Requirement Details
Electron Ion Collider
Requirement details, history, relationships and interfaces associated with requirement F-EIS.8
Record Date: 01/27/2025 16:43 | |||
Identifier: | F-EIS.8 | WBS: | 6.03.04 |
Date Modified: | TBD: | FALSE | |
Status Date: | Status: | In Process | |
Description: | EIS shall have all the beam instrumentation necessary to deliver the operational parameters set forth in [5.9]. | ||
Comments: |
No archive versions
Parents | |
G-EIS.2 | The EIS shall provide an electron beam having sufficient energy to meet the ESR beam requirements as set forth in the MPT. [Document#:EIC-SEG-RSI-005] |
G-EIS.3 | The EIS shall provide an electron beam with the RMS bunch momentum spreads at extraction which meet the ESR beam requirements as set forth in the MPT. [Document#:EIC-SEG-RSI-005] |
G-EIS.4 | The EIS pre-injector shall provide an electron beam to the ESR having a horizontal beam emittance which is compatible with operation of the ESR. |
G-EIS.5 | The EIS pre-injector shall provide an electron beam to the ESR having a vertical beam emittance which is compatible with operation of the ESR. |
G-EIS.6 | The EIS shall inject into the ESR at a rate of 1[Hz]. |
G-EIS.7 | The EIS shall inject a single bunch at a time into the ESR. |
G-EIS.8 | The EIS shall provide an electron beam to the ESR having RMS Bunch lengths at extraction to meet beam requirements as set forth in the MPT. [Document#:EIC-SEG-RSI-005] |
G-EIS.9 | The EIS shall provide an electron beam to the ESR having the bunch charge at extraction to meet the beam requirements as set forth in the MPT. [Document#:EIC-SEG-RSI-005] |
G-EIS.10 | The EIS to ESR bunch replacement pattern will be defined by 1.the required polarization pattern to be provided to the experiments, 2.decay rates and 3. The RF cogging limitations of the beam transfer between RCS and ESR. |
Children | |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-F_CUP.01 | The Faraday cup shall be able to measure the charge of the electron bunches from the gun over a charge range of 0.1 - 14 nC |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-F_CUP.02 | The Faraday cup electronics shall require < 3 kW supplied from one 110 Vac, 20 Amp single chase circuit |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-F_CUP.03 | The Faraday cup power dissipation shall be less that 1 W |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.01 | The E-gun charge measurement shall use a Mott polarimeter measurement technique. |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.02 | The Mott polarimeter shall provide polarization measurements of 280-350 keV electron bunches with an accuracy >=2 % |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.03 | Right and left backscatter acquisition chains shall be incorporated in the design (e-detector, pre-amp, amp, and MCA) |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.04 | The Mott polarimeter shall be able to measure the polarization of the electron bunches from the gun. |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.05 | The Mott polarimeter shall read beam polarization over a repolarization range of 25 to 90 % |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.06 | Over the measurement range the Mott polarimeter shall be accurate to within a resolution of 2 % |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.07 | The Mott polarimeter system and electronics shall utilize ~11 kW, from one 208 Vac 3 phase @ 30 amps/phase circuit (It depends on Mott polarimeter design) |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.08 | The Mott polarimeter shall function @ 18[C] (nom.) within a temperature stability +/- 2[C]supplied by the gun clean room |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.09 | The 280-350 keV Mott polarimeter shall have a bunch charge measurement range of 0.1 to 14 nC |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-MOT.10 | Th polarimeter shall measure the bunch emittance by slit and beam viewer placed before the 143 deg bending dipole? |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-SR.01 | In the gun diagnostic line an electrostatic bend spin rotator (based on Illinois Univ. design, 1993) shall be used |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-SR.02 | The system shall include two High voltage power supplies and two HV cables |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-SR.03 | When bending at 300 keV the system shall have a bend angle of 143 deg |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-SR.04 | The system shall be able to bend the electron spin such that the direction after bending is horizontal |
P-EIS-GUN-INST-SR.05 | The system shall be able to bend the beam over the range of electron beam energies from 280 to 350 KeV |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-ELEC.01 | The BPM single bunch measurement resolution for a (1 - 4 nC) pilot bunch shall be < 1mm |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-ELEC.02 | The BPM single bunch measurement resolution for (5.5 - 28 nC) bunches shall be < 100microns |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-ELEC.03 | The BPM acquisition rate shall depend on the rate of transfer from RCS-to-ESR, expected twice per second. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-ELEC.04 | The BPMs shall be used as input for beam trajectory correction and/or feedforward to optimize transmission efficiency |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-ELEC.05 | The BPMs shall be used to measure the transport lattice. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-ELEC.06 | The BPMs located in the high dispersion regions, shall monitor relative changes in the beam energy. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-PU.01 | The BPM Pickup alignment accuracy to each nearby quad shall be within 100 um |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-PU.02 | The BPM Pickup shall be rotated 45 degree configuration to avoid the synch light near the dipole bends. