Tanja Horn
05/15/2024 10:29:31
Implemented dimensions and labeling updates for two detectors and added a figure for one detector.
Tanja Horn
04/26/2024 17:51:16
Implemented updates in longitudinal and radial positions for multiple detectors (see comments section for details) and a new model for the Inner Tracker/Micromegas
The inner radius variable of many detectors is driven by the widest dimension of the asymetrical/flared beam pipe as it passes through the detector. The beampipe dimensions can be viewed from the .STP file at this location:
Walt Akers
01/17/2024 13:52:24
Update to fix logic calculating the service gap between lepton direction endgap and barrel
Tanja Horn
10/31/2023 15:00:01
Updates to barrel hadron calorimeter lengths and radii.
Tanja Horn
10/20/2023 15:22:34
Update to fix logic calculating the service gap between lepton direction endgap and barrel
Tanja Horn
10/13/2023 15:59:13
Small updates to fix typos in the inner tracker (Si Barrel) section
Walt Akers
09/29/2023 16:24:08
Overall update to make detector envelopes consistent with the Sept 2023 CAD model.
Walt Akers
01/08/2023 18:59:12
Update Inner Tracker, backward EMCal and beam pipe flange
Tanja Horn
10/13/2022 16:43:59
Update at request of the EIC Project Leads (Barrel EMCal Inner Surface components)
Tanja Horn
09/29/2022 17:27:03
Update at request of the EIC Project Leads (detector envelopes consistent with CAD model)
Tanja Horn
09/05/2022 11:33:08
Update at request of the EIC Project Leads (Hadron endcap dimensions)
Tanja Horn
08/22/2022 09:43:15
Update at request of the GD/I WG (inner MPGD barrel tracker)
Tanja Horn
06/24/2022 10:25:07
Fixed inconsistencies in DIRC frame, hpDIRC and MPGD: Iterated hpDIRC position as balance between phi-coverage and frame engineering strength need; added 2-cm space for MPGD tracker (muRWell or MM) on top of DIRC bar boxes --> now 5cm slot for both together; added slots for service needs in frame.
Tanja Horn
06/23/2022 17:29:41
Initial Detector-1 database posted in the EIC geometry management system.
Walt Akers
01/01/2020 11:04:38
Update to correct some automatic calculation errors.