Requirement Details
Electron Ion Collider
Requirement details, history, relationships and interfaces associated with requirement G-ESR.3
Record Date: 01/27/2025 16:43 | |||
Identifier: | G-ESR.3 | WBS: | 6.04 |
Date Modified: | TBD: | FALSE | |
Status Date: | Status: | Approved | |
Description: | The ESR shall provide electron bunches having the bunch parameters specified in in MPT. [Document#:EIC-SEG-RSI-005] | ||
Comments: |
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No parents. | |
Children | |
F-ESR-ARC.1 | The ESR lattice arc magnet structure shall contain an array of regular FODO cells |
F-ESR-ARC.2 | The ESR lattice arc magnet structure shall consists of a quadrupole, a sextupole, a bending section, and a dipole corrector in each arc half-cell. |
F-ESR-ARC.3 | The ESR lattice arc magnet structure shall contain drift spaces between the half cells all of which may beslightly different in each individual arc. To account for small differences in the required average bending radii at the different arc locations. |
F-ESR-ARC.4 | The ESR beamline bending sections shall contain three individual dipole magnets, referred to as Òsuper-bendsÓ. |
F-ESR-ARC.5 | The ESR super-bends shall generate additional synchrotron radiation damping to support a large beam-beam parameter of 0.1 and to create the required horizontal design emittance in the MPT when the ESR is operated at energies below 10 GeV. [Document: EIC-SEG-RSI-005] |
F-ESR-ARC.6 | The polarity of the center bending magnet shall be capable of being wired in reverse to control the beam emittance and to damp the beam. The polarity will be dictated by the beam energy. |
F-ESR-ARC.7 | The FODO cell shall operate with a horizontal and vertical betatron phase advance of 60 degrees per arc section at beam energies of 10 GeV and below. |
F-ESR-ARC.8 | The sextupole wiring scheme shall accomadate the required sextupole families needed per arc to create the 60 degree FODO cell phase advance at < 10 GeV. |
F-ESR-ARC.9 | The FODO cell shall operate with a horizontal and vertical betatron phase advance of 90 degrees per arc section to provide the required horizontal beam emittance [5.9] at 18 GeV. |
F-ESR-ARC.11 | The vertical emittance in the arc section shall be controlled by appropriate beam orbit manipulations and horizontal-vertical cross coupling. |
F-ESR-INST.1 | The instrumentation system shall include dual-plane beam position monitors (BPMs) adjacent to specified quadrupoles. |
F-ESR-INST.2 | The BPMs shall have turn-by-turn orbit measurement capability based on a single, remotely selectable bunch out of the fully filled bunch train to enable injection optimization. |
F-ESR-INST.3 | The instrumentation system shall include a beam current monitor to measure average beam current |
F-ESR-INST.4 | The instrumentation system shall include a system to measure individual bunch charges and bunch pattern |
F-ESR-INST.5 | The instrumentation system shall include a system to measure transverse beam profiles |
F-ESR-INST.6 | The instrumentation system shall include a system to measure longitudinal beam profiles |
F-ESR-INST.7 | The longitudinal bunch profile monitor needs turn-by-turn capability based on a single bunch in the fully filled bunch train to allow timing and energy adjustment for injection optimization. |
F-ESR-INST.8 | The instrumentation system shall include system to measure H & V betatron tunes. |
F-ESR-INST.9 | The instrumentation system shall facilitate all required feedback systems (slow transverse, longitudinal and transverse bunch-by-bunch) |
F-ESR-INST.10 | The instrumentation system shall include beam loss monitor system with detectors located only at select regions of the ESR. |
F-ESR-MAG.1 | The magnets shall meet the requirements defined by the physics lattice. |
F-ESR-MAG.2 | The magnets shall have the required field quality to meet the operational needs. |
F-ESR-MAG.4 | The Òsuper-bendsÓ in the ARC sections shall consist of two long dipoles on either end of a short dipole. |
F-ESR-MAG.5 | The good field region of the dipoles shall extend over a horizontal range of at least 4 centimeters in the radial direction, for all operational beam energies from 5 to 18 GeV. This will take into account the orbit changes due to the reverse bends. Confirm the 4cm with Daniel and Scott |
F-ESR-MAG.6 | All quadrupoles shall be designed to facilitate beam based alignment. |
F-ESR-MAG.7 | The maximum integrated field strength of the FODO sextupoles needs to be sufficient to provide chromatic correction at all energies from 5 to 18 GeV with two low-beta interaction regions. |
F-ESR-MAG.8 | The aperture of all magnets shall be large enough to accommodate the ESR vacuum chamber. Add a link to details of vacuum. |
F-ESR-MAG.9 | The ESR Shall have a conventional orbit corrector scheme, with single-plane correctors located at the respective quadrupoles.The strength of these correctors needs to be chosen to correct for any source of orbit distortion and should have enough margin for beam based diagnostic purposes, Harmonic Spin bumps,emittance generating bumps. |