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-PU.03 | The number of BPM Pickups in the RCS-to-ESR transport line shall be 10 ea |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM-PU.04 | The BPM Pickups shall be located by the dipole correctors at every second quadrupole. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.01 | The BPM measurement resolution should be 100 um or less, for a bunch charge range of 100 pc to 28 nC. < 100 um |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.02 | The BPM acquisition rate shall depend on the rate of transfer from RCS-to-ESR, expected twice per second. 2.5 uS |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.03 | The number of BPMs in the RCS-to-ESR transport line shall be 10 ea |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.04 | The BPMs shall be located by the dipole correctors at every 2nd Quad |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.05 | The BPM pick-up alignment accuracy to each nearby quad shall be within 100 um |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.06 | The BPM button style pick-ups shall be rotated TBD degree configuration to avoid the synch light near the dipole bends |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.07 | The BPMs shall be used as input for beam trajectory correction and/or feedforward to optimize transmission efficiency |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.08 | The BPMs shall be used to measure the transport lattice. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-BPM.09 | The BPMs located in the high dispersion regions, shall monitor relative changes in the beam energy. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-CM.01 | An ICT and FCT shall be installed near the end of the transfer line. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-CM.02 | The bunch charge shall be measured with an accuracy better than <1 % |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-CM.03 | The bunch charge shall be measured with the resolution of 10 pC |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-CM.04 | The bunch charge monitor shall be used to measure transport efficiency of the Line |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-CM.05 | The FCT shall provide measurements of the bunch patterns being transported to the RCS. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-CM.06 | The FCT shall provide measurements of the bunch patterns being transported to the ESR |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-PM.01 | The optical resolution for beam profile measurements shall be < 50 um |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-PM.02 | A single YAG/OTR PM station shall be located at a dispersive location and used to determine the beam energy spread. |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-PM.03 | The "energy spread PM" station shall be able to measure the beam energy over the range TBD |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-PM.04 | The "energy spread PM station" shall be able to measure the beam energy with a resolution of 2.5 10-3 rms units |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-PM.05 | Multiple, strategically located YAG/OTR screens shall be used in combination for beam emittance measurements |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-PM.06 | The locations of the profile monitors shall be TBD |
P-EIS-HETL-INST-PM.07 | The total number of profile monitors shall be TBD ea |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-ELEC.01 | For a (1 nC) pilot bunch, the BPM single bunch measurement resolution shall be < 1mm |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-ELEC.02 | For (5.5 - 10 nC) bunches, the BPM single bunch measurement resolution shall be < 100microns |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-ELEC.03 | The beam energy measurement resolution shall be 0.4 MeV |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-ELEC.04 | The BPM acquisition rate shall be up to 100 Hz |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-ELEC.05 | The BPMs shall be used as input for beam trajectory correction and/or feedback to optimize transmission efficiency. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-ELEC.06 | The BPMs shall be used to measure the beam energy and characterize the accelerator lattice. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-PU.01 | The BPM pick-up alignment accuracy with respect to to its nearby quadrapole magnet shall be better than 100 µm |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-PU.02 | The BPM button style pick-ups shall be rotated 45 degree configuration to avoid the synch light near the dipole bends. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-PU.03 | The number of BPM Pickups in the Linac-to-RCS transport line shall be TBD ea |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM-PU.04 | The location of the BPM Pickups shall be TBD |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.01 | For a bunch charge range of 100 pc to 10 nC, the BPM measurement resolution shall better than 100 um |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.02 | The BPM acquisition rate shall be up to 100 Hz |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.03 | The number of BPMs in the Linac-to-RCS transport line shall be TBD ea |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.04 | The location of the BPMs shall be TBD |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.05 | The BPM pick-up alignment accuracy with respect to to its nearby quadrapole magnet shall be better than 100 µm |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.06 | The BPM button style pick-ups shall be rotated 45 degree configuration to avoid the synch light near the dipole bends. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.07 | The BPMs shall be used as input for beam trajectory correction and/or feedback to optimize transmission efficiency. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.08 | The BPMs shall be used to measure the beam energy and characterize the accelerator lattice. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-BPM.09 | The beam energy measurement resolution shall be 0.4 MeV |
