EIC Detector Geometry
Interaction Point 6

Region Component Sub-Component WBS Length
Technology Notes
Hadron Calorimeter 6.10.06 171 30 267 328 499 328 33.61 215,210 FeSc, WSc last segment Tower size: 5cm x 5cm x 140cm, 20cm readout
Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Volume: calculated as cylindrical volume minus the volume of the embedded ECAL
Weight: estimated as 79% iron and 21% plastic
Electromagnetic Calorimeter 6.10.05 38 30 190 328 366 328 4.20 27,165 Pb/Sc Tower size: 1cm (1.65cm) x 1cm(1.65cm) x 37.5cm, 5cm readout
Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: estimated as 85% lead glass and 15% steel
Service Gap 8 320 328 320 Offset: measured from location nearest to interaction point
Barrel Hadron Calorimeter 6.10.06 640 267 0 320 -320 72.60 464,834 FeSc Offset: measured from center of detector
Volume: calculated as sum of the sub-sections
Weight: estimated as 79% iron and 21% plastic
HD Section 170 194 267 150 320 150 17.97 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Central Section 300 180 267 0 150 -150 36.65 Offset: measured from center of detector
LD Section 170 194 267 -150 -150 -320 17.97 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Dual RICH 6.10.04 100 10 180 280 180 10.29 1,911 Aerogel/Gas Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Volume: calculated as sum of the sub-sections
Weight: based on parametric estimate from CLAS LTCC
Detector Section 80 10 195 200 280 200 9.53 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Aerogel Section 20 10 110 180 200 180 0.75 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Solenoid Magnet 6.10.07 384 142 177 0 192 -192 13.47 45,956 Solenoid Weight: based on parametric estimate from CLEO II
EMCal Outer Support 445 134 141 -30 192.5 -252.5 2.69 4,225 Steel, Instrumented Weight: calculated as 20% of total volume as steel (balance is air)
EMCal Outer Surface 480 133 134 -45 195 -285 0.40 1,091 Aluminum Weight: calculated as 100% Aluminum
EMCal Electronics 480 125.5 133 -45 195 -285 2.92 5,737 Near eta=0 Weight: calculated as 25% silicon (balance is air)
Barrel EMCal 6.10.05 480 79.5 125.5 -45 195 -285 14.22 49,885 Sci Glass Weight: based on parametric estimate from CMS EMCal
EMCal Inner Surface 480 79 79.5 -45 195 -285 0.12 324 Aluminum Weight: calculated as 100% Aluminum
DIRC Support 455 65 79 -257 168 -287 2.60 1,019 Steel Offset: measured from point where DIRC bar connects to the readout
Volume: calculated as sum of sub-sections
Weight: estimated as 5% of total volume as steel (balance is air & detector)
Bar Support 425 65 77 -257 168 -257 2.28
Readout Support 30 65 105 -257 -257 -287 0.32 Readout support is triangular frame, therefore volume is halved.
Integrated DIRC/MPGD Detector 6.10.04 71.5 76.5 -257 168 -287 0.86 662 Fused silica bars Detector is totally enclosed by DIRC Support.
Weight: calculated as sum of sub-components
MPGD Tracker 340 74.5 76.5 -5 165 -175 0.32 65 muRWell (plane type) Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
DIRC Bar Box 425 71.5 74.5 -257 168 -257 0.58 407 Weight: calculated as 30% quartz (balance is air & support system)
DIRC Readout 30 71.5 104.4 -257 -257 -287 0.27 191 Readout is triangular, therefore volume is halved.
Weight: Calculated as 30% silicon(balance is air & support system)
Barrel Time of Flight/Tracker 6.10.03 270 63 65 15 150 -120 0.22 43 AC/LGAD Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
HD Time of Flight/Tracker 6.10.03 15 12 62 155.5 170.5 155.5 0.17 35 AC/LGAD Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
Silicon Tracker 6.10.03 228 3 45.9 0 126 -102 1.50 227 MAPS Weight: calculated as 3% aluminum and 3% silicon (balance is air)
Modular RICH 6.10.04 25 10 64 -135 -135 -160 0.31 58 Aerogel Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: based on parametric estimate from CLAS LTCC
LD Time of Flight/Tracker 6.10.03 10 12 64 -161 -161 -171 0.12 25 AC/LGAD Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
6.10.05 60 9 63 -175 -175 -235 0.73 4,738 PbWO4 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: estimated as 85% lead glass and 15% steel
Service Gap 10 -320 -320 -330 0.00 Offset: measured from location nearest to interaction point
Backward Field Return 6.10.06 20.32 -330 -330 -350.32 5.18 40,649 Iron Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: calculated as 100% iron.
Return Cylinder 20.32 20 270 -330 -330 -350.32 4.63
Support Panel 7.62 454 664 -336.35 -336.35 -343.97 0.55 Height: specified in outer radius
Width: specified in inner radius