance Code of New York State, Chapters 2 to 802/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The amended and updated version of the NYS Code Books incorporates by reference the 2020 Residential Code of New York State, Chapters 2 to 4402/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Rules on fire protection include 29 CFR 1910 Sub Part L Fire Protection02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Rules on fire protection include ANSI Z 535.1 Safety Color Code02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Rules on fire protection include DOE-STD-1066 Fire Protection Design Criteria02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The completed collider complex must comply to ASME BPVC Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division 1‚ Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels and Division 2‚ Alternative02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The completed collider complex must comply to ASME B31.3 Process Piping02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The completed collider complex must comply to BNL-8715-2008-IR Vacuum Systems Consensus Guidelines for DOE Accelerator Laboratories02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The completed collider complex must comply to Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Standard S-1.3, Pressure Relief Device Standards Part 3 – Stationary Storage Containers for Compressed Gases02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The completed collider complex must comply to ISO 21013-3 Cryogenic vessels - Pressure-relief accessories for cryogenic service Part 3: Sizing capacity determination02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.03All EIS components and systems shall be designed and installed in line with all relevant relagutaory codes and in full compliance with BNL SBMS.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.03.03Each electron bunch from the transfer line shall be injected into ESR in its own injection cycle. In a manner that minimizes the background on the detector system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The RCS beam abort system shall have a beam inhibit interlock to prevent the Pre-Injector injecting fresh bunches into the RCS under fault conditions.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The RCS shall have a beam abort system which will use a soft dump process that does not require a dedicated beam dump.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The RCS shall have a collimation system to protect all other apertures in the RCS.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The Pre-Injector shall have strategically placed beam dumps for machine protection, commissioning and diagnostics as required.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6New construction in the collider complex must be constructed such as to avoid confined space in areas that must be entered by personnel for maintenance and repair. GBL SAFETY_EGRESS.02 Shall avoiding confined space in areas that must be entered by personnel not be possible or lead to unreasonable conditions, the collider design must include mitigation of the corresponding hazard.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Any work locations in the collider tunnel shall not be further away than 400 ft from the next tunnel exit when the tunnel has sprinkler protection.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The exit path from any work location in the collider tunnel to the next exit must be unobstructed by accelerator components and shall not require underpasses with less than 36 inches width and 36 inches height.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Markings shall be provided to denote and preserve access to the duck under.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6In certain regions a ladder or stair shall be used to access a platform on top of the magnets for egress.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Emergency lighting and illuminated exit signs will be provided.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Electrical equipment purchased for the accelerator will be certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) whenever possible. GBL_SAFETY_ELEC All equipment02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6All equipment will adhere to Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6All equipment will adhere to National Electrical Code, NFPA 7002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6All equipment will adhere to Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery, NFPA 7902/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6All equipment will adhere to Standard for Competency of Third-Party Field Evaluation Bodies, NFPA 79002/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The elements EIC collider complex must be designed and built to meet the BNL Subject Based Management System ( ProcessFALSE
- 6The elements EIC collider complex must be designed and built to meet the DOE 10CFR851Worker Safety and Health Program.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Lasers and laser enclosures will be designed to comply with ANSI Z136.1, American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Magnetic fields may be present in accelerator components and personnel exposure will not exceed the thresholds set in ACGIH02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Oxygen deficiency hazards must be avoided by providing oxygen monitoring, ventilation, adequate warning systems and corresponding training of operating and maintenance staff.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.03All EIS components and systems shall be designed and installed in line with all relevant relagutaory codes and in full compliance with BNL SBMS.01/27/2025ApprovedFALSE
- 6.03.03Each electron bunch from the transfer line shall be injected into ESR in its own injection cycle. In a manner that minimizes the background on the detector system.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The RCS beam abort system shall have a beam inhibit interlock to prevent the Pre-Injector injecting fresh bunches into the RCS under fault conditions.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The RCS shall have a beam abort system which will use a soft dump process that does not require a dedicated beam dump.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The RCS shall have a collimation system to protect all other apertures in the RCS.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6.06.03The Pre-Injector shall have strategically placed beam dumps for machine protection, commissioning and diagnostics as required.01/27/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Oxygen deficiency hazards are evaluated using the methodology in SBMS, Oxygen Deficiency Hazards (ODH), System Classification and Controls.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The radiation safety measures of the EIC shall be compliant with the DOE order 10 CFR 835, Energy/Occupational Radiation Protection and the more stringent requirements set forth in the BNL SBMS.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6All exposures shall be As Low as Reasonably Achievable.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Radiation emitted by the EIC accelerator beams and due particle losses must be shielded such that dose limits outside the accelerator enclosures are 25 mrem annually for an inadvertently exposed person02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Radiation emitted by the EIC accelerator beams and due particle losses must be shielded such that dose limits outside the accelerator enclosures are 5 mrem annually at the site boundary02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Radiation emitted by the EIC accelerator beams and due particle losses must be shielded such that dose limits outside the accelerator enclosures are 20 mrem during a fault condition02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Radiation emitted by the EIC accelerator beams and due particle losses must be shielded such that dose limits outside the accelerator enclosures are 0.5 mrem in 1 hour or 20 mrem in one week for continuously02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The RF systems must comply to the ASME BPVC, ProcessFALSE
- 6The operating EIC has to following the review, inspection and maintenance requirements of the ASME BPVC.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The RF exposure to personnel will not exceed the thresholds set in ACGIH Threshold Limit Values – 2016.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Vacuum systems will comply to guidelines set forth in the publication, Vacuum Systems Consensus Guideline for Department of Energy Accelerator Laboratories”, BNL-81715-2008-IR ProcessFALSE
- 6In the design of water-cooling systems, precaution need to be taken to avoid endangering the staff by dangerous bacterial infections. GBL_SAFETY_WATERCOOL.02 The suppression of unwanted effects such as algae in open water circuits must avoid aggressive chemicals.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The guideline for design of cooling water systems must obey the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188. Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems. establishes minimum legionellosis risk management requirements for building water systems. (This is also in the BNL SBMS.)02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The guideline for design of cooling water systems must obey the State Requirement Protection Against Legionella. 10 NYCRR Part 4 – Protection Against Legionella: Subpart 4-1, Cooling Towers.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC plans to include previsions to allow future a upgrade that is (but is not limited to) two interaction regions and two colliding beam detectors.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The EIC must be planned such that a second interaction region and a second detector can be integrated in the collider with a minimum of cost and effort.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Integrating a second detector is achieved by designing the present beam trajectories in the possible area for the next IR around IP8 such that a second IR can be introduced without imposing a difference02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The design of the electron and hadron beam optics and their higher order correction must offer sufficient margin so that the accelerator performance is not compromised by the 2nd IR.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6Obsolete detector or equipment in the hall around IP8 shall be removed to avoid impeding the construction of a possible 2nd IR02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE
- 6The facility must be upgradable to operation with colliding electron and polarized deuteron beams.02/19/2025In ProcessFALSE