P-EIS-METL-INST-CM.01 | An ICT and FCT shall be installed near the end of the transfer line. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-CM.02 | The bunch charge shall be measured with an accuracy better than <1 % |
P-EIS-METL-INST-CM.03 | The bunch charge shall be measured with the resolution of 10 pC |
P-EIS-METL-INST-CM.04 | The bunch charge monitor shall be used to measure transport efficiency. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-CM.05 | The FCT shall provide measurements of the bunch patterns being transported to the RCS. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-CM.06 | The number of ICTs in transfer line shall be 3 ea |
P-EIS-METL-INST-CM.07 | The number of FCTs in transfer line shall be TBD ea |
P-EIS-METL-INST-PM.01 | The transfer line shall include plunging YAG/OTR screens to measure beam position, transverse profiles and beam emittance measurements. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-PM.02 | The optical resolution for beam profile measurements shall be 50 um |
P-EIS-METL-INST-PM.03 | A YAG/OTR station at a dispersive location shall be used to determine the beam energy spread. |
P-EIS-METL-INST-PM.04 | The measurement capability shall be appropriate to measure a beam energy spread of 1 MeV |
P-EIS-METL-INST-PM.05 | The measurement capability shall be appropriate to measure a beam emittance (Ref MPT Table 4.4.2.) for H & V of 35 um |
P-EIS-METL-INST-PM.06 | The total number of profile monitors shall be TBD ea |
P-EIS-METL-INST-PM.07 | The locations of the profile monitors shall be TBD |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.01 | Measurement resolution for (1 nC) pilot bunch, single turn shall be < 1 mm |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.02 | Measurement resolution for (1 nC) pilot bunch, 100 turns average shall be < 100 microns |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.03 | Measurement resolution for 4 bunch train & 2 bunch train (before merges), single turn, (1 nC) pilot bunch shall be < 1 mm |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.04 | Measurement resolution for 4 bunch train & 2 bunch train (before merges), single turn, 5.5-28 nC bunches shall be < 100 microns |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.05 | Measurement resolution for 4 bunch train & 2 bunch train (before merges), 100 turns average, 5.5-28 nC bunches shall be < 10 microns |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.06 | Measurement resolution for single bunch (after merges), single turn, (1-4 nC) pilot bunch shall be < 1 mm |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.07 | Measurement resolution for single bunch (after merges), single turn, 5.5-28 nC bunches shall be < 100 microns |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-ELEC.08 | Measurement resolution for single bunch (after merges), 100 turns average, 5.5-28 nC bunches shall be < 10 microns |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-PU.01 | BPM pick-up shall be located near each quadrupole magnet in the RCS |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-PU.02 | BPM pick-up shall be located with respect to the nearby quadrupole with alignment accuracy relative to closest quad of better than 100 microns |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-PU.03 | BPM pick-ups shall be designed to provide the required measurement resolution for a radial area around the center of +/-10 mm |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-PU.04 | BPM pick-ups design shall ensure the simulated impedance is within the accepted overall RCS impedance budget |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-PU.05 | The dual plane button style BPM Pickups shall be placed near the RCS focusing quads and rotated at 45 degrees to avoid synchrotron radiation. |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-BPM-PU.06 | The single plane button style BPM Pickups shall be placed near the defocusing quads will have a button on the top and bottom. |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.01 | A DCCT shall be installed to measure the average current during the RCS cycle. |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.02 | The performance of the DCCT system shall be equivalent to what is provided by the COTS Bergoz NPCT system |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.03 | Provisions shall be made to ensure thermal effects do not interfere with the quality of the average current measurement |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.04 | The DCCT shall be able to measure the Individual bunch charges over a charge range of 5 to 28 nC |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.05 | The DCCT shall be able to measure to an accuracy of tba - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.06 | The DCCT shall be able to monitor the Bunch patterns tba - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.07 | The location of the DCCT shall be tba - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.08 | The locations of FCT shall be - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.09 | The range of average beam current to be measured shall be 0. 