EIC Detector Geometry
Interaction Point 6

Region Component Sub-Component WBS Length
Technology Notes
Hadron Calorimeter
6.10.06 140 17.5 267 359.6 359.6 499.6 27.65 177,068 FeSc, WSc last segment Tower size: 5cm x 5cm x 140cm including 10cm readout
Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Volume: calculated as cylindrical volume minus the volume of the embedded ECAL
Weight: estimated as 79% iron and 21% plastic
Electromagnetic Calorimeter
6.10.05 30 14.0 195 329.6 329.6 359.6 3.57 23,048 Pb/Sc Tower size: 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 30 cm including readout 10cm
Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: estimated as 85% lead glass and 15% steel
Service Gap 9 320 320 329 Offset: measured from location nearest to interaction point
Dual RICH 6.10.04 120 15.0 185 180 195 315 11.43 2,123 Aerogel/Gas Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Volume: calculated as sum of the sub-sections
Weight: based on parametric estimate from CLAS LTCC
Detector Section 100 15.0 185 215 215 315 10.68 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Aerogel Section 20 15.0 110 195 195 215 0.75 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
HD Time of Flight/Tracker 6.10.03 15 8 67 180 180 195 0.21 42 AC/LGAD Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
Barrel Hadron Calorimeter 6.10.06 639.2 268.2 0 -319.6 319.6 72.22 462,406 FeSc Offset: measured from center of detector
Volume: calculated as sum of the sub-sections
Weight: estimated as 79% iron and 21% plastic
HD Section 170 195.3 268.2 150 150 320 18.05 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Central Section 300 183.3 268.2 0 -150 150 36.13 Offset: measured from center of detector
LD Section 170 195.3 268.2 -150 -320 -150 18.05 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Solenoid Magnet 6.10.07 384 142 177 -10 -202 182 13.47 45,956 Solenoid Weight: based on parametric estimate from CLEO II
Barrel EMCal* EMCal Outer Support 492.2 132 141 -293.9 198.3 3.80 5,965 Steel Weight: calculated as 20% of total volume as steel (balance is air)
EMCal Outer Surface 492.2 130.5 131.5 -45 -293.9 198.3 0.41 1,098 Aluminum Weight: calculated as 100% Aluminum
EMCal Electronics 492.2 120.5 130.5 -45 -293.9 198.3 3.88 7,617 Near eta=0 Weight: calculated as 25% silicon (balance is air)
Barrel EMcal 6.10.05 492.2 80.5 120.5 -45 -293.9 198.3 12.43 43,613 Sci Glass Weight: based on parametric estimate from CMS EMCal
EMCal Inner Surface 492.2 78.55 80.5 -45 -293.9 198.3 0.48 1,300 Aluminum Weight: calculated as 100% Aluminum
DIRC Support 458 65 79 -273 -273 185 1.33 523 Steel Offset: measured from point where DIRC bar connects to the readout
Volume: calculated as sum of sub-sections
Weight: estimated as 5% of total volume as steel (balance is air & detector)
Dirc Bar + MPGD Support 458 70 75 -273 -273 185 1.04
Readout Support 30 70 105 -273 -273 -303 0.29 Readout support is triangular frame, therefore volume is halved.
Integrated DIRC/MPGD Detector 6.10.04 488 71.5 76.5 -303 -303 185 0.86 661 Fused silica bars Detector is totally enclosed by DIRC Support. This is the entire envelope of the detector + readout
Weight: calculated as sum of sub-components
MPGD Tracker 342 73 75 -197 -197 145 0.32 64 muRWell (plane type) Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
DIRC Bar Box 458 70 73 -273 -273 185 0.62 430 Weight: calculated as 30% quartz (balance is air & support system)
DIRC Readout 30 70 100 -273 -273 -303 0.24 168 Readout is triangular, therefore volume is halved.
Weight: Calculated as 30% silicon(balance is air & support system)
Barrel Time of Flight/Tracker 6.10.03 270 63 66 0 -120 120 0.33 66 AC/LGAD Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
Length in z needs to be determined
Inner Tracker (Si, MPGD) Alternative based on pfRICH see line 43 6.10.03 310 3.62 60 0 -130 180 3.49 528 MAPS Weight: calculated as 3% aluminum and 3% silicon (balance is air)
Modular RICH Alternative Technology pfRICH, see line 38 6.10.04 42.7 8.0 63 -130 -130 -172.7 0.52 97 Aerogel Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: based on parametric estimate from CLAS LTCC
LD Time of Flight/Tracker REMOVED 6.10.03 10 -7.3 64 -161 -161 -171 0.13 25 AC/LGAD Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: based on parametric estimate from SBS Gem
LD EMCal 6.10.05 60 9.0 63 -174 -174 -234 0.73 4,738 PbWO4 Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: estimated as 85% lead glass and 15% steel
Service Gap 10 -320 -320 -330 0.00 Offset: measured from location nearest to interaction point
Backward HCal HCal 6.10.06 45 12.4 275 -329.6 -329.6 -374.6 Iron/SC Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: calculated as 100% iron.
Flux Return 20.32 12.9 271.3 -375 -375 -395.32 Iron Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: calculated as 100% iron.
Proximity Focusing RICH Alternative Technology to mRICH, see line 28 6.10.04 54.1 8.0 63 -118.6 -118.6 -172.7 0.66 0 Aerogel + Gas Offset: measured from face nearest to interaction point
Weight: based on parametric estimate from CLAS LTCC
Barrel EMCal Alternative Imaging Part 6.10.05 434.5 78.3 92.25 -257 -257 177.5 3.26 Pb+Sc+Si
Sampling Part 434.5 93.3 117 -257 -257 177.5 6.82 PB+Sc
LD Readout Electronics 15 78.3 117 -272 -257 -272 0.36
HD Readout Electronics 15 78.3 117 177.5 177.5 192.5 0.36
Inner Tracker (Si, MPGD) Alternative based on pfRICH 6.10.03 298.6 3.6 60 0 -118.6 180 3.36 19 MAPS This envelope includes the Si disks in the lepton and hadron direction as wel las the barrel tracker. Weight: calculated as 3% aluminum and 3% silicon (balance is air)