F-ESR-MAG.10 | The two types of dipole magnets in the regular arc cells, the long dipole and the short one, shall be organized into two logical power circuits capable of being optimized subject to the physical power scheme used. |
F-ESR-MAG.11 | The main arc quadrupoles shall be powered to accommodate the Lattice requirements having the appropriate number of circuits to power the focusing and defocusing quadrupoles in each sextant of the ESR. |
F-ESR-MAG.12 | The quadrupoles in the straight sections IR10, IR12, IR2, and IR4 and in the transition from the arc to the straight section structure shall be wired to provide the optimized betatron phase advance across each straight section, as required for dynamic aperture optimization. |
F-ESR-MAG.13 | Provisions shall be made to vary individual qudrupole strengths by approximately 1% (of their maximum strength?) for beam-based alignment purposes. |
F-ESR-MAG.14 | The sextupole power supply scheme shall be laid out such that the sextupole family structure can be configured for both the 60 and the 90 degree lattice along with a small number of individually powered sextupoles in the transition regions between arcs and straight sections with minimal effort, cost and minimizing any risk of error. |
F-ESR-PS.1 | The ESR magnets shall be fed by a system of power supplies matched in voltage and maximum current to the specifications and requirements of the respective magnets |
F-ESR-PS.2 | The ESR magnet power supplyÕs shall be capable of providing the stability the ESR needs to operate |
F-ESR-RF.1 | The Storage RF System shall be designed to fulfill all necessary paramaters as set by the Master Parameter Table Doc. No. EIC-SEG-RSI-005. |
F-ESR-RF.2 | The Storage ring RF System shall be installed in the straight sections of the ESR lattice within the existing RHIC tunnel in IR10. |
F-ESR-RF.3 | The Storage RF System shall conform to the ESR lattice. |
F-ESR-RF.4 | The Storage RF System shall be designed to accelerate electrons. |
F-ESR-RF.5 | The Storage RF System shall utilize superconductivity. |
F-ESR-RF.6 | The Storage RF System shall conform to the EIC Code of Record. |
F-ESR-RF.7 | The Storage RF System shall have a minimum operating lifetime of 20 years |
F-ESR-RF.8 | The Storage RF System shall have an operational availability of (TBD 95%) or better. |
F-ESR-RF.9 | The Storage RF Systems within the tunnel shall operate within its yearly radiation exposure budget. |
F-ESR-STRAIGHT.1 | The phase advance of each straight section shall be tunable in order to optimize the dynamic aperture of the ESR. |
F-ESR-STRAIGHT.2 | The straight sections IR2,4,10 and 12 shall be based on FODO cells. |
F-ESR-STRAIGHT.3 | There shall be matching sections at the ends of each of the straight sections to compensate for the different FODO cell lengths wrt the arc FODO cells imposed by geometric constraints. |
F-ESR-VAC.1 | The vacuum chamber shall provide sufficient horizontal and vertical aperture to accommodate; a +/-15 sigma beam, where the vertical RMS beam size is based on the emittance of a fully coupled beam, plus an additional 10 mm horizontally and 5 mm vertically margin to account for expected orbit errors. |
F-ESR-VAC.2 | The dynamic pressure around the ring shall be consistent with a beam gas lifetime of >10[hrs] with the design currents after an integrated beam current of 1000 [A.h]. |
F-ESR-VAC.3 | There shall be no pressure bumps in the ring exceeding (TBD)[Torr] |
F-ESR-VAC.4 | The vacuum chamber and all its components shall be designed to withstand a total synchrotron radiation load of 10 MW, considering the uneven linear load particularly related to the super-bends. |
F-ESR-VAC.5 | The vacuum chamber material shall be chosen such that the SR power can be intercepted by the arc chambers and in addition good radiation shielding will be provided. |
F-ESR-VAC.6 | The impedance of the entire ESR vacuum system, including the interaction regions in IR 6 and IR 8, shall allow for the bunch intensities, beam currents, and bunch numbers contained in [5.9]. |
F-ESR.1 | The ESR lattice shall provide a minimum dynamic aperture of 10 sigma w.r.t Gaussian electron beam distribution in all three dimensions, horizontal, vertical, and longitudinal. With the vertical emittance being half the horizontal design emittance. |
F-ESR.4 | The ESR alignment requirements are established by dynamic aperture and polarization tracking. The ESR RMS alignment tolerances shall be such that all the beam parameter listed in [5.9] can be satisfied. |
F-ESR.2 | The minimum dynamic aperture shall be achieved in two optics configurations (60 and 90 degrees betatron phase advance per FODO cell) at all operational beam energies in the Master Parameter Table (MPT), and with one and with two low-beta insertions. [Document#:EIC-SEG-RSI-005] |
F-ESR.12 | The ESR Lattice shall contain provisions for correctors such as skew quadrupoles, Dipole correctors etc. as needed. |
This function not yet implemented.