390 to 4.4 mA |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.10 | The DCCT system shall have a self calibration system - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.11 | The DCCT system shall provide measurements with absolute accuracy of better than 0.2 % |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.12 | The measurement of the average current shall be provided to users at a rate of at least <0.1 Hz |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.13 | The measurement of the average current shall have an RMS noise of less than 0.01 % |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.14 | The digitizer sample rate of the DCCT measurement during the RCS cycle shall be 100 units |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.15 | The measured average current shall be archived at a rate of 100 units |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.16 | The DCCT sensor shall be radiation resistant |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.17 | The DCCT shall operate in the temperature range of 15-35 degrees C 15-35 °C |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.18 | Stray magnetic fields near the DCCT sensor shall not exceed 0.01 Gauss |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-CM.19 | The DCCT sensor shall have the minimal impedance as seen by the beam |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.01 | A synchrotron light monitor (SLM) shall be installed in the RCS ring downstream of an RCS dipole magnet |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.02 | The location of the SLM light extraction port shall be- TBD |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.03 | The synchrotron light shall be transported from the RCS light extraction port to an optical table for detection. |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.04 | The synchrotron light optical table shall have a streak camera and gated camera shall be installed. |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.05 | The SLM shall be able to make Turn-by-turn measurements using gated cameras to provide measurements of; the injection matching parameters and the beam position stability parameters during acceleration. TBD - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.06 | The SLM shall be used to provide horizontal and vertical transverse profile measurements on bunches with charges > 6nC |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.07 | The SLM horizontal and vertical transverse profile measurements shall be measured with a resolution in both planes of 0.1 mm |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.08 | The SLM shall be used to provide longitudinal profile measurements |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.09 | A dual sweep streak camera shall be used to provide measurements of the bunch length and longitudinal profiles |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.10 | The dual sweep streak camera shall have a resolution of <5 ps |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.11 | The profile measurements shall be used, together with modeled or measured beam optics to infer the beam emittances and energy spread. |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.12 | The Vertical emittance measurement for bunch charges > 6nC, shall be measured with a precision of 0.6 nm (un-norm) |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.13 | The Horizontal emittance measurement for bunch charges > 6nC, shall be measured with a precision of 10 nm (un-norm) |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.14 | The Longitudinal emittance measurement for bunch charges > 6nC, shall be measured with a precision of 0.00001 eV-s |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-SLM.15 | The Energy spread measurement, for bunch charges > 6nC, shall be measured with a precision of 0.0001 dp/p |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TM.01 | Stripline kickers (H & V) shall be installed in the RCS to kick the beam so tunes can be measured by the turn-by-turn BPMs as well as to blow up vertical emittance at end of ramp |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TM.02 | The design of the kickers shall adhere to the impedance budget requirement for the RCS ring |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TM.03 | The amount of kick that the horizontal and vertical kickers shall provide is 0.2 mrad |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TM.04 | The kicker waveform parameters (pulse shape and length) shall be Pulse shape rectangular dt=2.4 to 5mS mS |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TM.05 | The location of the kickers shall be near low beta value |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TM.06 | The kickers HV PS's shall have the capability to pulse twice per second: Once for tune and once for emittance blow up |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TPM.01 | Plunging YAG/OTR PM screen stations will be installed in the RCS ring to facilitate commissioning and re-establishing beam |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TPM.02 | The YAG/OTR PM shall be located as follows : one in each straight section (6), and one after the injection septum(1). Making a Total of 7 - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TPM.03 | The exact locations in the straight sections shall be tbd - |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TPM.04 | The optical resolution for beam profile measurements shall be <50 microns |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TPM.05 | Each measurement station will provide three possible options, inserted YAG screen, inserted OTR screen, and an impedance matched sleeve connected with RF fingers during normal operations. |
P-EIS-RCS-INST-TPM.06 | Provisions shall be made so that the impedance match sleeve cannot be inadvertently retracted during normal operations. |
P-ESR-INST-BCM.01 | A bunch pattern monitor shall be installed in the ESR to measure indiviual bunch charge with an accuracy 1 % |
P-ESR-INST-BCM.02 | The Bunch pattern monitor shall be capable of measuring Bunch patterns ranging from a single bunch, to a filled ring with 1,160 bunches |
P-ESR-INST-BLM.01 | BLM shall be needed to needed to protect sensitive equipment. |
P-ESR-INST-BLM.02 | The number of BLM installed in the ESR shall be TBD ea |
P-ESR-INST-BLM.03 | BLM shall be installed at the following locations in the ESR TBD |
P-ESR-INST-BLM.04 | The sensitivity of the BLM detectors shall be TBD units? |
P-ESR-INST-BLM.05 | Where possible existing RHIC BLM's can be relocated to identify ESR & HSR losses |
