Requirement Details
Electron Ion Collider
Requirement details, history, relationships and interfaces associated with requirement G-EIS.14
Record Date: 10/10/2024 14:48 | |||
Identifier: | G-EIS.14 | WBS: | 6.03 |
Date Modified: | TBD: | FALSE | |
Status Date: | Status: | In Process | |
Description: | The EIS shall be designed to meet all its requirements whilst fitting into the existing RHIS complex and accommodate all other required EIC systems along with their installation and maintenance needs. | ||
Comments: |
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Parents | |
No parents. | |
Children | |
F-EIS-GUN-MAG.2 | 2 solenoids shall be placed between the gun and the bending dipole into the bunching section capable of correcting the beam position. |
F-EIS-GUN-MAG.3 | Provision shall be made for an appropriate number of air cored steering coils between the Gun and bunching section to correct the electron beam position as required. |
F-EIS-GUN-MAG.4 | A bending dipole shall follow the Gun and be able to bend the beam from the gun into the bunching section OR bend separate electron bunches into the separate diagnostic beam line. |
F-EIS-GUN-MAG.5 | The bending dipole after the gun shall also have the capability to deflect the beam enough to allow a laser to illuminate the photocathode head on. |
F-EIS-GUN-MAG.6 | A minimum of three solenoids shall be placed between the gun and the first bunching cavity to maintain the beam size for 5–10 nC bunches |
F-EIS-GUN-MAG.7 | Short air core trim coils shall be used to correct beam position for energies greater than 100 keV |
F-EIS-GUN-MAG.8 | The Diagnostic beamline solenoids shall be capable of maintaining the beam size in the diagnostic line up to either the Faraday cup or the Mott polarimeter |
F-EIS-GUN.6 | The pre-injector shall have a low energy transfer line from the gun into the beam compression "Bunching" section |
F-EIS-GUN.9 | Following the gun, there shall be multiple groups of magnets required to control the electron beam. |
F-EIS-GUN.10 | The gun shall have steering coils to direct the liberated electrons (These can be reused from the existing Gun system.) |
F-EIS-LINAC-BNCHR.2 | The bunchers rf voltage and phase will be synchronized so that the passing electron bunches meet the required beam characteristics at the end of the buncher section. |
F-EIS-LINAC-ZIGZAG.3 | At the Zigzag exit, the electron beam’s average spin orientation shall be longitudinal in the direction of beam travel. |
F-EIS-METL-INJ-MAG-FKICK.1 | The fast kicker magnet shall be capable of deflecting the electron beam from the RCS to counter the RF kick. |
F-EIS-METL-INJ-MAG-FKICK.2 | The fast kicker magnet shall follow the rise and fall of the amplitude of the RF sinusoidal functions |
F-EIS-METL-INJ-MAG-SEP.1 | The septum magnet shall be capable of deflecting the incoming electron beam into the RCS and shielding the circulating beam already in the RCS. |
F-EIS-METL-INST.1 | To measure and control the beam in the medium energy 400 MeV transfer line there shall be sufficient beam position monitors for orbit control, transverse profile monitors, and bunch charge monitors as required. |
F-EIS-METL-MAG-QUAD.2 | The corrector Quadrupoles shall be able to suppress the βx and βy along the transfer line to levels consistent with those required ate the RCS injection kicker. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ-MAG-BUMP.1 | The bump magnets shall have a rise and time consistent with the requirements of the circulating bunches. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ-MAG-BUMP.2 | The Pulsed bump magnets shall be able to create a closed orbit path passing close to the Septum and maintain it during each injection cycle (100-150 Hz). |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.1 | The medium energy transfer line shall terminate with an injection system capable of transferring the beam into the RCS for all the operating energies and conditions specified in [5.9]. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.2 | The injection system shall inject the beam at 12-o'clock straight-section of the RCS. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.3 | The vertically spin polarized electron bunch patterns generated by the pre-injector shall be transferred into the RCS unaltered. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.4 | The injection system shall be able to inject bunche per injection kick using RF and magnetic kickers to build up a total of 4 bunches from four kicks to the RF and Kickers. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.5 | The injection system shall ensure the bunch emittance shall match the requirements of the RCS RF system and such, to avoid collective instabilities and to stay within the off-momentum aperture. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.6 | Each train of four bunches shall be injected into neighboring RF buckets to facilitate bunch merges. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.7 | The injection system shall be capable of maintaining the small spacing required by the injected bunches. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.8 | The injection system shall contain 3 bump magnets to locally bump the RCS circulating beam close to the Injection septum. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.9 | The injection system shall contain an RF kicker and a pulsed magnet followed by a septum magnet to redirect the beam into the RCS closed orbit. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.10 | The magnetic field of the injection system pulsed magnet shall follow the rise time of the power amplifiers which drive the RF kickers. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.11 | The injection system into the RCS shall be capable of injecting successive bunches into the RCS to create a bunch train with four bunches each circulating in the RCS ready to be merged. |
F-EIS-METL-RCS-INJ.12 | The RCS shall be capable of merging each train of 4 bunches into a larger single bunch to create larger single circulating bunche in the RCS. |
F-EIS-METL-RF-FKICK.1 | There shall be a special RF kicker to kick the injected beam into neighboring RF buckets without disturbing the 8 circulating bunches. |
F-EIS-METL-RF-FKICK.2 | The special kicker shall consist of an RF harmonic kicker with fundamental frequency of 1/4 of the main RCS RF cavity. |
F-EIS-METL-RF-FKICK.3 | The special kicker shall have a rise and fall time that matches the RF bucket size. |
F-EIS-METL-RF-FKICK.4 | The special kicker shall have a peak power necessary to generate a kick to inject the bunch into the RCS. |
F-EIS-METL-RF-FKICK.5 | The special kicker shall have a macro pulse with a flattop that is greater than the time between the two LINAC bunches and shall have a rise and fall time less than 1 RCS turn. |
F-EIS-METL-RF-FKICK.6 | The special kicker shall be able to repeat at the LINAC pulse rate. |
F-EIS-RCS-MAG-PS.1 | The RCS magnets shall be fed by a system of power supplies matched in voltage and maximum current to the specifications and requirements of the respective magnets |
F-EIS-RCS-MAG.7 | The RCS straight sections shall have the appropirate number of defocusing and focusing quadrupole families per straight section. |
F-EIS-RCS-MAG.9 | The non-colliding straights will have different scheme. |
F-EIS-RCS.1 | The RCS shall consist of two parts 1. The main RCS Ring, and 2. The High energy transfer line terminating with the ESR injection system |
F-EIS-RCS.2 | The RCS shall be capable of accepting the bunches and matching the bunch parameters as injected by the Medium Energy Transport line. |
F-EIS-RCS.3 | After bunch injection into the RCS, the RCS shall merge the injected bunches into two bunches. |
F-EIS-RCS.4 | After bunch merging the RCS shall be able to accelerate the final two bunches to the final desired energy set forth in [5.9]. |
F-EIS-RCS.5 | After the bunches are merged the RCS needs to accelerate to the top possible energy in a time interval consistent with the parameters set forth in [5.9] (18 GeV) in 100 msecs. |
F-EIS-RCS.6 | The HETL shall be capable of kicking the accelerated bunches into the High energy Transport line to the ESR. |
F-EIS-RCS.7 | RCS will need to increase the vertical emittance to match the ESR vertical emittance. |
F-EIS-RCS.8 | The RCS lattice shall have a lattice geometry which can fit into the RHIC tunnel and avoid the EIC's other beamlines and obstructions, yet maintain polarization transmission and beam stability. |
F-EIS-RCS.15 | The RCS Lattice shall contain provisions for correctors such as skew quadrupoles, Dipole correctors etc. as needed. |
F-EIS-RCS.16 | The RCS ring shall be situated below the ESR ring to avoid any physical interference with any other systems. |
F-EIS.17 | The EIS Pre-Injector shall consist of 3 sub-systems: 1. An electron gun section, followed by 2. A low energy transfer line and bunching section, followed by 3. A LINAC section |
This function not yet implemented.