P-ESR-INST-BLM.06 | The response time from loss detection to abort shall be TBD us |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.01 | Beam position monitor shall have electronics with turn-by-turn capability |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.02 | The first 20 BPMs after injection shall be capable of measuring individual bunch positions to minimize betatron oscillations of the newly injected bunches. |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.03 | For 2 nC pilot bunches, single turn, the BPM measurement resolution shall be 100 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.04 | For 2 nC pilot bunches, single turn, the BPM maximum allowable drift shall be 50 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.05 | For 2 nC pilot bunches, 1,000 turns average, the BPM measurement resolution shall be 30 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.06 | For 2 nC pilot bunches, 1,000 turns average, the BPM maximum allowable drift shall be 30 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.07 | For newly injected refill bunches , with low charge (2nC bunches), in presence of stored beam, the measurement resolution shall be H=50 V=10 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.08 | For newly injected refill bunches , with low charge (2nC bunches), in presence of stored beam, the maximum allowable drift shall be 10 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.09 | For newly injected refill bunch - high charge (7-28 nC bunch range), in presence of stored beam, the measurement resolution shall be H=10 V=5 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.10 | For newly injected refill bunch - high charge (7-28 nC bunch range), in presence of stored beam, the maximum allowable drift shall be 5 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.11 | For stored beam, turn-by-turn - low charge(2 nC bunches),the measurement resolution shall be H=V=30 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.12 | For stored beam, turn-by-turn - low charge(2 nC bunches), the maximum allowable drift H=V=30 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.13 | For stored beam, turn-by-turn - high charge(7-28 nC bunch range), the measurement resolution shall be H=V=10 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.14 | For stored beam, turn-by-turn - high charge(7-28 nC bunch range), the maximum allowable drift shall be H=V=10 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.15 | For stored beam, 1,000 turns average, high charge(7-28 nC bunch range),the measurement resolution shall be H=V=5 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.16 | For stored beam, 1,000 turns average, high charge(7-28 nC bunch range),the maximum allowable drift shall be H=V=5 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.17 | For stored beam, 1 second average, high charge(7-28 nC bunch range), the measurement resolution shall be H=V=1 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.18 | For stored beam, 1 second average, high charge, 7-28 nC bunch range, the maximum allowable drift shall be H=V=1 um |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-ELEC.19 | The BPM sum signals shall be used to measure bunch lifetime (1/e) during the 2.5 minute bunch duration |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.01 | There shall be Dual plane BPM pick-ups shall be located at all vertically focusing quads,and at all quadrupoles within about +/- 100 meters around IP6 |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.02 | There shall be NO BPMs at the horizontally focusing quadrupoles. |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.03 | No single plane BPMs are required for the ESR |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.04 | Special BPM pick-ups shall be located between the RF cavities in sector 10, for position resolution |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.05 | The total number of ESR BPM pick-ups shall be 220 BPMs |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.06 | The ESR BPM pick-ups shall be designed to provide the required measurement resolution over the range of H=+/- 10 V=+/- 5 mm |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.07 | No ESR BPM pick-ups shall be required to have an unusual range of position requirements. |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.08 | The BPM pick-up design shall ensure the simulated impedance is within the accepted overall ESR impedance budget. |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.09 | The BPM pick-up shall be designed to ensure the maximim temperatures of the components (due to heating by the beam) are acceptable for reliability and operations, using thermal simulation software. |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.10 | The BPM pick-ups shall be designed to be baked to 250 °C for a sufficiently large number of thermal cycles. |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.11 | The BPM pick-up installation mechanical misalignment tolerance shall be same as for the quadrupoles. 100 µm |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.12 | The relative alignment of the BPMs and neighboring quads, after BBA shall be <20 µm |
P-ESR-INST-BPM-PU.13 | The BPM pick-up operational misalignement tolerance variations due to thermal cycling of the ESR shall be <20 µm |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.01 | A DCCT shall measure the average beam current in the ESR. |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.02 | The measurement resolution averaged over 1 sec shall be < 5 uA |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.03 | The DCCT beamline device impedance shall be approved by beam physics. |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.04 | Measurement drift tolerance (thermal effects) shall be ≤ 1 uA/K |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.05 | The DCCT sensor in the ring shall operate in the temperature range of 15 to 35 degrees C |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.06 | The range of average beam current to be measured shall be 0.156x10-3 to 2.5 A |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.07 | The DCCT system shall have a remote controlled self calibration system |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.08 | The DCCT system shall provide measurements with absolute accuracy of better than 0.2 % |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.09 | The measured average current shall be provided to users at a rate of 10 Hz |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.10 | The measured average current shall be archived at a rate of 10 Hz Hz |
P-ESR-INST-DCCT.11 | The DCCT sensor assembly in the ring shall be radiation resistant |
P-ESR-INST-LONGIFB.01 | The requirements for longitudinal feedback are ??? TBD |
P-ESR-INST-LONGIFB.02 | The Longitudinal feedback systems shall be capable of counteracting single-bunch rise times of 1 ms |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.01 | The ESR shall have two synchrotron light monitors (SLM) and one X-ray pin hole monitor |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.02 | The longitudinal bunch profile monitor shall have a turn-by-turn capability based on a single bunch in the fully filled bunch train. |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.03 | TThe SLM systems shall measure the crabbing angle, longitudinal bunch parameters, H & V beam size and global coupling. |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.04 | The SLM shall be able to measure a crabbing angle of 12.5 mrad with accuracy of 10 % |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.05 | The SLM shall be able to measure the Longitudinal bunch parameters with accuracy of TBD - |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.06 | The SLM shall be able to measure the H & V beam size with accuracy of H=?? V=?? units |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.07 | The SLM shall be able to measure the Global coupling with accuracy of TBD - |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.08 | One SLM port shall be located downstream of a dipole in an appropriate location in the ESR, exact location not critical. |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.09 | The second SLM port shall be located in a complimentary location in the lattice to ensure all the necessary SLM measurements can be made. TBD - |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.10 | The SLM light extraction port mirrors shall be good quality, having a surface finish better than 1/10 Lambda |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.11 | The SLM light extraction port mirrors shall be water cooled to avoid image distortion. |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.12 | There shall be an enclosed SL transport from the light extraction port to the SLM optical lab rooms. Length to be determined by the distance to optical lab room, should be minimized to reduce vibration problems. |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.13 | The locations of the SLM optical lab rooms shall be TBD - |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.14 | The double-slit interferometer method shall be used to measure transverse beam size |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.15 | The standard transverse resolution of an SLM using visible light shall be ~60 um |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.16 | The resolution using the double-slit method shall equal to 10 um |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.17 | A streak camera shall be used to measure the bunch longitudinal profiles |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.18 | A position sensitive photo-diode will provide photon beam centroid information which shall supplement the orbit stability measurements by the BPMs |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.19 | A GigE CCD/CMOS camera, externally triggerable with exposure times ranging from 10 nsec to 5 sec, shall be used to image the visible radiation |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.20 | A commercially available gated camera with gate width of <2 nsec (compared to a minimum bunch spacing of 10 nsec) shall be used to detect injection oscillations and for beam studies. |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.21 | The location of the X-ray pinhole monitoring system shall be TBD |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.22 | The target resolution of the X-ray pin hole monitoring system shall be ~ 5 um (or as best that can be achieved with the machine parameters and commercial equipment) 5 um |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.23 | The X-ray pin hole monitor shall provide independent measurement of the energy spread and horizontal/vertical emittance. H=V=15.4 nm |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.24 | The X-ray pinhole photon beamline shall be equipped with gated cameras that will be employed to provide high resolution turn-by-turn profile measurements |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.25 | A pinhole assembly including tungsten slits shall provide sufficient resolution to precisely measure the beam size |
P-ESR-INST-SLM.26 | Several different size pinholes sizes shall be incorporated to allow easy alignment and measurements at different beam currents and energies. |
P-ESR-INST-TMK.01 | Stripline kickers (H & V) shall be used to excite the beam so tunes can be measured using turn-by-turn BPM data. |
P-ESR-INST-TMK.02 | The magnitude of the kick required for the horizontal kicker shall be TBD units |
P-ESR-INST-TMK.03 | The magnitude of the kick required for the vertical kicker shall be TBD units |
P-ESR-INST-TMK.04 | The kicker waveform (risetime and shape) requirements shall be TBD units |
P-ESR-INST-TMK.05 | The location of the tune meter kicker striplines in the ESR shall be TBD units |
P-ESR-INST-TMK.06 | The impedance of the kicker beamline device shall be approved by beam Physics. |
P-ESR-INST-TRANSFB.01 | Placeholder, Input needed TBD |
P-ESR-INST-TRANSFB.03 | Placeholder, Input needed TBD |
P-ESR-INST-TRANSFB.02 | The transverse feedback systems shall be capable of counteracting single-bunch rise times of 1 ms |
P-ESR-INST-TRANSSLFB.01 | The transverse slow feedback system bandwidth shall bs 10 Hz |
This function not yet implemented.